ExceptionTable.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API3478Fri May 04 22:34:28 BST 2007com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.enhancer.classfile


public class ExceptionTable extends Object
ExceptionTable represents the exception handlers within the code of a method.

Fields Summary
private Vector
Constructors Summary
public ExceptionTable()

Methods Summary
public voidaddElement(ExceptionRange range)
Add an exception handler to the list

public java.util.Enumerationhandlers()
Return an enumeration of the exception handlers Each element in the enumeration is an ExceptionRange

  /* public accessors */

    return theVector.elements();
voidprint( out, int indent)

    ClassPrint.spaces(out, indent);
    out.println("Exception Table: ");//NOI18N
    for (int i=0; i<theVector.size(); i++)
      ((ExceptionRange) theVector.elementAt(i)).print(out, indent+2);
static com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.enhancer.classfile.ExceptionTableread( data, CodeEnv env)

    ExceptionTable excTable = new ExceptionTable();
    int nExcepts = data.readUnsignedShort();
    while (nExcepts-- > 0) {
      excTable.addElement(, env));
    return excTable;
voidwrite( out)

    for (int i=0; i<theVector.size(); i++)
      ((ExceptionRange) theVector.elementAt(i)).write(out);