Diffpublic class Diff extends Object Class to generate colored differences between two sections of HTML text.
See the file LICENSE.txt for copyright details. |
Fields Summary |
public static PrintWriter | diffFileCurrent file where documentation differences are written as colored
differences. | public static String | diffFileNameBase name of the current file where documentation differences are
written as colored differences. | private static String | currPkgNameThe name of the current package, used to create diffFileName. | public static boolean | noDocDiffsIf set, then do not generate colored diffs for documentation.
Default is true. | public static int | deleteEffectDefine the type of emphasis for deleted words.
0 strikes the words through.
1 outlines the words in light grey. | public static int | insertEffectDefine the type of emphasis for inserted words.
0 colors the words red.
1 outlines the words in yellow, like a highlighter. | public static Hashtable | firstDiffOutputFor each package and class, the first DiffOutput is added to
this hash table. Used when generating navigation bars. | public static boolean | showAllChangesIf set, then show changes in implementation-related modifiers such as
native and synchronized. For more information, see
http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.1/docs/tooldocs/solaris/javadoc.html#generatedapideclarations | private static List | docDiffsThe list of documentation differences. | private static boolean | traceSet to enable increased logging verbosity for debugging. |
Methods Summary |
static java.lang.String | addDiffs(java.lang.String[] oldDocWords, java.lang.String[] newDocWords, DiffMyers.change script, java.lang.String text)Add the differences to the text passed in. The old documentation is
edited using the edit script provided by the DiffMyers object.
Do not display diffs in HTML tags.
String res = text;
DiffMyers.change hunk = script;
int startOld = 0;
if (trace) {
System.out.println("Old Text:");
for (int i = 0; i < oldDocWords.length; i++) {
System.out.println("New Text:");
for (int i = 0; i < newDocWords.length; i++) {
for (; hunk != null; hunk = hunk.link) {
int deletes = hunk.deleted;
int inserts = hunk.inserted;
if (deletes == 0 && inserts == 0) {
continue; // Not clear how this would occur, but handle it
// Determine the range of word and delimiter numbers involved
// in each file.
int first0 = hunk.line0; // Index of first deleted word
// Index of last deleted word, invalid if deletes == 0
int last0 = hunk.line0 + hunk.deleted - 1;
int first1 = hunk.line1; // Index of first inserted word
// Index of last inserted word, invalid if inserts == 0
int last1 = hunk.line1 + hunk.inserted - 1;
if (trace) {
System.out.println("HUNK: ");
System.out.println("inserts: " + inserts);
System.out.println("deletes: " + deletes);
System.out.println("first0: " + first0);
System.out.println("last0: " + last0);
System.out.println("first1: " + first1);
System.out.println("last1: " + last1);
// Emit the original document up to this change
for (int i = startOld; i < first0; i++) {
res += oldDocWords[i];
// Record where to start the next hunk from
startOld = last0 + 1;
// Emit the deleted words, but struck through
// but do not emit deleted HTML tags
if (deletes != 0) {
boolean inStrike = false;
for (int i = first0; i <= last0; i++) {
if (!oldDocWords[i].startsWith("<") &&
!oldDocWords[i].endsWith(">")) {
if (!inStrike) {
if (deleteEffect == 0)
res += "<strike>";
else if (deleteEffect == 1)
res += "<span style=\"background: #FFCCCC\">";
inStrike = true;
res += oldDocWords[i];
if (inStrike) {
if (deleteEffect == 0)
res += "</strike>";
else if (deleteEffect == 1)
res += "</span>";
// Emit the inserted words, but do not emphasise new HTML tags
if (inserts != 0) {
boolean inEmph = false;
for (int i = first1; i <= last1; i++) {
if (!newDocWords[i].startsWith("<") &&
!newDocWords[i].endsWith(">")) {
if (!inEmph) {
if (insertEffect == 0)
res += "<font color=\"red\">";
else if (insertEffect == 1)
res += "<span style=\"background: #FFFF00\">";
inEmph = true;
res += newDocWords[i];
if (inEmph) {
if (insertEffect == 0)
res += "</font>";
else if (insertEffect == 1)
res += "</span>";
} //for (; hunk != null; hunk = hunk.link)
// Print out the remaining part of the old text
for (int i = startOld; i < oldDocWords.length; i++) {
res += oldDocWords[i];
return res;
| public static void | closeDiffFile()Emit the HTML footer and close the diff file.
if (diffFile != null) {
// Write the HTML footer
| public static void | emitDocDiffIndex(java.lang.String fullReportFileName, DiffOutput[] docDiffsArr)Emit the single file which is the index to all documentation changes.
String fullDiffFileName = fullReportFileName +
JDiff.DIR_SEP + diffFileName + "index" +
// Create the output file
try {
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(fullDiffFileName);
diffFile = new PrintWriter(fos);
// Write the HTML header
diffFile.println("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Frameset//EN\"\"" + RootDocToXML.baseURI + "/TR/REC-html40/frameset.dtd\">");
diffFile.println("<meta name=\"generator\" content=\"JDiff v" + JDiff.version + "\">");
diffFile.println("<!-- Generated by the JDiff Javadoc doclet -->");
diffFile.println("<!-- (" + JDiff.jDiffLocation + ") -->");
// diffFile.println("<!-- on " + new Date() + " -->");
diffFile.println("<meta name=\"description\" content=\"" + JDiff.jDiffDescription + "\">");
diffFile.println("<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"" + JDiff.jDiffKeywords + "\">");
diffFile.println("<LINK REL=\"stylesheet\" TYPE=\"text/css\" HREF=\"" + "../" + "stylesheet-jdiff.css\" TITLE=\"Style\">");
diffFile.println("All Documentation Differences");
// Write the navigation bar
diffFile.println("<!-- Start of nav bar -->");
diffFile.println("<TABLE summary=\"Navigation bar\" BORDER=\"0\" WIDTH=\"100%\" CELLPADDING=\"1\" CELLSPACING=\"0\">");
diffFile.println("<TD COLSPAN=2 BGCOLOR=\"#EEEEFF\" CLASS=\"NavBarCell1\">");
diffFile.println(" <TABLE summary=\"Navigation bar\" BORDER=\"0\" CELLPADDING=\"0\" CELLSPACING=\"3\">");
diffFile.println(" <TR ALIGN=\"center\" VALIGN=\"top\">");
// Always have a link to the Javadoc files
diffFile.println(" <TD BGCOLOR=\"#EEEEFF\" CLASS=\"NavBarCell1\"> <A HREF=\"" + HTMLReportGenerator.newDocPrefix + "index.html\" target=\"_top\"><FONT CLASS=\"NavBarFont1\"><B><tt>" + APIDiff.newAPIName_ + "</tt></B></FONT></A> </TD>");
diffFile.println(" <TD BGCOLOR=\"#EEEEFF\" CLASS=\"NavBarCell1\"> <A HREF=\"" + HTMLReportGenerator.reportFileName + "-summary" + HTMLReportGenerator.reportFileExt + "\"><FONT CLASS=\"NavBarFont1\"><B>Overview</B></FONT></A> </TD>");
diffFile.println(" <TD BGCOLOR=\"#EEEEFF\" CLASS=\"NavBarCell1\"> <FONT CLASS=\"NavBarFont1\">Package</FONT> </TD>");
diffFile.println(" <TD BGCOLOR=\"#FFFFFF\" CLASS=\"NavBarCell1\"> <FONT CLASS=\"NavBarFont1\">Class</FONT> </TD>");
if (!Diff.noDocDiffs) {
diffFile.println(" <TD BGCOLOR=\"#EEEEFF\" CLASS=\"NavBarCell1Rev\"> <FONT CLASS=\"NavBarFont1Rev\"><B>Text Changes</B></FONT> </TD>");
if (HTMLReportGenerator.doStats) {
diffFile.println(" <TD BGCOLOR=\"#EEEEFF\" CLASS=\"NavBarCell1\"> <A HREF=\"jdiff_statistics" + HTMLReportGenerator.reportFileExt + "\"><FONT CLASS=\"NavBarFont1\"><B>Statistics</B></FONT></A> </TD>");
diffFile.println(" <TD BGCOLOR=\"#EEEEFF\" CLASS=\"NavBarCell1\"> <A HREF=\"jdiff_help" + HTMLReportGenerator.reportFileExt + "\"><FONT CLASS=\"NavBarFont1\"><B>Help</B></FONT></A> </TD>");
diffFile.println(" </TR>");
diffFile.println(" </TABLE>");
// The right hand side title
diffFile.println("<TD ALIGN=\"right\" VALIGN=\"top\" ROWSPAN=3><EM><b>Generated by<br><a href=\"" + JDiff.jDiffLocation + "\" class=\"staysblack\" target=\"_top\">JDiff</a></b></EM></TD>");
// Links for frames and no frames
diffFile.println(" <TD BGCOLOR=\"" + HTMLReportGenerator.bgcolor + "\" CLASS=\"NavBarCell2\"><FONT SIZE=\"-2\">");
diffFile.println(" <A HREF=\"" + "../" + HTMLReportGenerator.reportFileName + HTMLReportGenerator.reportFileExt + "\" TARGET=\"_top\"><B>FRAMES</B></A> ");
diffFile.println(" <A HREF=\"" + diffFileName + "index" + HTMLReportGenerator.reportFileExt + "\" TARGET=\"_top\"><B>NO FRAMES</B></A></FONT></TD>");
diffFile.println(" <TD BGCOLOR=\"" + HTMLReportGenerator.bgcolor + "\" CLASS=\"NavBarCell2\"> </TD>");
diffFile.println("<!-- End of nav bar -->");
diffFile.println("All Documentation Differences");
// For each package and class, add the first DiffOutput to
// the hash table. Used when generating navigation bars.
boolean firstPackage = true; // Set for the first package
boolean firstClass = true; // Set for first class in a package
boolean firstCtor = true; // Set for first ctor in a class
boolean firstMethod = true; // Set for first method in a class
boolean firstField = true; // Set for first field in a class
for (int i = 0; i < docDiffsArr.length; i++) {
DiffOutput diffOutput = docDiffsArr[i];
String link = "<a href=\"" + Diff.diffFileName + diffOutput.pkgName_ + HTMLReportGenerator.reportFileExt + "#" + diffOutput.id_ + "\">";
// See if the package name changed
if (firstPackage || diffOutput.pkgName_.compareTo(docDiffsArr[i-1].pkgName_) != 0) {
if (firstPackage) {
firstPackage = false;
} else {
firstClass = true;
firstCtor = true;
firstMethod = true;
firstField = true;
String id = diffOutput.pkgName_ + "!package";
firstDiffOutput.put(id, id);
if (diffOutput.className_ == null) {
diffFile.println("<A NAME=\"" + id + "\"></A>" + link + "Package <b>" + diffOutput.pkgName_ + "</b></a><br>");
} else {
diffFile.println("<A NAME=\"" + id + "\"></A>" + "Package <b>" + diffOutput.pkgName_ + "</b><br>");
// See if the class name changed
if (diffOutput.className_ != null &&
(firstClass ||
diffOutput.className_.compareTo(docDiffsArr[i-1].className_) != 0)) {
if (firstClass) {
firstClass = false;
} else {
firstCtor = true;
firstMethod = true;
firstField = true;
String id = diffOutput.pkgName_ + "." + diffOutput.className_ + "!class";
firstDiffOutput.put(id, id);
if (diffOutput.id_.endsWith("!class")) {
diffFile.println("<A NAME=\"" + id + "\"></A> Class " + link + diffOutput.className_ + "</a><br>");
} else {
diffFile.println("<A NAME=\"" + id + "\"></A> Class " + diffOutput.className_ + "<br>");
// Work out what kind of member this is, and
// display it appropriately
if (diffOutput.className_ != null &&
!diffOutput.id_.endsWith("!class")) {
int ctorIdx = diffOutput.id_.indexOf(".ctor");
if (ctorIdx != -1) {
diffFile.println(" " + link + diffOutput.className_ + diffOutput.id_.substring(ctorIdx + 5) + "</a><br>");
} else {
int methodIdx = diffOutput.id_.indexOf(".dmethod.");
if (methodIdx != -1) {
diffFile.println(" " + "Method " + link + diffOutput.id_.substring(methodIdx + 9) + "</a><br>");
} else {
int fieldIdx = diffOutput.id_.indexOf(".field.");
if (fieldIdx != -1) {
diffFile.println(" " + "Field " + link + diffOutput.id_.substring(fieldIdx + 7) + "</a><br>");
} //if (methodIdx != -1)
} //if (ctorIdx != -1)
} //diffOutput.className_ != null
} catch(IOException e) {
System.out.println("IO Error while attempting to create " + fullDiffFileName);
System.out.println("Error: " + e.getMessage());
| static void | emitDocDiffs(java.lang.String fullReportFileName)Emit all the documentation differences into one file per package.
DiffOutput[] docDiffsArr = new DiffOutput[docDiffs.size()];
docDiffsArr = (DiffOutput[])docDiffs.toArray(docDiffsArr);
for (int i = 0; i < docDiffsArr.length; i++) {
DiffOutput diffOutput = docDiffsArr[i];
if (currPkgName == null ||
currPkgName.compareTo(diffOutput.pkgName_) != 0) {
// Open a different file for each package, add the HTML header,
// the navigation bar and some preamble.
if (currPkgName != null)
closeDiffFile(); // Close the existing file
// Create the HTML link to the previous package
String prevPkgName = currPkgName;
if (currPkgName != null) {
prevPkgName = diffFileName + docDiffsArr[i-1].pkgName_ +
// Set the current package name
currPkgName = diffOutput.pkgName_;
// Create the HTML link to the next package
String nextPkgName = null;
for (int j = i; j < docDiffsArr.length; j++) {
if (currPkgName.compareTo(docDiffsArr[j].pkgName_) != 0) {
nextPkgName = diffFileName + docDiffsArr[j].pkgName_ +
String fullDiffFileName = fullReportFileName +
JDiff.DIR_SEP + diffFileName + currPkgName +
// Create the output file
try {
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(fullDiffFileName);
diffFile = new PrintWriter(fos);
// Write the HTML header
diffFile.println("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Frameset//EN\"\"" + RootDocToXML.baseURI + "/TR/REC-html40/frameset.dtd\">");
diffFile.println("<meta name=\"generator\" content=\"JDiff v" + JDiff.version + "\">");
diffFile.println("<!-- Generated by the JDiff Javadoc doclet -->");
diffFile.println("<!-- (" + JDiff.jDiffLocation + ") -->");
// diffFile.println("<!-- on " + new Date() + " -->");
diffFile.println("<meta name=\"description\" content=\"" + JDiff.jDiffDescription + "\">");
diffFile.println("<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"" + JDiff.jDiffKeywords + "\">");
diffFile.println("<LINK REL=\"stylesheet\" TYPE=\"text/css\" HREF=\"" + "../" + "stylesheet-jdiff.css\" TITLE=\"Style\">");
diffFile.println(currPkgName + " Documentation Differences");
// Write the navigation bar
diffFile.println("<!-- Start of nav bar -->");
diffFile.println("<TABLE summary=\"Navigation bar\" BORDER=\"0\" WIDTH=\"100%\" CELLPADDING=\"1\" CELLSPACING=\"0\">");
diffFile.println("<TD COLSPAN=2 BGCOLOR=\"#EEEEFF\" CLASS=\"NavBarCell1\">");
diffFile.println(" <TABLE summary=\"Navigation bar\" BORDER=\"0\" CELLPADDING=\"0\" CELLSPACING=\"3\">");
diffFile.println(" <TR ALIGN=\"center\" VALIGN=\"top\">");
// Always have a link to the Javadoc files
String pkgRef = currPkgName;
pkgRef = pkgRef.replace('.", '/");
pkgRef = HTMLReportGenerator.newDocPrefix + pkgRef + "/package-summary";
diffFile.println(" <TD BGCOLOR=\"#EEEEFF\" CLASS=\"NavBarCell1\"> <A HREF=\"" + pkgRef + ".html\" target=\"_top\"><FONT CLASS=\"NavBarFont1\"><B><tt>" + APIDiff.newAPIName_ + "</tt></B></FONT></A> </TD>");
diffFile.println(" <TD BGCOLOR=\"#EEEEFF\" CLASS=\"NavBarCell1\"> <A HREF=\"" + HTMLReportGenerator.reportFileName + "-summary" + HTMLReportGenerator.reportFileExt + "\"><FONT CLASS=\"NavBarFont1\"><B>Overview</B></FONT></A> </TD>");
diffFile.println(" <TD BGCOLOR=\"#EEEEFF\" CLASS=\"NavBarCell1\"> <FONT CLASS=\"NavBarFont1\">Package</FONT> </TD>");
diffFile.println(" <TD BGCOLOR=\"#FFFFFF\" CLASS=\"NavBarCell1\"> <FONT CLASS=\"NavBarFont1\">Class</FONT> </TD>");
if (!Diff.noDocDiffs) {
diffFile.println(" <TD BGCOLOR=\"#EEEEFF\" CLASS=\"NavBarCell1\"> <A HREF=\"" + Diff.diffFileName + "index" + HTMLReportGenerator.reportFileExt + "\"><FONT CLASS=\"NavBarFont1\"><B>Text Changes</B></FONT></A> </TD>");
if (HTMLReportGenerator.doStats) {
diffFile.println(" <TD BGCOLOR=\"#EEEEFF\" CLASS=\"NavBarCell1\"> <A HREF=\"jdiff_statistics" + HTMLReportGenerator.reportFileExt + "\"><FONT CLASS=\"NavBarFont1\"><B>Statistics</B></FONT></A> </TD>");
diffFile.println(" <TD BGCOLOR=\"#EEEEFF\" CLASS=\"NavBarCell1\"> <A HREF=\"jdiff_help" + HTMLReportGenerator.reportFileExt + "\"><FONT CLASS=\"NavBarFont1\"><B>Help</B></FONT></A> </TD>");
diffFile.println(" </TR>");
diffFile.println(" </TABLE>");
// The right hand side title
diffFile.println("<TD ALIGN=\"right\" VALIGN=\"top\" ROWSPAN=3><EM><b>Generated by<br><a href=\"" + JDiff.jDiffLocation + "\" class=\"staysblack\" target=\"_top\">JDiff</a></b></EM></TD>");
// Links for previous and next, and frames and no frames
diffFile.println(" <TD BGCOLOR=\"" + HTMLReportGenerator.bgcolor + "\" CLASS=\"NavBarCell2\"><FONT SIZE=\"-2\">");
if (prevPkgName != null)
diffFile.println(" <A HREF=\"" + prevPkgName + "\"><B>PREV PACKAGE</B></A> ");
diffFile.println(" <B>PREV PACKAGE</B> ");
if (nextPkgName != null)
diffFile.println(" <A HREF=\"" + nextPkgName + "\"><B>NEXT PACKAGE</B></A>");
diffFile.println(" <B>NEXT PACKAGE</B>");
diffFile.println(" ");
diffFile.println(" <A HREF=\"" + "../" + HTMLReportGenerator.reportFileName + HTMLReportGenerator.reportFileExt + "\" TARGET=\"_top\"><B>FRAMES</B></A> ");
diffFile.println(" <A HREF=\"" + diffFileName + currPkgName + HTMLReportGenerator.reportFileExt + "\" TARGET=\"_top\"><B>NO FRAMES</B></A></FONT></TD>");
diffFile.println(" <TD BGCOLOR=\"" + HTMLReportGenerator.bgcolor + "\" CLASS=\"NavBarCell2\"> </TD>");
diffFile.println("<!-- End of nav bar -->");
diffFile.println(currPkgName + " Documentation Differences");
diffFile.println("This file contains all the changes in documentation in the package <code>" + currPkgName + "</code> as colored differences.");
if (deleteEffect == 0)
diffFile.println("Deletions are shown <strike>like this</strike>, and");
else if (deleteEffect == 1)
diffFile.println("Deletions are shown <span style=\"background: #FFCCCC\">like this</span>, and");
if (insertEffect == 0)
diffFile.println("additions are shown in red <font color=\"red\">like this</font>.");
else if (insertEffect == 1)
diffFile.println("additions are shown <span style=\"background: #FFFF00\">like this</span>.");
diffFile.println("If no deletions or additions are shown in an entry, the HTML tags will be what has changed. The <i>new</i> HTML tags are shown in the differences. ");
diffFile.println("If no documentation existed, and then some was added in a later version, this change is noted in the appropriate class pages of differences, but the change is not shown on this page. Only changes in existing text are shown here. ");
diffFile.println("Similarly, documentation which was inherited from another class or interface is not shown here.");
diffFile.println(" Note that an HTML error in the new documentation may cause the display of other documentation changes to be presented incorrectly. For instance, failure to close a <code> tag will cause all subsequent paragraphs to be displayed differently.");
} catch(IOException e) {
System.out.println("IO Error while attempting to create " + fullDiffFileName);
System.out.println("Error: " + e.getMessage());
} // if (currPkgName == null || currPkgName.compareTo(diffOutput.pkgName_) != 0)
// Now add the documentation difference text
// Separate with a horizontal line
if (i != docDiffsArr.length - 1 &&
diffOutput.className_ != null &&
docDiffsArr[i+1].className_ != null &&
diffOutput.className_.compareTo(docDiffsArr[i+1].className_) != 0)
diffFile.println("<hr align=\"left\" width=\"100%\">");
// else
// diffFile.println("<hr align=\"left\" width=\"50%\">");
} // for (i = 0;
if (currPkgName != null)
closeDiffFile(); // Close the existing file
// Emit the single file which is the index to all documentation changes
emitDocDiffIndex(fullReportFileName, docDiffsArr);
| static void | generateDiffs(java.lang.String pkgName, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String oldDoc, java.lang.String newDoc, java.lang.String id, java.lang.String title)Generate the differences.
String[] oldDocWords = parseDoc(oldDoc);
String[] newDocWords = parseDoc(newDoc);
DiffMyers diff = new DiffMyers(oldDocWords, newDocWords);
DiffMyers.change script = diff.diff_2(false);
script = mergeDiffs(oldDocWords, newDocWords, script);
String text = "<A NAME=\"" + id + "\"></A>" + title + "<br><br>";
// Generate the differences in blockquotes to cope with unterminated
// HTML tags
text += "<blockquote>";
text = addDiffs(oldDocWords, newDocWords, script, text);
text += "</blockquote>";
docDiffs.add(new DiffOutput(pkgName, className, id, title, text));
| static DiffMyers.change | mergeDiffs(java.lang.String[] oldDocWords, java.lang.String[] newDocWords, DiffMyers.change script)For improved readability, merge changes of the form
"delete 1, insert 1, space, delete 1, insert 1"
"delete 3, insert 3" (including the space).
if (script.link == null)
return script; // Only one change
DiffMyers.change hunk = script;
DiffMyers.change lasthunk = null; // Set to the last potential hunk
int startOld = 0;
for (; hunk != null; hunk = hunk.link) {
int deletes = hunk.deleted;
int inserts = hunk.inserted;
if (lasthunk == null) {
if (deletes == 1 && inserts == 1) {
// This is the start of a potential merge
lasthunk = hunk;
} else {
int first0 = hunk.line0; // Index of first deleted word
int first1 = hunk.line1; // Index of first inserted word
if (deletes == 1 && inserts == 1 &&
oldDocWords[first0 - 1].compareTo(" ") == 0 &&
newDocWords[first1 - 1].compareTo(" ") == 0 &&
first0 == lasthunk.line0 + lasthunk.deleted + 1 &&
first1 == lasthunk.line1 + lasthunk.inserted + 1) {
// Merge this change into the last change
lasthunk.deleted += 2;
lasthunk.inserted += 2;
lasthunk.link = hunk.link;
} else {
lasthunk = null;
return script;
| static java.lang.String[] | parseDoc(java.lang.String doc)Convert the string to an array of strings, but don't break HTML tags up.
String delimiters = " .,;:?!(){}[]\"'~@#$%^&*+=_-|\\<>/";
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(doc, delimiters, true);
List docList = new ArrayList();
boolean inTag = false;
String tag = null;
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
String tok = st.nextToken();
if (!inTag) {
if (tok.compareTo("<") == 0) {
tag = tok;
if (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
// See if this really is a tag
tok = st.nextToken();
char ch = tok.charAt(0);
if (Character.isLetter(ch) || ch == '/") {
inTag = true;
tag += tok;
if (!inTag)
} else {
} else {
// Add all tokens to the tag until the closing > is seen
if (tok.compareTo(">") == 0) {
inTag = false;
tag += tok;
} else {
tag += tok;
if (inTag) {
// An unterminated tag, or more likely, < used instead of <
// There are no nested tags such as <a <b>> in HTML
String[] docWords = new String[docList.size()];
docWords = (String[])docList.toArray(docWords);
return docWords;
| static java.lang.String | saveDocDiffs(java.lang.String pkgName, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String oldDoc, java.lang.String newDoc, java.lang.String id, java.lang.String title)Save the differences between the two strings in a DiffOutput object
for later use.
// Generate the string which will link to this set of diffs
if (noDocDiffs)
return "Documentation changed from ";
if (oldDoc == null || newDoc == null) {
return "Documentation changed from ";
// Generate the differences.
generateDiffs(pkgName, className, oldDoc, newDoc, id, title);
return "Documentation <a href=\"" + diffFileName + pkgName +
HTMLReportGenerator.reportFileExt + "#" + id +
"\">changed</a> from ";