ProjectResources.javaAPI DocAndroid 1.5 API33840Wed May 06 22:41:10 BST


public class ProjectResources extends Object implements
Represents the resources of a project. This is a file view of the resources, with handling for the alternate resource types. For a compiled view use CompiledResources.

Fields Summary
private final HashMap
private final HashMap
private Map
Map of (name, id) for resources of type {@link ResourceType#ID} coming from
private Map
Map of (id, [name, resType]) for all resources coming from
private Map
Map of (int[], name) for styleable resources coming from
private final ArrayList
Cached list of {@link IdResourceItem}. This is mix of IdResourceItem created by {@link MultiResourceFile} for ids coming from XML files under res/values and {@link IdResourceItem} created manually, from the list coming from
private final boolean
private final IntArrayWrapper
Constructors Summary
public ProjectResources(boolean isFrameworkRepository)

        mIsFrameworkRepository = isFrameworkRepository;
Methods Summary
protected ResourceFolderadd(ResourceFolderType type, config, folder)
Adds a Folder Configuration to the project.

type The resource type.
config The resource configuration.
folder The workspace folder object.
the {@link ResourceFolder} object associated to this folder.

        // get the list for the resource type
        List<ResourceFolder> list = mFolderMap.get(type);
        if (list == null) {
            list = new ArrayList<ResourceFolder>();

            ResourceFolder cf = new ResourceFolder(type, config, folder, mIsFrameworkRepository);

            mFolderMap.put(type, list);
            return cf;

        // look for an already existing folder configuration.
        for (ResourceFolder cFolder : list) {
            if (cFolder.mConfiguration.equals(config)) {
                // config already exist. Nothing to be done really, besides making sure
                // the IFolder object is up to date.
                cFolder.mFolder = folder;
                return cFolder;

        // If we arrive here, this means we didn't find a matching configuration.
        // So we add one.
        ResourceFolder cf = new ResourceFolder(type, config, folder, mIsFrameworkRepository);
        return cf;
private voidcheckAndUpdate( type)
Checks if the list of {@link ResourceItem}s for the specified {@link ResourceType} needs to be updated.

type the Resource Type.

        // get the list of folder that can output this type
        ResourceFolderType[] folderTypes = FolderTypeRelationship.getRelatedFolders(type);

        for (ResourceFolderType folderType : folderTypes) {
            List<ResourceFolder> folders = mFolderMap.get(folderType);
            if (folders != null) {
                for (ResourceFolder folder : folders) {
                    if (folder.isTouched()) {
                        // if this folder is touched we need to update all the types that can
                        // be generated from a file in this folder.
                        // This will include 'type' obviously.
                        ResourceType[] resTypes = FolderTypeRelationship.getRelatedResourceTypes(
                        for (ResourceType resType : resTypes) {
private ResourcefindMatchingConfiguredResource(java.util.List resources, referenceConfig)
Returns the best matching {@link Resource}.

resources the list of {@link Resource} to choose from.
referenceConfig the {@link FolderConfiguration} to match.

        // look for resources with the maximum number of qualifier match.
        int currentMax = -1;
        ArrayList<Resource> matchingResources = new ArrayList<Resource>();
        for (int i = 0 ; i < resources.size(); i++) {
            Resource res = resources.get(i);
            int count = res.getConfiguration().match(referenceConfig);
            if (count > currentMax) {
                currentMax = count;
            } else if (count != -1 && count == currentMax) {
        // if we have more than one match, we look for the match with the qualifiers with the
        // highest priority.
        Resource resMatch = null;
        if (matchingResources.size() == 1) {
            resMatch = matchingResources.get(0);
        } else if (matchingResources.size() > 1) {
            // More than one resource with the same number of qualifier match.
            // We loop, looking for the resource with the highest priority qualifiers.
            ArrayList<Resource> tmpResources = new ArrayList<Resource>();
            int startIndex = 0;
            while (matchingResources.size() > 1) {
                int highest = -1;
                for (int i = 0 ; i < matchingResources.size() ; i++) {
                    Resource folder = matchingResources.get(i);
                    // get highest priority qualifiers.
                    int m = folder.getConfiguration().getHighestPriorityQualifier(startIndex);

                    // add to the list if highest.
                    if (m != -1) {
                        if (highest == -1 || m == highest) {
                            highest = m;
                        } else if (m < highest) { // highest priority == lowest index.
                // at this point, we have a list with 1+ resources that all have the same highest
                // priority qualifiers. Go through the list again looking for the next highest
                // priority qualifier.
                startIndex = highest + 1;
                // this should not happen, but it's better to check.
                if (matchingResources.size() == tmpResources.size() && highest == -1) {
                    // this means all the resources match with the same qualifiers
                    // (highest == -1 means we reached the end of the qualifier list)
                    // In this case, we arbitrarily take the first resource.
                } else {
            // we should have only one match here.
            resMatch = matchingResources.get(0);

        return resMatch;
protected ProjectResourceItemfindResourceItem( type, java.lang.String name)
Looks up an existing {@link ProjectResourceItem} by {@link ResourceType} and name.

type the Resource Type.
name the Resource name.
the existing ResourceItem or null if no match was found.

        List<ProjectResourceItem> list = mResourceMap.get(type);
        for (ProjectResourceItem item : list) {
            if (name.equals(item.getName())) {
                return item;
        return null;

        ArrayList<ResourceType> list = new ArrayList<ResourceType>();
        // For each key, we check if there's a single ResourceType match.
        // If not, we look for the actual content to give us the resource type.

        for (ResourceFolderType folderType : mFolderMap.keySet()) {
            ResourceType types[] = FolderTypeRelationship.getRelatedResourceTypes(folderType);
            if (types.length == 1) {
                // before we add it we check if it's not already present, since a ResourceType
                // could be created from multiple folders, even for the folders that only create
                // one type of resource (drawable for instance, can be created from drawable/ and
                // values/)
                if (list.indexOf(types[0]) == -1) {
            } else {
                // there isn't a single resource type out of this folder, so we look for all
                // content.
                List<ResourceFolder> folders = mFolderMap.get(folderType);
                if (folders != null) {
                    for (ResourceFolder folder : folders) {
                        Collection<ResourceType> folderContent = folder.getResourceTypes();
                        // then we add them, but only if they aren't already in the list.
                        for (ResourceType folderResType : folderContent) {
                            if (list.indexOf(folderResType) == -1) {
        // in case ResourceType.ID haven't been added yet because there's no id defined
        // in XML, we check on the list of compiled id resources.
        if (list.indexOf(ResourceType.ID) == -1 && mResourceValueMap != null) {
            Map<String, Integer> map = mResourceValueMap.get(ResourceType.ID.getName());
            if (map != null && map.size() > 0) {

        // at this point the list is full of ResourceType defined in the files.
        // We need to sort it.
        return list.toArray(new ResourceType[list.size()]);
private java.util.MapgetConfiguredResource( type, referenceConfig)
Returns a map of (resource name, resource value) for the given {@link ResourceType}.

The values returned are taken from the resource files best matching a given {@link FolderConfiguration}.

type the type of the resources.
referenceConfig the configuration to best match.

        // get the resource item for the given type
        List<ProjectResourceItem> items = mResourceMap.get(type);
        // create the map
        HashMap<String, IResourceValue> map = new HashMap<String, IResourceValue>();
        for (ProjectResourceItem item : items) {
            // get the source files generating this resource
            List<ResourceFile> list = item.getSourceFileList();
            // look for the best match for the given configuration
            Resource match = findMatchingConfiguredResource(list, referenceConfig);
            if (match instanceof ResourceFile) {
                ResourceFile matchResFile = (ResourceFile)match;
                // get the value of this configured resource.
                IResourceValue value = matchResFile.getValue(type, item.getName());
                if (value != null) {
                    map.put(item.getName(), value);

        return map;
public java.util.MapgetConfiguredResources( referenceConfig)
Returns the resources values matching a given {@link FolderConfiguration}.

referenceConfig the configuration that each value must match.

        Map<String, Map<String, IResourceValue>> map =
            new HashMap<String, Map<String, IResourceValue>>();
        // special case for Id since there's a mix of compiled id (declared inline) and id declared
        // in the XML files.
        if (mIdResourceList.size() > 0) {
            Map<String, IResourceValue> idMap = new HashMap<String, IResourceValue>();
            String idType = ResourceType.ID.getName();
            for (IdResourceItem id : mIdResourceList) {
                // FIXME: cache the ResourceValue!
                idMap.put(id.getName(), new ResourceValue(idType, id.getName(),
            map.put(ResourceType.ID.getName(), idMap);
        Set<ResourceType> keys = mResourceMap.keySet();
        for (ResourceType key : keys) {
            // we don't process ID resources since we already did it above.
            if (key != ResourceType.ID) {
                map.put(key.getName(), getConfiguredResource(key, referenceConfig));
        return map;
public java.util.ListgetFolders(ResourceFolderType type)
Returns a list of {@link ResourceFolder} for a specific {@link ResourceFolderType}.

type The {@link ResourceFolderType}

        return mFolderMap.get(type);
public java.util.SetgetLanguages()
Returns the list of languages used in the resources.

        Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>();

        Collection<List<ResourceFolder>> folderList = mFolderMap.values();
        for (List<ResourceFolder> folderSubList : folderList) {
            for (ResourceFolder folder : folderSubList) {
                FolderConfiguration config = folder.getConfiguration();
                LanguageQualifier lang = config.getLanguageQualifier();
                if (lang != null) {
        return set;
public ResourceFilegetMatchingFile(java.lang.String name, ResourceFolderType type, config)
Returns the {@link ResourceFile} matching the given name, {@link ResourceFolderType} and configuration.

This only works with files generating one resource named after the file (for instance, layouts, bitmap based drawable, xml, anims).

the matching file or null if no match was found.

        // get the folders for the given type
        List<ResourceFolder> folders = mFolderMap.get(type);

        // look for folders containing a file with the given name.
        ArrayList<ResourceFolder> matchingFolders = new ArrayList<ResourceFolder>();
        // remove the folders that do not have a file with the given name, or if their config
        // is incompatible.
        for (int i = 0 ; i < folders.size(); i++) {
            ResourceFolder folder = folders.get(i);
            if (folder.hasFile(name) == true) {
        // from those, get the folder with a config matching the given reference configuration.
        Resource match = findMatchingConfiguredResource(matchingFolders, config);
        // do we have a matching folder?
        if (match instanceof ResourceFolder) {
            // get the ResourceFile from the filename
            return ((ResourceFolder)match).getFile(name);
        return null;
public java.util.SetgetRegions(java.lang.String currentLanguage)
Returns the list of regions used in the resources with the given language.

currentLanguage the current language the region must be associated with.

        Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>();

        Collection<List<ResourceFolder>> folderList = mFolderMap.values();
        for (List<ResourceFolder> folderSubList : folderList) {
            for (ResourceFolder folder : folderSubList) {
                FolderConfiguration config = folder.getConfiguration();
                // get the language
                LanguageQualifier lang = config.getLanguageQualifier();
                if (lang != null && lang.getStringValue().equals(currentLanguage)) {
                    RegionQualifier region = config.getRegionQualifier();
                    if (region != null) {
        return set;
public ResourceFoldergetResourceFolder(org.eclipse.core.resources.IFolder folder)
Returns the {@link ResourceFolder} associated with a {@link IFolder}.

folder The {@link IFolder} object.
the {@link ResourceFolder} or null if it was not found.

        for (List<ResourceFolder> list : mFolderMap.values()) {
            for (ResourceFolder resFolder : list) {
                if (resFolder.getFolder().getIFolder().equals(folder)) {
                    return resFolder;
        return null;
public java.lang.IntegergetResourceValue(java.lang.String type, java.lang.String name)
Returns the value of a resource by its type and name.

        if (mResourceValueMap != null) {
            Map<String, Integer> map = mResourceValueMap.get(type);
            if (map != null) {
                return map.get(name);

        return null;
public ProjectResourceItem[]getResources( type)

        if (type == ResourceType.ID) {
            synchronized (mIdResourceList) {
                return mIdResourceList.toArray(new ProjectResourceItem[mIdResourceList.size()]);
        List<ProjectResourceItem> items = mResourceMap.get(type);
        return items.toArray(new ProjectResourceItem[items.size()]);
public booleanhasResources( type)


        if (type == ResourceType.ID) {
            synchronized (mIdResourceList) {
                return mIdResourceList.size() > 0;

        List<ProjectResourceItem> items = mResourceMap.get(type);
        return (items != null && items.size() > 0);
public booleanisSystemRepository()

        return mIsFrameworkRepository;
public voidloadAll()
Loads all the resources. Essentially this forces to load the values from the {@link ResourceFile} objects to make sure they are up to date and loaded in {@link #mResourceMap}.

        // gets all the resource types available.
        ResourceType[] types = getAvailableResourceTypes();
        // loop on them and load them
        for (ResourceType type: types) {
Merges the list of ID resource coming from and the list of ID resources coming from XML declaration into the cached list {@link #mIdResourceList}.

        // get the list of IDs coming from XML declaration. Those ids are present in
        // mCompiledIdResources already, so we'll need to use those instead of creating
        // new IdResourceItem
        List<ProjectResourceItem> xmlIdResources = mResourceMap.get(ResourceType.ID);

        synchronized (mIdResourceList) {
            // copy the currently cached items.
            ArrayList<IdResourceItem> oldItems = new ArrayList<IdResourceItem>();

            // empty the current list
            // get the list of compile id resources.
            Map<String, Integer> idMap = null;
            if (mResourceValueMap != null) {
                idMap = mResourceValueMap.get(ResourceType.ID.getName());
            if (idMap == null) {
                if (xmlIdResources != null) {
                    for (ProjectResourceItem resourceItem : xmlIdResources) {
                        // check the actual class just for safety.
                        if (resourceItem instanceof IdResourceItem) {
            } else {
                // loop on the full list of id, and look for a match in the old list,
                // in the list coming from XML (in case a new XML item was created.)
                Set<String> idSet = idMap.keySet();
                idLoop: for (String idResource : idSet) {
                    // first look in the XML list in case an id went from inline to XML declared.
                    if (xmlIdResources != null) {
                        for (ProjectResourceItem resourceItem : xmlIdResources) {
                            if (resourceItem instanceof IdResourceItem && 
                                    resourceItem.getName().equals(idResource)) {
                                continue idLoop;
                    // if we haven't found it, look in the old items.
                    int count = oldItems.size();
                    for (int i = 0 ; i < count ; i++) {
                        IdResourceItem resourceItem = oldItems.get(i);
                        if (resourceItem.getName().equals(idResource)) {
                            continue idLoop;
                    // if we haven't found it, it looks like it's a new id that was
                    // declared inline.
                    mIdResourceList.add(new IdResourceItem(idResource,
                            true /* isDeclaredInline */));
            // now we sort the list
protected voidremoveFolder(ResourceFolderType type, org.eclipse.core.resources.IFolder folder)
Removes a {@link ResourceFolder} associated with the specified {@link IAbstractFolder}.

type The type of the folder
folder the IFolder object.

        // get the list of folders for the resource type.
        List<ResourceFolder> list = mFolderMap.get(type);
        if (list != null) {
            int count = list.size();
            for (int i = 0 ; i < count ; i++) {
                ResourceFolder resFolder = list.get(i);
                if (resFolder.getFolder().getIFolder().equals(folder)) {
                    // we found the matching ResourceFolder. we need to remove it.
                    // we now need to invalidate this resource type.
                    // The easiest way is to touch one of the other folders of the same type.
                    if (list.size() > 0) {
                    } else {
                        // if the list is now empty, and we have a single ResouceType out of this
                        // ResourceFolderType, then we are done.
                        // However, if another ResourceFolderType can generate similar ResourceType
                        // than this, we need to update those ResourceTypes as well.
                        // For instance, if the last "drawable-*" folder is deleted, we need to
                        // refresh the ResourceItem associated with ResourceType.DRAWABLE.
                        // Those can be found in ResourceFolderType.DRAWABLE but also in
                        // ResourceFolderType.VALUES.
                        // If we don't find a single folder to touch, then it's fine, as the top
                        // level items (the list of generated resource types) is not cached
                        // (for now)
                        // get the lists of ResourceTypes generated by this ResourceFolderType
                        ResourceType[] resTypes = FolderTypeRelationship.getRelatedResourceTypes(
                        // for each of those, make sure to find one folder to touch so that the
                        // list of ResourceItem associated with the type is rebuilt.
                        for (ResourceType resType : resTypes) {
                            // get the list of folder that can generate this type
                            ResourceFolderType[] folderTypes =
                            // we only need to touch one folder in any of those (since it's one
                            // folder per type, not per folder type).
                            for (ResourceFolderType folderType : folderTypes) {
                                List<ResourceFolder> resFolders = mFolderMap.get(folderType);
                                if (resFolders != null && resFolders.size() > 0) {
                    // we're done updating/touching, we can stop
public java.lang.String[]resolveResourceValue(int id)
Resolves a compiled resource id into the resource name and type

an array of 2 strings { name, type } or null if the id could not be resolved

        if (mResIdValueToNameMap != null) {
            return mResIdValueToNameMap.get(id);
        return null;
public java.lang.StringresolveResourceValue(int[] id)
Resolves a compiled resource id of type int[] into the resource name.

        if (mStyleableValueToNameMap != null) {
            return mStyleableValueToNameMap.get(mWrapper);
        return null;
voidsetCompiledResources(java.util.Map resIdValueToNameMap, java.util.Map styleableValueMap, java.util.Map resourceValueMap)
Sets compiled resource information.

resIdValueToNameMap a map of compiled resource id to resource name. The map is acquired by the {@link ProjectResources} object.
resourceValueMap a map of (name, id) for resources of type {@link ResourceType#ID}. The list is acquired by the {@link ProjectResources} object.

        mResourceValueMap = resourceValueMap;
        mResIdValueToNameMap = resIdValueToNameMap;
        mStyleableValueToNameMap = styleableValueMap;
private voidupdate( type)
Updates the list of {@link ResourceItem} objects associated with a {@link ResourceType}. This will reset the touch status of all the folders that can generate this resource type.

type the Resource Type.

        // get the cache list, and lets make a backup
        List<ProjectResourceItem> items = mResourceMap.get(type);
        List<ProjectResourceItem> backup = new ArrayList<ProjectResourceItem>();
        if (items == null) {
            items = new ArrayList<ProjectResourceItem>();
            mResourceMap.put(type, items);
        } else {
            // backup the list

            // we reset the list itself.
        // get the list of folder that can output this type
        ResourceFolderType[] folderTypes = FolderTypeRelationship.getRelatedFolders(type);

        for (ResourceFolderType folderType : folderTypes) {
            List<ResourceFolder> folders = mFolderMap.get(folderType);

            if (folders != null) {
                for (ResourceFolder folder : folders) {
                    items.addAll(folder.getResources(type, this));

        // now items contains the new list. We "merge" it with the backup list.
        // Basically, we need to keep the old instances of ResourceItem (where applicable),
        // but replace them by the content of the new items.
        // This will let the resource explorer keep the expanded state of the nodes whose data
        // is a ResourceItem object.
        if (backup.size() > 0) {
            // this is not going to change as we're only replacing instances.
            int count = items.size();

            for (int i = 0 ; i < count;) {
                // get the "new" item
                ProjectResourceItem item = items.get(i);
                // look for a similar item in the old list.
                ProjectResourceItem foundOldItem = null;
                for (ProjectResourceItem oldItem : backup) {
                    if (oldItem.getName().equals(item.getName())) {
                        foundOldItem = oldItem;
                if (foundOldItem != null) {
                    // erase the data of the old item with the data from the new one.
                    // remove the old and new item from their respective lists
                    // add the old item to the new list
                } else {
                    // this is a new item, we skip to the next object
        // if this is the ResourceType.ID, we create the actual list, from this list and
        // the compiled resource list.
        if (type == ResourceType.ID) {
        } else {
            // else this is the list that will actually be displayed, so we sort it.