Fields Summary |
String | DEFAULT_ACTION_NAMEDefault action name to use when no default action has been configured in the portlet
init parameters. |
String | ACTION_PARAMAction name parameter name |
String | MODE_PARAMKey for parameter holding the last executed portlet mode. |
String | PHASEKey used for looking up and storing the portlet phase |
Integer | RENDER_PHASEConstant used for the render phase (
{@link javax.portlet.Portlet#render(javax.portlet.RenderRequest, javax.portlet.RenderResponse)}) |
Integer | EVENT_PHASEConstant used for the event phase (
{@link javax.portlet.Portlet#processAction(javax.portlet.ActionRequest, javax.portlet.ActionResponse)}) |
String | REQUESTKey used for looking up and storing the
{@link javax.portlet.PortletRequest} |
String | RESPONSEKey used for looking up and storing the
{@link javax.portlet.PortletResponse} |
String | EVENT_ACTIONKey used for looking up and storing the action that was invoked in the event phase. |
String | PORTLET_CONFIGKey used for looking up and storing the
{@link javax.portlet.PortletConfig} |
String | ERROR_ACTIONName of the action used as error handler |
String | PORTLET_NAMESPACEKey for the portlet namespace stored in the
{@link org.apache.struts2.portlet.context.PortletActionContext}. |
String | MODE_NAMESPACE_MAPKey for the mode-to-namespace map stored in the
{@link org.apache.struts2.portlet.context.PortletActionContext}. |
String | DEFAULT_ACTION_FOR_MODEKey for the default action name for the portlet, stored in the
{@link org.apache.struts2.portlet.context.PortletActionContext}. |