StandardMetaDataImpl.javaAPI DocJava SE 5 API34168Fri Aug 26 14:55:00 BST 2005com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver


public class StandardMetaDataImpl extends BaseMetaDataImpl
The MetaData class provides local access to the metadata service in an agent.
JMX RI 1.2

Fields Summary
private static final String
The name of this class to be used for tracing
private static Map
Cache of MBeanInfo objects.
private static Map
Cache of MBean Interface objects.
private final boolean
True if RuntimeExceptions from getters, setters, and operations should be wrapped in RuntimeMBeanException. We do not have similar logic for Errors because DynamicMetaDataImpl does not re-wrap RuntimeErrorException as it would RuntimeMBeanException.
private static final Hashtable
objects maps from primitive classes to primitive object classes.
Constructors Summary
public StandardMetaDataImpl()
Creates a Metadata Service.

        primitiveClasses.put(Boolean.TYPE.toString(), Boolean.TYPE);
        primitiveClasses.put(Character.TYPE.toString(), Character.TYPE);
        primitiveClasses.put(Byte.TYPE.toString(), Byte.TYPE);
        primitiveClasses.put(Short.TYPE.toString(), Short.TYPE);
        primitiveClasses.put(Integer.TYPE.toString(), Integer.TYPE);
        primitiveClasses.put(Long.TYPE.toString(), Long.TYPE);
        primitiveClasses.put(Float.TYPE.toString(), Float.TYPE);
        primitiveClasses.put(Double.TYPE.toString(), Double.TYPE);
StandardMetaDataImpl(boolean wrapRuntimeExceptions)

	this.wrapRuntimeExceptions = wrapRuntimeExceptions;
Methods Summary
public synchronized c)
Builds the MBeanInfo from the given concrete MBean class.

c The concrete MBean class from which the MBeanInfo must be built.
NotCompliantMBeanException if the given class is not MBean compliant.
the MBeanInfo built from class c, or null if class c implements {@link}

	return Introspector.testCompliance(c);
public synchronized c, java.lang.Class mbeanInterface)
Builds the MBeanInfo from the given concrete MBean class, using the given mbeanInterface as Management Interface.

c The concrete MBean class from which the MBeanInfo must be built.
mbeanInterface The management interface of the MBean. If null, will use the regular design pattern to determine the management interface.
NotCompliantMBeanException if the given class and interface are not MBean compliant. Does not enforce that if class c is "X", then interface mbeanInterface is "XMBean".
the MBeanInfo built from class c, according to interface mbeanInterface. Does not check whether class c implements {@link}.

	return Introspector.testCompliance(c,mbeanInterface);	
voidcacheMBeanInfo(java.lang.Class c, java.lang.Class mbeanInterface, info)
Cache the MBeanInfo and MBean interface obtained for class c.

This method is called by testCompliance(...) after compliance is successfully verified. It uses two {@link java.util.WeakHashMap WeakHashMaps} - one for the MBeanInfo, one for the MBeanInterface, with calss c as the key.

c The concrete MBean class from which the MBeanInfo was be built.
mbeanInterface The management interface of the MBean. Note that caching will not work if two MBeans of the same class can have different mbeanInterface's. If you want to use caching nonetheless, you will have to to do it by redefining the method {@link #getMBeanInterfaceFromInstance(java.lang.Object) getMBeanInterfaceFromInstance()}.
info The MBeanInfo obtained from class c using interface mbeanInterface.

	if (info != null) {
	    synchronized (mbeanInfoCache) {
		if (mbeanInfoCache.get(c) == null) {
		    mbeanInfoCache.put(c, info);
	if (mbeanInterface != null) {
	    synchronized (mbeanInterfaceCache) {
		if ((mbeanInterfaceCache.get(c) == null) || (((WeakReference)mbeanInterfaceCache.get(c)).get() == null)) {
		    mbeanInterfaceCache.put(c, new WeakReference(mbeanInterface));
private static voiddebug(java.lang.String clz, java.lang.String func, java.lang.String info)

        Trace.send(Trace.LEVEL_DEBUG, Trace.INFO_MBEANSERVER, clz, func, info);
private static voiddebug(java.lang.String func, java.lang.String info)

        debug(dbgTag, func, info);
private static voiddebugX(java.lang.String func, java.lang.Throwable e)

	if (isDebugOn()) {
	    final StringWriter s = new StringWriter();
	    e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(s));
	    final String stack = s.toString();
	    debug(dbgTag,func,"Exception caught in "+ func+"(): "+e);
	    // java.lang.System.err.println("**** Exception caught in "+
	    // 			     func+"(): "+e);
	    // java.lang.System.err.println(stack);
java.lang.ClassfindClass(java.lang.String className, java.lang.ClassLoader loader)
Find a class using the specified ClassLoader.

	return MBeanInstantiatorImpl.loadClass(className, 
public static java.lang.ClassfindClassForPrim(java.lang.String primName)
Get the class of the constructed type corresponding to the given primitive type

	return (Class) primitiveClasses.get(primName);
public static java.lang.reflect.ConstructorfindConstructor(java.lang.Class theClass, java.lang.Class[] parameterTypes)
Finds a specific constructor of a class Returns the requested constructor or null if not found

	// Get the list of methods		
	Constructor mth = null;
	try {
	    mth = theClass.getConstructor(parameterTypes);
	} catch(Exception e) {
	    return null;
	return mth;
public static java.lang.reflect.MethodfindGetter(java.lang.Class classObj, java.lang.String attribute)
Finds the getter of a specific attribute in an object. Returns the method for accessing the attributes, null otherwise

	// Methods called "is" or "get" tout court are not getters
	if (attribute.length() == 0)
	    return null;

	// Look for a method T getX(), where T is not void

	Method m = findMethod(classObj, "get" + attribute, null);
	if (m != null && m.getReturnType() != void.class)
	    return m;

	// Look for a method boolean isX()
	// must not be any other type than "boolean", including not "Boolean"

	m = findMethod(classObj, "is" + attribute, null);
	if (m != null && m.getReturnType() == boolean.class)
	    return m;

	return null;
public static java.lang.reflect.MethodfindMethod(java.lang.Class classObj, java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class[] parameterTypes)
Finds a specific method of an object. Returns the method or null if not found

	Method method=null;   
	try {
	    method= classObj.getMethod(name, parameterTypes); 
	} catch(Exception e) {
	    // OK: will return null.
	return method;
public static java.lang.reflect.MethodfindMethod(java.lang.Class classObj, java.lang.String name)
Finds a specific method of an object without knowing the parameter types. Returns the method or null if not found

	Method method = null ;
	try {
	    Method[] methods=classObj.getMethods();
	    int i = 0;
	    while ((i < methods.length) && 
		   !methods[i].getName().equals(name)) {
	    if (i < methods.length) { 
		method = methods[i];
	} catch(Exception e) {
	    // OK: will return null.
	return method;
public static java.lang.reflect.MethodfindMethod(java.lang.Class classObj, java.lang.String name, int paramCount)
Finds a specific method of an object given the number of parameters. Returns the method or null if not found

	Method method = null;
	try {
            Method[] methods=classObj.getMethods();
            int i = 0;
            boolean found = false;
            while ((i < methods.length) && !found) {
                found = methods[i].getName().equals(name);
                if (found) { // Now check if the number of parameters
                    found = (methods[i].getParameterTypes().length == 
            if (found) { 
                method = methods[i-1] ; // Note i-1 !
        } catch(Exception e) {
	    // OK: will return null;
        return method;[]findNotifications(java.lang.Object moi)
Returns the MBeanNotificationInfo of the MBeans that implement the NotificationBroadcaster interface.

        if (moi instanceof {       
            MBeanNotificationInfo[] mbn = 
            if (mbn == null) {
                return new MBeanNotificationInfo[0];
            MBeanNotificationInfo[] result = 
	    new MBeanNotificationInfo[mbn.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < mbn.length; i++) {
                result[i] = (MBeanNotificationInfo) mbn[i].clone();
            return result;
        return new MBeanNotificationInfo[0];
public static java.lang.ClassfindPrimForClass(java.lang.Object value)
Get the class of the primitive type corresponding to the given constructed object.

	if (value instanceof Boolean)
	    return Boolean.TYPE;
	else if (value instanceof Character)
	    return Character.TYPE;
	else if (value instanceof Byte)
	    return Byte.TYPE;
	else if (value instanceof Short)
	    return Short.TYPE;
	else if (value instanceof Integer)
	    return Integer.TYPE;
	else if (value instanceof Long)
	 return Long.TYPE;
	else if (value instanceof Float)
	    return Float.TYPE;
	else if (value instanceof Double)
	    return Double.TYPE;
	return null;
public static java.lang.reflect.MethodfindSetter(java.lang.Class classObj, java.lang.String attribute, java.lang.Class type)
Finds the setter of a specific attribute in an object. Returns the method for accessing the attribute, null otherwise


	Method mth= findMethod(classObj, "set" + attribute, 1);
	if (mth != null) {
	    Class[] pars = mth.getParameterTypes();
	    if (pars[0].isAssignableFrom(type)) {
		return mth;
	return null;
public static java.lang.reflect.MethodfindSetter(java.lang.Class classObj, java.lang.String attribute)
Finds the setter of a specific attribute without knowing its type. Returns the method for accessing the attribute, null otherwise

	return findMethod(classObj, "set" + attribute, 1) ;
static java.lang.StringfindSignature(java.lang.Class clz)
Converts the class to a class signature.

        return clz.getName();
java.lang.Class[]findSignatureClasses(java.lang.String[] signature, java.lang.ClassLoader loader)
Find the classes from a signature using the specified ClassLoader.

	return ((signature == null)?null:
static java.lang.String[]findSignatures(java.lang.Class[] clz)
Converts the array of classes to an array of class signatures.

        String signers[] = new String[clz.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < clz.length; i++) {
            signers[i] = findSignature(clz[i]);
        return signers;
private static voidforbidInvokeGetterSetter(java.lang.reflect.Method mth, java.lang.String operationName)

        final Class argTypes[] = mth.getParameterTypes();
        final Class resultType = mth.getReturnType();
        final int argCount = argTypes.length;

	boolean isInvokeGetterSetter = false;

	switch (argCount) {
	case 0: // might be a getter
	    if ((startsWithAndHasMore(operationName, "get") &&
		 resultType != Void.TYPE) ||
		(startsWithAndHasMore(operationName, "is") &&
		 resultType == Boolean.TYPE)) {
		// Operation is a getter
		isInvokeGetterSetter = true;

	case 1: // might be a setter
	    if (startsWithAndHasMore(operationName, "set") &&
		resultType == Void.TYPE) {
		// Operation is a setter
		isInvokeGetterSetter = true;

	if (isInvokeGetterSetter) {
	    boolean allow;
	    try {
		GetPropertyAction getProp =
		    new GetPropertyAction("jmx.invoke.getters");
		allow = (AccessController.doPrivileged(getProp) != null);
	    } catch (SecurityException e) {
		// too bad, don't allow it
		allow = false;
	    if (!allow) {
		final String msg =
		    "Cannot invoke getter or setter (" + operationName +
		    ") as operation unless jmx.invoke.getters property is set";
		final Exception nested =
		    new NoSuchMethodException(operationName);
		throw new ReflectionException(nested, msg);
public java.lang.ObjectgetAttribute(java.lang.Object instance, java.lang.String attribute)

        Class mbeanClass = getMBeanInterfaceFromInstance(instance);
	if (isDebugOn()) {
	    debug("getAttribute","MBean Class is " + instance.getClass());
	    debug("getAttribute","MBean Interface is " + mbeanClass);

        return getAttribute(instance, attribute, mbeanClass);
java.lang.ObjectgetAttribute(java.lang.Object instance, java.lang.String attribute, java.lang.Class mbeanClass)
Invoke getAttribute through reflection on a standard MBean instance.

        if (attribute == null) {
	    final RuntimeException r = 
		new IllegalArgumentException("Attribute name cannot be null");
            throw new RuntimeOperationsException(r, 
                "Exception occured trying to invoke the getter on the MBean");
	// Standard MBean: need to reflect...
        Method meth = null;
        meth = findGetter(mbeanClass, attribute);
        if (meth == null) {
	    if (isTraceOn()) {
		trace("getAttribute", "Cannot find getter for "+attribute+
		      " in class " + mbeanClass.getName());
            throw new AttributeNotFoundException(attribute + 
						 " not accessible");

        // Invoke the getter     
        if (isTraceOn()) {
            trace("getAttribute", "Invoke callback");
        Object result= null;
        try {
            result = meth.invoke(instance, (Object[]) null);      
        } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
            Throwable t = e.getTargetException();
            if (t instanceof RuntimeException) {
		final String msg =
		    "RuntimeException thrown in the getter for the attribute "
		    + attribute;
		throw wrapRuntimeException((RuntimeException) t, msg);
            } else if (t instanceof Error) {
                throw new RuntimeErrorException((Error) t ,
		  "Error thrown in the getter for the attribute " + 
            } else {
                throw new MBeanException((Exception) t, 
		  "Exception thrown in the getter for the attribute " + 
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            throw new RuntimeOperationsException(e, 
                  "RuntimeException thrown trying to invoke the getter" +
		  " for the attribute " + attribute);    
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            throw new ReflectionException(e, "Exception thrown trying to" +
                  " invoke the getter for the attribute " + attribute);
        } catch (Error e) {
            throw new RuntimeErrorException((Error)e, 
		  "Error thrown trying to invoke the getter " +
		  " for the attribute " + attribute);

        if (isTraceOn()) {
            trace("getAttribute", attribute + "= " + result + "\n");
        return result; 
public instance, java.lang.String[] attributes)

	final Class mbeanClass = 

	if (isDebugOn()) {
	    debug("getAttributes","MBean Class is " + instance.getClass());
	    debug("getAttributes","MBean Interface is " + mbeanClass);

        if (attributes == null) {
            throw new RuntimeOperationsException(new 
		IllegalArgumentException("Attributes cannot be null"), 
                "Exception occured trying to invoke the getter on the MBean");

	// Go through the list of attributes
        final int maxLimit = attributes.length;
	final AttributeList result = new AttributeList(maxLimit);

        for (int i=0;i<maxLimit;i++) { 
            final String elmt = (String)attributes[i];
            try {        
                final Object value = 
		    getAttribute(instance, elmt, mbeanClass);
                result.add(new Attribute(elmt, value));
            } catch (Exception excep) {
                if (isDebugOn()) {
                    debug("getAttributes", "Object= " + instance + 
			  ", Attribute=" + elmt + " failed: " + excep);
        return result; c)
Returns the MBeanInfo that was cached for class c.

c The concrete MBean class.
The cached MBeanInfo if found, null otherwise.

        synchronized (mbeanInfoCache) {
	    return (MBeanInfo)mbeanInfoCache.get(c);
java.lang.ClassgetCachedMBeanInterface(java.lang.Class c)
Returns the MBean interface that was cached for class c.

c The concrete MBean class.
The cached MBean interface if found, null otherwise.

	synchronized (mbeanInterfaceCache) {
	    return (Class)(((WeakReference)mbeanInterfaceCache.get(c)).get());
public java.lang.StringgetMBeanClassName(java.lang.Object moi)

	return moi.getClass().getName();
public moi)

	try {
	    final MBeanInfo mbi = getMBeanInfoFromClass(moi.getClass());
	    return new MBeanInfo(mbi.getClassName(), mbi.getDescription(), 
	} catch (NotCompliantMBeanException x) {
	    throw new IntrospectionException("Can't build MBeanInfo for "+
public beanClass)
This method discovers the attributes and operations that an MBean exposes for management.

beanClass The class to be analyzed.
An instance of MBeanInfo allowing to retrieve all methods and operations of this class.
IntrospectionException if an exception occurs during introspection.
NotCompliantMBeanException if the MBean class is not MBean compliant.

	// Check the mbean information cache.
	MBeanInfo bi = getCachedMBeanInfo(beanClass);

	// Make an independent copy of the MBeanInfo.        
	if (bi != null) return (MBeanInfo) bi.clone() ;

	// We don't have have any MBeanInfo for that class yet.
	// => test compliance.

	bi = getCachedMBeanInfo(beanClass);;

	// Make an independent copy of the MBeanInfo.
	if (bi != null) return (MBeanInfo) bi.clone() ;
	return bi;
public java.lang.ClassgetMBeanInterfaceFromClass(java.lang.Class c)
This methods returns the MBean interface of an MBean

	final Class itf = getCachedMBeanInterface(c);
	if (itf != null) return itf;
	synchronized (this) {
	    return Introspector.getMBeanInterface(c);
java.lang.ClassgetMBeanInterfaceFromInstance(java.lang.Object instance)
This methods returns the MBean interface of the given MBean instance.

It does so by calling getMBeanInterfaceFromClass(instance.getClass());

instance the MBean instance.

	if (instance == null) return null;
	return getMBeanInterfaceFromClass(instance.getClass());
public java.lang.ClassgetStandardMBeanInterface(java.lang.Class c)
This methods analizes the passed MBean class and returns the default MBean interface according to JMX patterns.

	synchronized (this) {
	    return Introspector.getStandardMBeanInterface(c);
public java.lang.Objectinvoke(java.lang.Object instance, java.lang.String operationName, java.lang.Object[] params, java.lang.String[] signature)

        if (operationName == null) {
	    final RuntimeException r = 
	      new IllegalArgumentException("Operation name cannot be null");
            throw new RuntimeOperationsException(r, 
              "Exception occured trying to invoke the operation on the MBean");

	final Class objClass = instance.getClass();
        final Class mbeanClass = getMBeanInterfaceFromInstance(instance);
	final ClassLoader aLoader = objClass.getClassLoader();

	if (isDebugOn()) {
	    debug("invoke","MBean Class is " + instance.getClass());
	    debug("invoke","MBean Interface is " + mbeanClass);

        // Build the signature of the method
        final Class[] tab = 
	    ((signature == null)?null:
        // Query the metadata service to get the right method
        Method mth= findMethod(mbeanClass, operationName, tab);
        if (mth == null) {
            if (isTraceOn()) {
                trace("invoke", operationName + " not found in class " +
            throw new ReflectionException(
		          new NoSuchMethodException(operationName), 
                          "The operation with name " + operationName + 
			  " could not be found");

        // Make it impossible to call getters and setters through invoke()
        forbidInvokeGetterSetter(mth, operationName);

        // invoke the method        
        if (isTraceOn()) {
            trace("invoke", "Invoking " + operationName);
        Object result=null;
        try {
            result= mth.invoke(instance, params); 
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            throw new ReflectionException(e, "IllegalAccessException" + 
		   " occured trying to invoke operation " + operationName);
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            throw new RuntimeOperationsException(e, "RuntimeException" + 
                   " occured trying to invoke operation " + operationName);
        } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
            // Wrap the exception.         
            Throwable t = e.getTargetException();
            if (t instanceof RuntimeException) {
		final String msg = "RuntimeException thrown in operation " +
		throw wrapRuntimeException((RuntimeException) t, msg);
            } else if (t instanceof Error) {
                throw new RuntimeErrorException((Error) t, 
                   "Error thrown in operation " + operationName);
            } else {
                throw new MBeanException((Exception) t, 
                   "Exception thrown in operation " + operationName);
        if (isTraceOn()) {
            trace("invoke", "Send the result");
        return (result);
private static booleanisDebugOn()

        return Trace.isSelected(Trace.LEVEL_DEBUG, Trace.INFO_MBEANSERVER);
public booleanisInstanceOf(java.lang.Object instance, java.lang.String className)

	final Class c = 
	    findClass(className, instance.getClass().getClassLoader());

	return c.isInstance(instance);
private static booleanisTraceOn()

        return Trace.isSelected(Trace.LEVEL_TRACE, Trace.INFO_MBEANSERVER);
public java.lang.ObjectsetAttribute(java.lang.Object instance, attribute)

        final Class mbeanClass = 

	if (isDebugOn()) {
	    debug("setAttribute","MBean Class is " + instance.getClass());
	    debug("setAttribute","MBean Interface is " + mbeanClass);

	return setAttribute(instance,attribute,mbeanClass);
java.lang.ObjectsetAttribute(java.lang.Object instance, attribute, java.lang.Class mbeanClass)
Invoke setAttribute through reflection on a standard MBean instance.

        if (attribute == null) {
	    final RuntimeException r = 
		new IllegalArgumentException("Attribute name cannot be null");
            throw new RuntimeOperationsException(r, 
                "Exception occured trying to invoke the setter on the MBean");
	final Class objClass = instance.getClass();
	final ClassLoader aLoader = objClass.getClassLoader();

        Object result = null;
        final Object value   = attribute.getValue();
	final String attname = attribute.getName();

        // Query the metadata service to get the appropriate setter
        // of the object.
        Method meth = null;

	if (value == null) {
	    meth = findSetter(mbeanClass, attname);
	} else {
	    meth = findSetter(mbeanClass, attname, value.getClass());
        if (meth == null) {       
            // Check whether the type is a primitive one       
            Class primClass = findPrimForClass(value);     
            if (primClass != null) {       
                meth = findSetter(mbeanClass, attname, primClass);     
        if (meth == null) {
            // Try to check if the attribute name does correspond to a 
	    // valid property       
            meth= findSetter(mbeanClass, attname);
	    if (meth == null) {
		if (isTraceOn()) {
		    trace("setAttribute", "Cannot find setter for "+attribute+
			  " in class " + mbeanClass.getName());
                throw new AttributeNotFoundException( attname + 
						      " not accessible");
            } else {
		final Object v = attribute.getValue();
		if (v == null) {
		    throw new InvalidAttributeValueException("attribute= " + 
                                attname + " value = null");
		} else {
		    throw new InvalidAttributeValueException("attribute= " + 
                                attname + " value = " + v);
        // Invoke the setter     
        if (isTraceOn()) {
            trace("setAttribute", "Invoking the set method for " + 
        final Object[] values = new Object[1];
        values[0] = value;

        try {
            result = meth.invoke(instance,values);
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            // Wrap the exception.            
            throw new ReflectionException(e, "IllegalAccessException" + 
                          " occured trying to invoke the setter on the MBean");
        } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
            Throwable t = e.getTargetException();
	    if (t instanceof RuntimeException) {
		final String msg =
		    "RuntimeException thrown in the setter for the attribute "
		    + attribute;
		throw wrapRuntimeException((RuntimeException) t, msg);
            } else if (t instanceof Error) {
                throw new RuntimeErrorException((Error) t, 
                           "Error thrown in the MBean's setter");   
            } else {
                throw new MBeanException((Exception) t, 
                           "Exception thrown in the MBean's setter");
        if (isTraceOn()) {
            trace("setAttribute", attname + "= " + value);
        return value;
public instance, attributes)

	final Class objClass       = instance.getClass();
        final Class mbeanClass     = getMBeanInterfaceFromInstance(instance);
	final ClassLoader aLoader  = objClass.getClassLoader();
	if (isDebugOn()) {
	    debug("setAttributes","MBean Class is " + instance.getClass());
	    debug("setAttributes","MBean Interface is " + mbeanClass);

	if (attributes == null) return new AttributeList();

	final AttributeList result = new AttributeList(attributes.size());

	// Go through the list of attributes
        for (final Iterator i = attributes.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            final Attribute attr = (Attribute);
            final String id          = attr.getName();
            final Object value       = attr.getValue();          
            try {
                final Object newValue = 
		    setAttribute(instance, attr, mbeanClass);  
                if (isTraceOn()) {
                    trace("setAttributes", "Updating the list\n");
                result.add(new Attribute(id, newValue));
            } catch (Exception excep) {
                if (isDebugOn()) {
                    debug("setAttributes", "Unexpected exception occured: " +
        return result;	

private static booleanstartsWithAndHasMore(java.lang.String s, java.lang.String prefix)

	return (s.startsWith(prefix) && s.length() > prefix.length());
public synchronized voidtestCompliance(java.lang.Class c)
This methods tests if the MBean is JMX compliant

	// ------------------------------ 
	// ------------------------------

	final MBeanInfo mbeanInfo  = buildMBeanInfo(c);
	final Class mbeanInterface = Introspector.getMBeanInterface(c);
public synchronized voidtestCompliance(java.lang.Class c, java.lang.Class mbeanInterface)
This methods tests if the MBean is JMX compliant.
  • It does not enforce that if c="X", mbeanInterface="XMBean".
  • It does not check whether c is a DynamicMBean
  • 	// ------------------------------ 
    	// ------------------------------
    	final MBeanInfo mbeanInfo = 
    	if (mbeanInterface == null) 
    	    mbeanInterface = Introspector.getStandardMBeanInterface(c);
    private static voidtrace(java.lang.String clz, java.lang.String func, java.lang.String info)

            Trace.send(Trace.LEVEL_TRACE, Trace.INFO_MBEANSERVER, clz, func, info);
    private static voidtrace(java.lang.String func, java.lang.String info)

            trace(dbgTag, func, info);
    private java.lang.RuntimeExceptionwrapRuntimeException(java.lang.RuntimeException re, java.lang.String msg)

    	if (wrapRuntimeExceptions)
    	    return new RuntimeMBeanException(re, msg);
    	    return re;