// would really love to know what goes in here.
Constructs a group marker record and sets its fields appropriately.paramid id must be 0x00 or an exception will be throw upon validationparamsize size the size of the data area of the recordparamdata data of the record (should not contain sid/len) super(in);
GroupMarkerSubRecord rec = new GroupMarkerSubRecord(); rec.reserved = new byte[reserved.length]; for ( int i = 0; i < reserved.length; i++ ) rec.reserved[i] = reserved[i]; return rec;
// int pos = 0; reserved = in.readRemainder();
Size of record (exluding 4 byte header) return 4 + reserved.length;
return 4 + reserved.length;
return sid;
LittleEndian.putShort(data, 0 + offset, sid); LittleEndian.putShort(data, 2 + offset, (short)(getRecordSize() - 4)); System.arraycopy(reserved, 0, data, offset + 4, getRecordSize() - 4); return getRecordSize();
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); String nl = System.getProperty("line.separator"); buffer.append("[ftGmo]" + nl); buffer.append(" reserved = ").append(HexDump.toHex(reserved)).append(nl); buffer.append("[/ftGmo]" + nl); return buffer.toString();
Checks the sid matches the expected side for this recordparamid the expected sid. if (id != sid) { throw new RecordFormatException("Not a Group Marker record"); }
if (id != sid) { throw new RecordFormatException("Not a Group Marker record"); }