Methods Summary |
public ColumnRef | addColumn(org.netbeans.modules.dbschema.ColumnElement columnElement, QueryTable queryTable)
ColumnRef columnRef = null;
if ((columnRef = getColumnRef(columnElement)) == null) {
columnRef = new ColumnRef(columnElement, queryTable);
return columnRef;
private void | appendAnsiJoinTableText(java.lang.StringBuffer text, QueryTable table)Appends sql text corresponding to specified table to specified text.
The linked list starting with table.nextTable is walked recursively
to generate join text.
if (table.joinOp == ActionDesc.OP_RIGHTJOIN) {
if (table.prevTable == null) {
appendTableText(text, table);
for (int i = 0; i < table.nextTable.size(); i++) {
QueryTable toTable = (QueryTable) table.nextTable.get(i);
text.append(getJoinOperator(table.joinOp)).append(" "); // NOI18N
appendTableText(text, toTable);
if (toTable.onClause != null) {
text.append(" on "); // NOI18N
if (toTable.nextTable != null) {
appendAnsiJoinTableText(text, toTable);
// Note: Since this method is called only for ANSI joins,
// and only oracle has getLeftJoinPost() defined, we will never
// append any text through following code.
if (table.joinOp == ActionDesc.OP_LEFTJOIN) {
private void | appendAnsiJoinText(java.lang.StringBuffer str, QueryTable t)
// TODO: getTableListStart() and getTableListEnd() returns ""
// for all the databases. Do we need it ?
appendAnsiJoinTableText(str, t);
str.append(", "); // NOI18N
private void | appendJoinCondition(java.lang.StringBuffer result, QueryTable fromTable, QueryTable toTable, org.netbeans.modules.dbschema.ColumnElement fromColumn, org.netbeans.modules.dbschema.ColumnElement toColumn, java.lang.String joinOp)Appends join condition corresponding to specified fromTable, toTable,
fromColumn, toColumn, joinOp to result. If result is not empty " and "
will be appended to it before appending the join condition.
if (result.length() > 0) {
// Composite fk.
result.append(" and ");
result.append("t").append(fromTable.getTableIndex()).append("."); // NOI18N
appendQuotedText(result, fromColumn.getName().getName());
result.append(" ").append(joinOp). // NOI18N
append(" t").append(toTable.getTableIndex()).append("."); // NOI18N
appendQuotedText(result, toColumn.getName().getName());
public void | appendTableText(java.lang.StringBuffer text, QueryTable table)
super.appendTableText(text, table);
if (isUpdateLockRequired(table)) {
//Append eqivalent of "with (updlock)" to the table text
text.append(vendorType.getHoldlock() );
//For efficiency, the test whether a database is capable of supporting
//holdlock would be made in method getText() where we generate
//text corresponding to vendorType.getForUpdate()
public void | bindInputValues(DBStatement s, parameters)Binds input valus corrsponding to this Statement object to
database statement s.
for (int i = 0, size = inputDesc.values.size(); i < size; i++) {
InputValue inputVal = (InputValue) inputDesc.values.get(i);
s.bindInputColumn(i + 1, getInputValue(inputVal, parameters),
inputVal.getColumnElement(), vendorType);
public void | copyColumns( sourceStatement)
ArrayList columnRefs = sourceStatement.getColumnRefs();
int index = columns.size() + 1;
for (int i = 0; i < columnRefs.size(); i++) {
//addColumnRef((ColumnRef) columnRefs.get(i));
ColumnRef cref = (ColumnRef) columnRefs.get(i);
cref.setIndex(index + i);
private static QueryTable | findQueryTable(QueryPlan plan, org.netbeans.modules.dbschema.ColumnElement ce)
QueryTable table = plan.findQueryTable(ce.getDeclaringTable());
if (table == null) {
// TODO: throw exception
return table;
private void | generateAnsiJoin( jnode, int opCode)Generates an ANSI compliant join. The columns for the join
condition end up in the from clause. The joined tables
are added indirectly to the member variable tableList by
being added to {@link QueryTable#nextTable} associated with
the "from-" table.
for (int i = 0; i < jnode.fromColumns.size(); i++) {
ColumnElement fromColumn = (ColumnElement)jnode.fromColumns.get(i);
ColumnElement toColumn = (ColumnElement)jnode.toColumns.get(i);
QueryTable fromTable = findQueryTable(jnode.fromPlan, fromColumn);
QueryTable toTable = findQueryTable(jnode.toPlan, toColumn);
// Process the from clause
processFromClause(fromTable, toTable);
// Process the on clause.
if (toTable.onClause == null) {
toTable.onClause = new StringBuffer();
appendJoinCondition(toTable.onClause, fromTable, toTable, fromColumn, toColumn, "="); //NOI18N
fromTable.joinOp = opCode;
protected java.lang.StringBuffer | generateColumnText()
StringBuffer columnText = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++) {
ColumnRef cr = (ColumnRef) columns.get(i);
columnText.append("t").append(cr.getQueryTable().getTableIndex()).append("."); // NOI18N
appendQuotedText(columnText, cr.getName());
columnText.append(", "); // NOI18N
columnText.delete(columnText.length() - 2, columnText.length());
return columnText;
private void | generateCorrelatedExistsText(java.lang.StringBuffer whereClause)Generates the text for a correlated exists query. Count distinct queries on
objects with composite primary key are mapped to a correlated exists query.
The "outer" select on the primary table to is correlated
to the "inner" select by the already generated where clause.
statementText = new StringBuffer();
// TODO: Use correlated exists subquery in SelectQueryPlan?
// - Do we handle secondary tables correctly?
// - Do we need order by and for update clauses?
// Generate for update clause while we still have all tables in tableList
boolean updateLockRequired = isUpdateLockRequired();
StringBuffer forUpdateClause = generateForUpdateClause(updateLockRequired);
StringBuffer primaryTableText = new StringBuffer();
QueryTable primaryTable = generatePrimaryTableText(primaryTableText);
// Prepare the generation of the correlated "inner" select clause by
// removing the primary table from the table list.
// As count queries are never generated internally, we're preparing
// a user query here. User queries never have outer joins. It's safe
// remove the table from tableList.
String tableListText = generateTableListText();
// Create the query with the previous generated parts.
statementText.append("select count(*) from "). // NOI18N
append(" where exists (select * from "). // NOI18N
append(tableListText).append(whereClause).append(")"). //NOI18N
private void | generateCountStatementText(java.lang.StringBuffer whereClause)Generates the statement text for a count query. Count queries
on persistence capable objects have been mapped to selecting the
primary key columns in
{@link SelectQueryPlan#addFetchGroups(int, ArrayList, ArrayList)}.
Queries w/o a distinct restriction can be relaxed to select only
one of the primary key columns. Distinct queries on objects with
composite primary key have to be treated special to avoid duplicates.
final int selectedColumns = columns.size();
if (selectedColumns == 1) {
// Single PK. Call regular statement generation.
} else {
boolean oneTable = tableList.size() == 1;
if ((plan.options & RetrieveDescImpl.OPT_DISTINCT) == 0
|| oneTable) {
// Without DISTINCT or when querying just one table, we can
// select only one of the pk columns and get the correct result.
// Remove the rest.
for (int i = selectedColumns; i > 1; ) { columns.remove(--i); }
if (oneTable) {
// When selecting only one table, remove the DISTINCT
// contraint from the query options to get all rows.
plan.options &= ~RetrieveDescImpl.OPT_DISTINCT;
// Now call regular statement generation.
} else {
// This is a distinct count on objects having a composite pk and the query
// includes join constraints. We map this to a correlated exists query.
// Note: columns can only be cleared after this call.
// Since we're not selecting any columns in this query, remove all column
// information. Oracle's special DB operation code gets confused otherwise.
// See OracleSpecialDBOperation#defineColumnTypeForResult(Statement, List)
private java.lang.StringBuffer | generateForUpdateClause(boolean updateLockRequired)
StringBuffer forUpdateClause = new StringBuffer();
if (updateLockRequired) {
// Check if vendor actually supports updatelock
if (!vendorType.isUpdateLockSupported() ) {
// Throw an exception user wanted to have update lock
// But vendor is not supporting it. Do not allow user to proceed
throw new JDOFatalDataStoreException(I18NHelper.getMessage(messages,
"sqlstore.selectstatement.noupdatelocksupport"));// NOI18N
// generating the ForUpdate Clause
String vendorForUpdate = vendorType.getForUpdate().trim();
boolean vendorHasForUpdateClause = (vendorForUpdate.length() != 0);
if (vendorHasForUpdateClause) {
forUpdateClause.append(" ").append(vendorForUpdate).append(" ");
if (vendorType.isLockColumnListSupported()) {
for (int i = 0; i < tableList.size(); i++) {
QueryTable queryTable = (QueryTable) tableList.get(i);
if (isUpdateLockRequired(queryTable)) {
TableDesc tableDesc = queryTable.getTableDesc();
//Get the first column of primary key
ColumnElement ce = (ColumnElement) tableDesc.getKey().getColumns().get(0);
forUpdateClause.append("t").append(i).append("."); // NOI18N
appendQuotedText(forUpdateClause, ce.getName().getName());
forUpdateClause.append(", "); // NOI18N
// Remove trailing ", "
forUpdateClause.delete(forUpdateClause.length() - 2, forUpdateClause.length());
return forUpdateClause;
private void | generateJoin( jnode, java.lang.StringBuffer whereText, int opCode)Generate a "regular" join. The columns for the join condition
end up in the where clause. The corresponding tables are added
directly to the member variable tableList.
Note that this method is normally called to process EQUI- joins
only. For databases that are marked for native join sematics,
this method will be called to process both EQUI- and OUTER- joins.
for (int i = 0; i < jnode.fromColumns.size(); i++) {
ColumnElement fromColumn = (ColumnElement)jnode.fromColumns.get(i);
ColumnElement toColumn = (ColumnElement)jnode.toColumns.get(i);
QueryTable fromTable = findQueryTable(jnode.fromPlan, fromColumn);
QueryTable toTable = findQueryTable(jnode.toPlan, toColumn);
toTable.prevTable = null;
fromTable, toTable, fromColumn, toColumn,
if (opCode == ActionDesc.OP_LEFTJOIN ) {
// Append oracle style (+) or similar.
private QueryTable | generatePrimaryTableText(java.lang.StringBuffer primaryTableText)Generates the table text for the first column of the column list.
// Get the primary table from the first selected column.
// TODO: Is the first column always mapped to the primary table?
QueryTable primaryTable = ((ColumnRef)columns.get(0)).getQueryTable();
// Generate the table text.
appendTableText(primaryTableText, primaryTable);
return primaryTable;
private void | generateRegularStatementText(java.lang.StringBuffer whereClause)Generates the statement text for a "regular" select query.
Count queries have to get special attention in case of objects
with composite primary key.
statementText = new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer columnText = generateColumnText();
String tableListText = generateTableListText();
String aggregateText = getAggregateText();
String aggregateEnd = (aggregateText.length() > 0) ? ")" : ""; // NOI18N
if (orderClause.length() > 0) {
orderClause.insert(0, " order by ");
final boolean updateLockRequired = isUpdateLockRequired();
StringBuffer forUpdateClause = generateForUpdateClause(updateLockRequired);
String distinctText = getDistinctText(updateLockRequired);
// Create the query filling in the column list, table name, etc.
statementText.append("select "). // NOI18N
append(" from ").append(tableListText). // NOI18N
protected void | generateStatementText()
// Because join conditions for ANSI outer joins end up in the
// from clause, the constraint stack has to be processed before we
// generate the from clause.
StringBuffer constraints = processConstraints();
StringBuffer outerJoinText = processOuterJoinConstraints();
if (outerJoinText != null && outerJoinText.length() > 0) {
if (constraints.length() > 0 ) {
constraints.append(" and ");
StringBuffer whereClause = new StringBuffer();
if (constraints.length() > 0 ) {
whereClause.append(" where ").append(constraints);
if ((plan.options & RetrieveDescImpl.OPT_COUNT_PC) == 0) {
} else {
private java.lang.String | generateTableListText()
StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < tableList.size(); i++) {
QueryTable t = (QueryTable) tableList.get(i);
if (t.prevTable == null && t.nextTable == null) {
appendTableText(str, t);
str.append(", "); // NOI18N
} else {
// Table is part of an outer join list.
if (t.prevTable == null) {
// Beginning of the list.
appendAnsiJoinText(str, t);
} else {
// The table is in the "middle" of the list.
while (t.prevTable != null) {
t = t.prevTable;
if (!tableList.contains(t)) {
// Outer join list starts with a join table.
// Because join tables aren't in the table list,
// they wouldn't be included in the table text.
appendAnsiJoinText(str, t);
str.delete(str.length() - 2, str.length());
return str.toString();
private java.lang.String | getAggregateText()
int aggregateOption = plan.options & RetrieveDescImpl.OPT_AGGREGATE;
switch (aggregateOption) {
case RetrieveDescImpl.OPT_AVG:
return "AVG( "; // NOI18N
case RetrieveDescImpl.OPT_MIN:
return "MIN("; // NOI18N
case RetrieveDescImpl.OPT_MAX:
return "MAX("; // NOI18N
case RetrieveDescImpl.OPT_SUM:
return "SUM("; // NOI18N
case RetrieveDescImpl.OPT_COUNT:
case RetrieveDescImpl.OPT_COUNT_PC:
return "COUNT("; // NOI18N
return ""; // NOI18N
private java.lang.String | getDistinctText(boolean updateLockRequired)
String distinctText = ""; // NOI18N
if ((plan.options & RetrieveDescImpl.OPT_DISTINCT) > 0) {
if( !updateLockRequired || vendorType.isDistinctSupportedWithUpdateLock()) {
//Include DISTINCT only if update lock is not required
//If update lock is required, include DISTINCT only if vendor supports update lock with DISTINCT
//(e.g. ORACLE throws ORA-01786 if DISTINCT and FOR UPDATE are used in same query
//For the case where update lock is required and vendor does not support DISTINCT/
//with update lock, we would do DISTINCT in our code after retrieving the data
//see SQLStoreManger::retrieve()
distinctText = "distinct "; // NOI18N
return distinctText;
public java.lang.String | getFormattedSQLText( parameters)Gets formatted sql text corrsponding to this statement object. The text
also contains values for input to the statement.
return formatSqlText(getText(), getInputValues(parameters)) ;
private static java.lang.Object | getInputValue(InputValue inputVal, parameters)Gets actual value corresponding to inputVal . If
inputVal is an instanceof InputValue then value contained
in inputVal is returned. If inputVal is an instanceof
InputParamValue then value returned is obtained from parameters
Object val;
if (inputVal instanceof InputParamValue) {
int paramIndex = ((InputParamValue) inputVal).getParamIndex().intValue();
val = parameters.getValue(paramIndex);
else {
val = inputVal.getValue();
return val;
private java.lang.Object[] | getInputValues( parameters)Get Input values to be bound to this statement.
final int size = inputDesc.values.size();
Object[] inputValues = new Object[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
InputValue inputValue = (InputValue) inputDesc.values.get(i);
inputValues[i] = getInputValue(inputValue, parameters);
return inputValues;
protected java.lang.String | getJoinOperator(int operation)Returns join operator for specified operation.
String result = null;
switch (operation) {
case ActionDesc.OP_EQUIJOIN:
result = " = "; // NOI18N
case ActionDesc.OP_LEFTJOIN:
result = vendorType.getLeftJoin();
case ActionDesc.OP_RIGHTJOIN:
result = vendorType.getRightJoin();
throw new JDOFatalInternalException(
"core.constraint.illegalop", operation)); // NOI18N
return result;
public QueryPlan | getQueryPlan()
return plan;
public boolean | isColumnTypeDefinitionNeeded()Determines if Column Type definition is needed for this statement.
Column Type definition is a performance optimization that allows defining
Column Type for the resultset.
If the query to be executed is counting pc instances, the column used
inside COUNT() is one of the pk columns. If the pk column happens to be
not convertable to an int (for example timestamp), database will throw an
exception. To prevent this situation, column type definition should not
be performed on such queries.
return (plan.options & RetrieveDescImpl.OPT_COUNT_PC ) == 0;
public boolean | isJoined()
return isJoined;
private boolean | isUpdateLockRequired()Determines if an update lock is required while executing this query.
boolean updateLockRequired = false;
// TODO: We can optimize this by storing the value in a member variable
for (int i = 0; i < tableList.size() && !updateLockRequired; i++) {
QueryTable queryTable = (QueryTable) tableList.get(i);
updateLockRequired = isUpdateLockRequired(queryTable);
return updateLockRequired;
protected boolean | isUpdateLockRequired(QueryTable table)
return (plan.options & RetrieveDescImpl.OPT_AGGREGATE) == 0
&& table.getTableDesc().isUpdateLockRequired();
public void | markJoined()
isJoined = true;
private static void | processFromClause(QueryTable fromTable, QueryTable toTable)Processes specified fromTable and toTable to generate appropriate from
clause when table text is generated.
toTable is added to fromTable.nextTable if not already present. See
{@link #appendAnsiJoinTableText(StringBuffer,QueryTable)} for
details on how this is used to generate table text.
if (toTable.prevTable != null && toTable.prevTable != fromTable) {
// TODO:
// Check that these tables aren't already participating in
// a join (except to each other). If either of them are
// then we will have to make a new table alias for that
// table and put in an addtional equijoin between the old
// alias and the new based, of course, on the key columns.
if (fromTable.nextTable == null) {
fromTable.nextTable = new ArrayList();
toTable.prevTable = fromTable;
} else {
// Make sure we don't add the same table twice.
if (!fromTable.nextTable.contains(toTable)) {
toTable.prevTable = fromTable;
protected void | processIrregularOperation( opNode, int opCode, java.util.List stack, java.lang.StringBuffer result)
switch (opCode) {
case ActionDesc.OP_EQUIJOIN:
processJoinOperation((ConstraintJoin)opNode, result);
super.processIrregularOperation(opNode, opCode, stack, result);
private void | processJoinOperation( jnode, java.lang.StringBuffer whereText)Generates a join condition for specified jnode. Equi joins and native
outer joins end up in the where clause. Ansi compliant outer join
conditions end up in the from clause.
int opCode = jnode.operation;
// Generate ANSI outer joins if doAnsiJoin == true,
// i.e. the vendor has no "native" outer join semantics.
boolean doAnsiJoin = opCode != ActionDesc.OP_EQUIJOIN
&& !vendorType.isNativeOuterJoin();
if (doAnsiJoin) {
generateAnsiJoin(jnode, opCode);
} else {
generateJoin(jnode, whereText, opCode);
private void | processOrderByField( fieldNode, int op)Adds a column corresponding to field fieldNode and
order operation op to the order constraint.
QueryPlan thePlan = getOriginalPlan(fieldNode);
StringBuffer orderText = new StringBuffer();
generateColumnText(fieldNode.desc, thePlan, orderText);
if (op == ActionDesc.OP_ORDERBY_DESC) {
orderText.append(" desc"); // NOI18N
if (orderClause.length() > 0) {
orderText.append(", "); // NOI18N
orderClause = orderText;
private java.lang.StringBuffer | processOuterJoinConstraints()Process outer join constraints for this statement.
StringBuffer joinCondition = null;
final List joinStack = constraint.getOuterJoinConstraints();
final int joinStackSize = joinStack.size();
if (joinStackSize > 0) {
joinCondition = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < joinStackSize; i++) {
ConstraintJoin joinNode = (ConstraintJoin) joinStack.get(i);
processJoinOperation(joinNode, joinCondition);
return joinCondition;
protected void | processRootConstraint( opNode, java.util.List stack, java.lang.StringBuffer whereText)Processes Order By constraints and calls the super class
method for all other constrains.
int op = opNode.operation;
int opInfo = operationFormat(op);
if ((opInfo & OP_ORDERBY_MASK) > 0) {
stack.remove(stack.size() - 1);
ConstraintNode node = (ConstraintNode) stack.get(stack.size() - 1);
if (!(node instanceof ConstraintField)) {
throw new JDOFatalInternalException(I18NHelper.getMessage(messages,
"core.constraint.needfieldnode")); // NOI18N
} else {
processOrderByField((ConstraintFieldDesc) node, op);
stack.remove(stack.size() - 1);
} else {
super.processRootConstraint(opNode, stack, whereText);