SSLEngineAppData.javaAPI DocAndroid 1.5 API3326Wed May 06 22:41:06 BST 2009org.apache.harmony.xnet.provider.jsse


public class SSLEngineAppData extends Object implements org.apache.harmony.xnet.provider.jsse.Appendable
This class is used to retrieve the application data arrived for the SSLEngine.

Fields Summary
Buffer containing received application data.
Constructors Summary
protected SSLEngineAppData()

Methods Summary
public voidappend(byte[] src)
Stores received data. The source data is not cloned, just the array reference is remembered into the buffer field.

        if (buffer != null) {
            throw new AlertException(
                new SSLException("Attempt to override the data"));
        buffer = src;
protected intplaceTo(java.nio.ByteBuffer[] dsts, int offset, int length)
Places the data from the buffer into the array of destination ByteBuffer objects.

        if (buffer == null) {
            return 0;
        int pos = 0;
        int len = buffer.length;
        int rem;
        // write data to the buffers
        for (int i=offset; i<offset+length; i++) {
            rem = dsts[i].remaining();
            // TODO: optimization work - use hasArray, array(), arraycopy
            if (len - pos < rem) {
                // can fully write remaining data into buffer
                dsts[i].put(buffer, pos, len - pos);
                pos = len;
                // data was written, exit
            } else {
                // write chunk of data
                dsts[i].put(buffer, pos, rem);
                pos += rem;
        if (pos != len) {
            // The data did not feet into the buffers,
            // it should not happen, because the destination buffers
            // had been checked for the space before record unwrapping.
            // But if it so, we should allert about internal error.
            throw new AlertException(
                new SSLException(
                    "The received application data could not be fully written"
                    + "into the destination buffers"));
        buffer = null;
        return len;