This constructor takes a corbaname: url with 'corbaname:' prefix stripped
and initializes all the variables accordingly. If there are any parsing
errors then BAD_PARAM exception is raised.
String url = aURL;
// First Clean the URL Escapes if there are any
try {
url = Utility.cleanEscapes( url );
} catch( Exception e ) {
badAddress( e );
int delimiterIndex = url.indexOf( '#" );
String corbalocString = null;
if( delimiterIndex != -1 ) {
// Append corbaloc: for Grammar check, Get the string between
// corbaname: and # which forms the corbaloc string
corbalocString = "corbaloc:" +
url.substring( 0, delimiterIndex ) + "/";
} else {
// Build a corbaloc string to check the grammar.
// 10 is the length of corbaname:
corbalocString = "corbaloc:" + url.substring( 0, url.length() );
// If the string doesnot end with a / then add one to end the
// URL correctly
if( corbalocString.endsWith( "/" ) != true ) {
corbalocString = corbalocString + "/";
try {
// Check the corbaloc grammar and set the returned corbaloc
// object to the CorbaName Object
INSURLHandler.getINSURLHandler().parseURL( corbalocString );
copyINSURL( insURL );
// String after '#' is the Stringified name used to resolve
// the Object reference from the rootnaming context. If
// the String is null then the Root Naming context is passed
// back
if((delimiterIndex > -1) &&
(delimiterIndex < (aURL.length() - 1)))
int start = delimiterIndex + 1 ;
String result = url.substring(start) ;
theStringifiedName = result ;
} catch( Exception e ) {
badAddress( e );