Methods Summary |
public void | discarded(int bytes)The given number of bytes received from the peer were discarded.
This number gets added to the total and is used to calculate rates that
include disgarded inforamtion.
Use this if you are talking to the peer outside of Azureus' API, and
want your stats added into Azureus'
public int | getDownloadAverage()Get the the average bytes-per-second speed that we are receiving piece
data from the peer.
public int | getReception()Get the the longer-average bytes-per-second speed at which the peer is
uploading data to us.
public int | getStatisticSentAverage()Get the estimated total upload rate of the peer.
public long | getTimeSinceConnectionEstablished()Get the amount of time that has elapsed since the connection with the
peer has been established.
public int | getTotalAverage()Get the estimated total download rate of the peer.
public long | getTotalDiscarded()Get the total number of discarded bytes received from the peer.
public long | getTotalReceived()Get the total number of data (payload) bytes received from the peer.
public long | getTotalSent()Get the total number of data (payload) bytes sent to the peer.
public int | getUploadAverage()Get the the average bytes-per-second speed that we are sending piece data
to the peer.
public void | received(int bytes)The given number of data (payload) bytes have been received from the peer.
This number gets added to the total and is used to calculate the rate.
Use this if you are talking to the peer outside of Azureus' API, and
want your stats added into Azureus'