CipherReference.javaAPI DocJava SE 6 API3411Tue Jun 10 00:23:00 BST


public interface CipherReference
CipherReference identifies a source which, when processed, yields the encrypted octet sequence.

The actual value is obtained as follows. The CipherReference URI contains an identifier that is dereferenced. Should the CipherReference element contain an OPTIONAL sequence of Transforms, the data resulting from dereferencing the URI is transformed as specified so as to yield the intended cipher value. For example, if the value is base64 encoded within an XML document; the transforms could specify an XPath expression followed by a base64 decoding so as to extract the octets.

The syntax of the URI and Transforms is similar to that of [XML-DSIG]. However, there is a difference between signature and encryption processing. In [XML-DSIG] both generation and validation processing start with the same source data and perform that transform in the same order. In encryption, the decryptor has only the cipher data and the specified transforms are enumerated for the decryptor, in the order necessary to obtain the octets. Consequently, because it has different semantics Transforms is in the &xenc; namespace.

The schema definition is as follows:

<element name='CipherReference' type='xenc:CipherReferenceType'/> <complexType name='CipherReferenceType'> <sequence> <element name='Transforms' type='xenc:TransformsType' minOccurs='0'/> </sequence> <attribute name='URI' type='anyURI' use='required'/> </complexType>
Axl Mattheus

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public TransformsgetTransforms()
Returns the Transforms that specifies how to transform the URI to yield the appropiate cipher value.

the transform that specifies how to transform the reference to yield the intended cipher value.

public java.lang.StringgetURI()
Returns an URI that contains an identifier that should be dereferenced.


public org.w3c.dom.AttrgetURIAsAttr()
Gets the URI as an Attribute node. Used to meld the CipherREference with the XMLSignature ResourceResolvers


public voidsetTransforms(Transforms transforms)
Sets the Transforms that specifies how to transform the URI to yield the appropiate cipher value.

transforms the set of Transforms that specifies how to transform the reference to yield the intended cipher value.