UniformItemSection.javaAPI DocAndroid 1.5 API3494Wed May 06 22:41:02 BST


public abstract class UniformItemSection extends Section
A section of a .dex file which consists of a sequence of {@link Item} objects. Each of the items must have the same size in the output.

(Omit source code)

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
public UniformItemSection(String name, DexFile file, int alignment)
Constructs an instance. The file offset is initially unknown.

name null-ok; the name of this instance, for annotation purposes
file non-null; file that this instance is part of
alignment > 0; alignment requirement for the final output; must be a power of 2

        super(name, file, alignment);
Methods Summary
public abstract IndexedItemget( cst)
Gets the item corresponding to the given {@link Constant}. This will throw an exception if the constant is not found, including if this instance isn't the sort that maps constants to {@link IndexedItem} instances.

cst non-null; constant to look for
non-null; the corresponding item found in this instance

public final intgetAbsoluteItemOffset(Item item)

         * Since all items must be the same size, we can use the size
         * of the one we're given to calculate its offset.
        IndexedItem ii = (IndexedItem) item;
        int relativeOffset = ii.getIndex() * ii.writeSize();

        return getAbsoluteOffset(relativeOffset);
protected abstract voidorderItems()
Alters or picks the order for items in this instance if desired, so that subsequent calls to {@link #items} will yield a so-ordered collection. If the items in this instance are indexed, then this method should also assign indices.

protected final voidprepare0()

        DexFile file = getFile();


        for (Item one : items()) {
public final intwriteSize()

        Collection<? extends Item> items = items();
        int sz = items.size();

        if (sz == 0) {
            return 0;

        // Since each item has to be the same size, we can pick any.
        return sz * items.iterator().next().writeSize();
protected final voidwriteTo0( out)

        DexFile file = getFile();
        int alignment = getAlignment();

        for (Item one : items()) {
            one.writeTo(file, out);