super(body, toolkit, editor,
getManifestUiNode(editor), // uiElementNode
"Manifest General Attributes", // section title
"Defines general information about the AndroidManifest.xml", // section description
Section.TWISTIE | Section.EXPANDED);
Retrieves the UiElementNode that this part will edit. The node must exist
and can't be null, by design, because it's a mandatory node.
AndroidManifestDescriptors manifestDescriptors = editor.getManifestDescriptors();
if (manifestDescriptors != null) {
ElementDescriptor desc = manifestDescriptors.getManifestElement();
if (editor.getUiRootNode().getDescriptor() == desc) {
return editor.getUiRootNode();
} else {
return editor.getUiRootNode().findUiChildNode(desc.getXmlName());
// No manifest descriptor: we have a dummy UiRootNode, so we return that.
// The editor will be reloaded once we have the proper descriptors anyway.
return editor.getUiRootNode();
public void
Removes any existing Attribute UI widgets and recreate them if the SDK has changed.
This is called by {@link OverviewPage#refreshUiApplicationNode()} when the
SDK has changed.