An object used in Request operations to
describe the exceptions that can be thrown by a method. It maintains a
modifiable list of TypeCode s of the exceptions.
The following code fragment demonstrates creating
an ExceptionList object:
ORB orb = ORB.init(args, null);
org.omg.CORBA.ExceptionList excList = orb.create_exception_list();
The variable excList represents an ExceptionList
object with no TypeCode objects in it.
To add items to the list, you first create a TypeCode object
for the exception you want to include, using the ORB method
create_exception_tc . Then you use the ExceptionList
method add to add it to the list.
The class ExceptionList has a method for getting
the number of TypeCode objects in the list, and after
items have been added, it is possible to call methods for accessing
or deleting an item at a designated index. |