BookDetails book;
database = new HashMap();
book = new BookDetails("201", "Duke", "",
"My Early Years: Growing up on *7",
(float)10.75, 1995, "What a cool book.");
database.put(new Integer(201), book);
book = new BookDetails("202", "Jeeves", "",
"Web Servers for Fun and Profit", (float)10.75,
1996, "What a cool book.");
database.put(new Integer(202), book);
book = new BookDetails("203", "Masterson", "Webster",
"Servlets: A Web Developers Dream Come True",
(float)17.75, 1995, "What a cool book.");
database.put(new Integer(203), book);
book = new BookDetails("204", "RealGood", "Coad",
"Moving from C++ to the Java(tm) Programming Language",
(float)10.75, 1996, "What a cool book.");
database.put(new Integer(204), book);
book = new BookDetails("205", "Novation", "Kevin",
"From Oak to Java: The Revolution of a Language",
(float)10.75, 1998, "What a cool book.");
database.put(new Integer(205), book);
book = new BookDetails("206", "Gosling", "James",
"Oak Intermediate Bytecodes", (float)10.75,
1998, "What a cool book.");
database.put(new Integer(206), book);
book = new BookDetails("207", "Thrilled", "Ben",
"The Green Project: Programming for Consumer Devices",
(float)10.75, 1998, "What a cool book");
database.put(new Integer(207), book);
book = new BookDetails("208", "Duke", "",
"100% Pure: Making Cross Platform Deployment a Reality",
(float)10.75, 1998, "What a cool book.");
database.put(new Integer(208), book);
book = new BookDetails("209", "Tru", "Itzal",
"Duke: A Biography of the Java Evangelist",
(float)10.75, 1998, "What a cool book.");
database.put(new Integer(209), book);
book = new BookDetails("210", "Sidence", "Cohen",
"I Think Not: Duke's Likeness to the Federation Insignia",
(float)10.75, 1998, "What a cool book.");
database.put(new Integer(210), book);
al = new ArrayList(database.values());