PIHandlerImpl.javaAPI DocJava SE 5 API32834Fri Aug 26 14:54:22 BST

 * @(#)	1.35 04/06/21
 * Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.

import java.util.*;
import org.omg.CORBA.Any;
import org.omg.CORBA.BAD_PARAM;
import org.omg.CORBA.BAD_POLICY;
import org.omg.CORBA.BAD_INV_ORDER;
import org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE;
import org.omg.CORBA.CompletionStatus;
import org.omg.CORBA.INTERNAL;
import org.omg.CORBA.NVList;
import org.omg.CORBA.OBJECT_NOT_EXIST;
import org.omg.CORBA.ORBPackage.InvalidName;
import org.omg.CORBA.SystemException;
import org.omg.CORBA.UserException;
import org.omg.CORBA.UNKNOWN;

import org.omg.CORBA.portable.ApplicationException;
import org.omg.CORBA.portable.RemarshalException;

import org.omg.IOP.CodecFactory;

import org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ForwardRequest;
import org.omg.PortableInterceptor.Current;
import org.omg.PortableInterceptor.Interceptor;
import org.omg.PortableInterceptor.LOCATION_FORWARD;
import org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ORBInitializer;
import org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ORBInitInfo;
import org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ORBInitInfoPackage.DuplicateName;
import org.omg.PortableInterceptor.SUCCESSFUL;
import org.omg.PortableInterceptor.SYSTEM_EXCEPTION;
import org.omg.PortableInterceptor.TRANSPORT_RETRY;
import org.omg.PortableInterceptor.USER_EXCEPTION;
import org.omg.PortableInterceptor.PolicyFactory;
import org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ObjectReferenceTemplate ;




 * Provides portable interceptor functionality.  
public class PIHandlerImpl implements PIHandler 
    // REVISIT - delete these after framework merging.
    boolean printPushPopEnabled = false;
    int pushLevel = 0;
    private void printPush()
	if (! printPushPopEnabled) return;
    private void printPop()
	if (! printPushPopEnabled) return;
    private void printSpaces(int n)
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	    System.out.print(" ");

    private ORB orb ;
    InterceptorsSystemException wrapper ;
    ORBUtilSystemException orbutilWrapper ;
    OMGSystemException omgWrapper ;

    // A unique id used in ServerRequestInfo.
    // This does not correspond to the GIOP request id.
    private int serverRequestIdCounter = 0;

    // Stores the codec factory for producing codecs
    CodecFactory codecFactory = null;

    // The arguments passed to the application's main method.  May be null.
    // This is used for ORBInitializers and set from set_parameters.
    String[] arguments = null;

    // The list of portable interceptors, organized by type:
    private InterceptorList interceptorList;

    // Cached information for optimization - do we have any interceptors
    // registered of the given types?  Set during ORB initialization.
    private boolean hasIORInterceptors;
    private boolean hasClientInterceptors;  // temp always true
    private boolean hasServerInterceptors;

    // The class responsible for invoking interceptors
    private InterceptorInvoker interceptorInvoker;

    // There will be one PICurrent instantiated for every ORB.
    private PICurrent current;

    // This table contains a list of PolicyFactories registered using
    // ORBInitInfo.registerPolicyFactory() method.
    // Key for the table is PolicyType which is an Integer
    // Value is PolicyFactory.
    private HashMap policyFactoryTable;
    // Table to convert from a ReplyMessage.? to a PI replyStatus short.
    // Note that this table relies on the order and constants of 
    // ReplyMessage not to change.
    private final static short REPLY_MESSAGE_TO_PI_REPLY_STATUS[] = {
        SUCCESSFUL.value,       // = ReplyMessage.NO_EXCEPTION
        USER_EXCEPTION.value,   // = ReplyMessage.USER_EXCEPTION
        SYSTEM_EXCEPTION.value, // = ReplyMessage.SYSTEM_EXCEPTION
        LOCATION_FORWARD.value, // = ReplyMessage.LOCATION_FORWARD
        TRANSPORT_RETRY.value   // = ReplyMessage.NEEDS_ADDRESSING_MODE
    // ThreadLocal containing a stack to store client request info objects
    // and a disable count.
    private ThreadLocal threadLocalClientRequestInfoStack = 
        new ThreadLocal() {
            protected Object initialValue() {
                return new RequestInfoStack();

    // ThreadLocal containing the current server request info object.
    private ThreadLocal threadLocalServerRequestInfoStack =
	new ThreadLocal() {
	    protected Object initialValue() {
		return new RequestInfoStack();
    // Class to contain all ThreadLocal data for ClientRequestInfo
    // maintenance.
    // We use an ArrayList instead since it is not thread-safe.  
    // RequestInfoStack is used quite frequently.
    private final class RequestInfoStack extends Stack {
        // Number of times a request has been made to disable interceptors.
        // When this reaches 0, interception hooks are disabled.  Any higher
        // value indicates they are enabled.
	// NOTE: The is only currently used on the client side.
        public int disableCount = 0;
    public PIHandlerImpl( ORB orb, String[] args ) {
	this.orb = orb ;
	wrapper = InterceptorsSystemException.get( orb, 
	    CORBALogDomains.RPC_PROTOCOL ) ;
	orbutilWrapper = ORBUtilSystemException.get( orb,
	    CORBALogDomains.RPC_PROTOCOL ) ;
	omgWrapper = OMGSystemException.get( orb,
	    CORBALogDomains.RPC_PROTOCOL ) ;
	arguments = args ;

	// Create codec factory:
	codecFactory = new CodecFactoryImpl( orb );

	// Create new interceptor list:
	interceptorList = new InterceptorList( wrapper );

        // Create a new PICurrent.
        current = new PICurrent( orb );

	// Create new interceptor invoker, initially disabled:
	interceptorInvoker = new InterceptorInvoker( orb, interceptorList, 
                                                     current );

	// Register the PI current and Codec factory objects
	orb.getLocalResolver().register( ORBConstants.PI_CURRENT_NAME, 
	    ClosureFactory.makeConstant( current ) ) ;
	orb.getLocalResolver().register( ORBConstants.CODEC_FACTORY_NAME, 
	    ClosureFactory.makeConstant( codecFactory ) ) ;

    public void initialize() {
	// If we have any orb initializers, make use of them:
	if( orb.getORBData().getORBInitializers() != null ) {
	    // Create the ORBInitInfo object to pass to ORB intializers:
	    ORBInitInfoImpl orbInitInfo = createORBInitInfo();

	    // Make sure get_slot and set_slot are not called from within
	    // ORB initializers:
	    current.setORBInitializing( true );

	    // Call pre_init on all ORB initializers:
	    preInitORBInitializers( orbInitInfo );

	    // Call post_init on all ORB initializers:
	    postInitORBInitializers( orbInitInfo );

	    // Proprietary: sort interceptors:

	    // Re-enable get_slot and set_slot to be called from within
	    // ORB initializers:
	    current.setORBInitializing( false );

	    // Ensure nobody makes any more calls on this object.
            orbInitInfo.setStage( ORBInitInfoImpl.STAGE_CLOSED );

	    // Set cached flags indicating whether we have interceptors
	    // registered of a given type.
	    hasIORInterceptors = interceptorList.hasInterceptorsOfType(
		InterceptorList.INTERCEPTOR_TYPE_IOR );
	    // XXX This must always be true, so that using the new generic
	    // RPC framework can pass info between the PI stack and the
	    // framework invocation stack.  Temporary until Harold fixes 
	    // this.  Note that this must never be true until after the
	    // ORBInitializer instances complete executing.
	    //hasClientInterceptors = interceptorList.hasInterceptorsOfType(
		//InterceptorList.INTERCEPTOR_TYPE_CLIENT );
	    hasClientInterceptors = true;
	    hasServerInterceptors = interceptorList.hasInterceptorsOfType(

	    // Enable interceptor invoker (not necessary if no interceptors 
	    // are registered).  This should be the last stage of ORB
	    // initialization.
	    interceptorInvoker.setEnabled( true );

     *	ptc/00-08-06 p 205: "When an application calls ORB::destroy, the ORB
     *	1) waits for all requests in progress to complete
     *	2) calls the Interceptor::destroy operation for each interceptor
     *	3) completes destruction of the ORB"
     * This must be called at the end of ORB.destroy.  Note that this is not
     * part of the PIHandler interface, since ORBImpl implements the ORB interface.
    public void destroyInterceptors() {

    public void objectAdapterCreated( ObjectAdapter oa ) 
	if (!hasIORInterceptors)
	    return ;

	interceptorInvoker.objectAdapterCreated( oa ) ;

    public void adapterManagerStateChanged( int managerId,
	short newState )
	if (!hasIORInterceptors)
	    return ;

	interceptorInvoker.adapterManagerStateChanged( managerId, newState ) ;

    public void adapterStateChanged( ObjectReferenceTemplate[] 
	templates, short newState )
	if (!hasIORInterceptors)
	    return ;

	interceptorInvoker.adapterStateChanged( templates, newState ) ;

     * Client PI hooks

    public void disableInterceptorsThisThread() {
	if( !hasClientInterceptors ) return;

        RequestInfoStack infoStack = 
    public void enableInterceptorsThisThread() {
	if( !hasClientInterceptors ) return;

        RequestInfoStack infoStack = 
    public void invokeClientPIStartingPoint() 
        throws RemarshalException
	if( !hasClientInterceptors ) return;
        if( !isClientPIEnabledForThisThread() ) return;

        // Invoke the starting interception points and record exception
        // and reply status info in the info object:
        ClientRequestInfoImpl info = peekClientRequestInfoImplStack();
        interceptorInvoker.invokeClientInterceptorStartingPoint( info );
        // Check reply status.  If we will not have another chance later
        // to invoke the client ending points, do it now.
        short replyStatus = info.getReplyStatus();
        if( (replyStatus == SYSTEM_EXCEPTION.value) ||
            (replyStatus == LOCATION_FORWARD.value) )
	    // Note: Transport retry cannot happen here since this happens
	    // before the request hits the wire.

            Exception exception = invokeClientPIEndingPoint( 
                convertPIReplyStatusToReplyMessage( replyStatus ),
                info.getException() );
            if( exception == null ) {
                // Do not throw anything.  Otherwise, it must be a
                // SystemException, UserException or RemarshalException.
            } if( exception instanceof SystemException ) {
                throw (SystemException)exception;
            } else if( exception instanceof RemarshalException ) {
                throw (RemarshalException)exception;
            } else if( (exception instanceof UserException) ||
		     (exception instanceof ApplicationException) ) {
                // It should not be possible for an interceptor to throw 
		// a UserException.  By asserting instead of throwing the
		// UserException, we need not declare anything but 
		// RemarshalException in the throws clause.
		throw wrapper.exceptionInvalid() ;
	else if( replyStatus != ClientRequestInfoImpl.UNINITIALIZED ) {
	    throw wrapper.replyStatusNotInit() ;
    public Exception invokeClientPIEndingPoint(
        int replyStatus, Exception exception )
	if( !hasClientInterceptors ) return exception;
        if( !isClientPIEnabledForThisThread() ) return exception;

        // Translate ReplyMessage.replyStatus into PI replyStatus:
	// Note: this is also an assertion to make sure a valid replyStatus
	// is passed in (IndexOutOfBoundsException will be thrown otherwise)
        short piReplyStatus = REPLY_MESSAGE_TO_PI_REPLY_STATUS[replyStatus];
        // Invoke the ending interception points and record exception
        // and reply status info in the info object:
        ClientRequestInfoImpl info = peekClientRequestInfoImplStack();
        info.setReplyStatus( piReplyStatus );
        info.setException( exception );
        interceptorInvoker.invokeClientInterceptorEndingPoint( info );
	piReplyStatus = info.getReplyStatus();

        // Check reply status:
        if( (piReplyStatus == LOCATION_FORWARD.value) ||
            (piReplyStatus == TRANSPORT_RETRY.value) ) 
            // If this is a forward or a retry, reset and reuse 
            // info object:
            info.setRetryRequest( true );

            // ... and return a RemarshalException so the orb internals know
            exception = new RemarshalException();
        else if( (piReplyStatus == SYSTEM_EXCEPTION.value) ||
                 (piReplyStatus == USER_EXCEPTION.value) ) 
            exception = info.getException();
        return exception;
    public void initiateClientPIRequest( boolean diiRequest ) {
	if( !hasClientInterceptors ) return;
        if( !isClientPIEnabledForThisThread() ) return;

	// Get the most recent info object from the thread local 
	// ClientRequestInfoImpl stack:
	RequestInfoStack infoStack = 
	ClientRequestInfoImpl info = null;
	if( !infoStack.empty() ) info = 

	if( !diiRequest && (info != null) && info.isDIIInitiate() ) {
	    // In RequestImpl.doInvocation we already called 
	    // initiateClientPIRequest( true ), so ignore this initiate.
	    info.setDIIInitiate( false );
	else {
	    // If there is no info object or if we are not retrying a request,
	    // push a new ClientRequestInfoImpl on the stack:
	    if( (info == null) || !info.getRetryRequest() ) {
		info = new ClientRequestInfoImpl( orb );
		infoStack.push( info );
		// Note: the entry count is automatically initialized to 0.
	    // Reset the retry request flag so that recursive calls will
	    // push a new info object, and bump up entry count so we know
	    // when to pop this info object:
	    info.setRetryRequest( false );

	    // If this is a DII request, make sure we ignore the next initiate.
	    if( diiRequest ) {
		info.setDIIInitiate( true );
    public void cleanupClientPIRequest() {
	if( !hasClientInterceptors ) return;
        if( !isClientPIEnabledForThisThread() ) return;

        ClientRequestInfoImpl info = peekClientRequestInfoImplStack();
        // If the replyStatus has not yet been set, this is an indication
        // that the ORB threw an exception before we had a chance to
        // invoke the client interceptor ending points.
        // _REVISIT_ We cannot handle any exceptions or ForwardRequests
        // flagged by the ending points here because there is no way
        // to gracefully handle this in any of the calling code.  
        // This is a rare corner case, so we will ignore this for now.
        short replyStatus = info.getReplyStatus();
        if( replyStatus == info.UNINITIALIZED ) {
	    invokeClientPIEndingPoint( ReplyMessage.SYSTEM_EXCEPTION,
		    CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_MAYBE ) ) ;
        // Decrement entry count, and if it is zero, pop it from the stack.
        if( info.getEntryCount() == 0 ) {
	    RequestInfoStack infoStack = 

    public void setClientPIInfo(CorbaMessageMediator messageMediator)
	if( !hasClientInterceptors ) return;
        if( !isClientPIEnabledForThisThread() ) return;
    public void setClientPIInfo( RequestImpl requestImpl ) {
	if( !hasClientInterceptors ) return;
        if( !isClientPIEnabledForThisThread() ) return;
        peekClientRequestInfoImplStack().setDIIRequest( requestImpl );
     * Server PI hooks
    public void invokeServerPIStartingPoint() 
	if( !hasServerInterceptors ) return;

        ServerRequestInfoImpl info = peekServerRequestInfoImplStack();
        interceptorInvoker.invokeServerInterceptorStartingPoint( info );

	// Handle SystemException or ForwardRequest:
	serverPIHandleExceptions( info );

    public void invokeServerPIIntermediatePoint() 
	if( !hasServerInterceptors ) return;

        ServerRequestInfoImpl info = peekServerRequestInfoImplStack();
        interceptorInvoker.invokeServerInterceptorIntermediatePoint( info );
        // Clear servant from info object so that the user has control over
        // its lifetime:

	// Handle SystemException or ForwardRequest:
	serverPIHandleExceptions( info );
    public void invokeServerPIEndingPoint( ReplyMessage replyMessage ) 
	if( !hasServerInterceptors ) return;
        ServerRequestInfoImpl info = peekServerRequestInfoImplStack();

	// REVISIT: This needs to be done "early" for the following workaround.
	info.setReplyMessage( replyMessage );

	// REVISIT: This was done inside of invokeServerInterceptorEndingPoint
	// but needs to be here for now.  See comment in that method for why.
	info.setCurrentExecutionPoint( info.EXECUTION_POINT_ENDING );

        // It is possible we might have entered this method more than
        // once (e.g. if an ending point threw a SystemException, then
        // a new ServerResponseImpl is created).
        if( !info.getAlreadyExecuted() ) {
	    int replyStatus = replyMessage.getReplyStatus();

            // Translate ReplyMessage.replyStatus into PI replyStatus:
            // Note: this is also an assertion to make sure a valid 
            // replyStatus is passed in (IndexOutOfBoundsException will be 
            // thrown otherwise)
            short piReplyStatus = 

	    // Make forwarded IOR available to interceptors, if applicable:
	    if( ( piReplyStatus == LOCATION_FORWARD.value ) ||
		( piReplyStatus == TRANSPORT_RETRY.value ) ) 
		info.setForwardRequest( replyMessage.getIOR() );

	    // REVISIT: Do early above for now.
	    // Make reply message available to interceptors:
	    //info.setReplyMessage( replyMessage );

            // Remember exception so we can tell if an interceptor changed it.
            Exception prevException = info.getException();

	    // _REVISIT_ We do not have access to the User Exception at
	    // this point, so treat it as an UNKNOWN for now.
	    // Note that if this is a DSI call, we do have the user exception.
	    if( !info.isDynamic() && 
		(piReplyStatus == USER_EXCEPTION.value) ) 
		info.setException( omgWrapper.unknownUserException( 
		    CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_MAYBE ) ) ;
            // Invoke the ending interception points:
            info.setReplyStatus( piReplyStatus );
            interceptorInvoker.invokeServerInterceptorEndingPoint( info );
            short newPIReplyStatus = info.getReplyStatus();
            Exception newException = info.getException();
            // Check reply status.  If an interceptor threw a SystemException
            // and it is different than the one that we came in with,
            // rethrow it so the proper response can be constructed:
            if( ( newPIReplyStatus == SYSTEM_EXCEPTION.value ) &&
                ( newException != prevException ) ) 
                throw (SystemException)newException;

	    // If we are to forward the location:
	    if( newPIReplyStatus == LOCATION_FORWARD.value ) {
	        if( piReplyStatus != LOCATION_FORWARD.value ) {
	            // Treat a ForwardRequest as a ForwardException.
                    IOR ior = info.getForwardRequestIOR();
		    throw new ForwardException( orb, ior ) ;
		else if( info.isForwardRequestRaisedInEnding() ) {
	            // Treat a ForwardRequest by changing the IOR.
                    replyMessage.setIOR( info.getForwardRequestIOR() );
    public void setServerPIInfo( Exception exception ) {
	if( !hasServerInterceptors ) return;

        ServerRequestInfoImpl info = peekServerRequestInfoImplStack();
        info.setException( exception );

    public void setServerPIInfo( NVList arguments )
	if( !hasServerInterceptors ) return;

        ServerRequestInfoImpl info = peekServerRequestInfoImplStack();
        info.setDSIArguments( arguments );

    public void setServerPIExceptionInfo( Any exception )
	if( !hasServerInterceptors ) return;

        ServerRequestInfoImpl info = peekServerRequestInfoImplStack();
        info.setDSIException( exception );

    public void setServerPIInfo( Any result )
	if( !hasServerInterceptors ) return;

        ServerRequestInfoImpl info = peekServerRequestInfoImplStack();
        info.setDSIResult( result );

    public void initializeServerPIInfo( CorbaMessageMediator request,
	ObjectAdapter oa, byte[] objectId, ObjectKeyTemplate oktemp ) 
	if( !hasServerInterceptors ) return;

        RequestInfoStack infoStack = 
        ServerRequestInfoImpl info = new ServerRequestInfoImpl( orb );
	infoStack.push( info );

	// Notify request object that once response is constructed, make
	// sure we execute ending points.
        request.setExecutePIInResponseConstructor( true );

        info.setInfo( request, oa, objectId, oktemp );
    public void setServerPIInfo( java.lang.Object servant, 
				          String targetMostDerivedInterface ) 
	if( !hasServerInterceptors ) return;

        ServerRequestInfoImpl info = peekServerRequestInfoImplStack();
        info.setInfo( servant, targetMostDerivedInterface );

    public void cleanupServerPIRequest() {
	if( !hasServerInterceptors ) return;

        RequestInfoStack infoStack = 
     *  The following methods are private utility methods. 

     * Handles exceptions for the starting and intermediate points for
     * server request interceptors.  This is common code that has been
     * factored out into this utility method.
     * <p>
     * This method will NOT work for ending points.
    private void serverPIHandleExceptions( ServerRequestInfoImpl info ) 
        int endingPointCall = info.getEndingPointCall();
        if(endingPointCall == ServerRequestInfoImpl.CALL_SEND_EXCEPTION) {
            // If a system exception was thrown, throw it to caller:
            throw (SystemException)info.getException();
        else if( (endingPointCall == ServerRequestInfoImpl.CALL_SEND_OTHER) &&
                 (info.getForwardRequestException() != null) )
            // If an interceptor throws a forward request, convert it
            // into a ForwardException for easier handling:
            IOR ior = info.getForwardRequestIOR();
	    throw new ForwardException( orb, ior );

     * Utility method to convert a PI reply status short to a ReplyMessage
     * constant.  This is a reverse lookup on the table defined in
     * REPLY_MESSAGE_TO_PI_REPLY_STATUS.  The reverse lookup need not be
     * performed as quickly since it is only executed in exception
     * conditions.
    private int convertPIReplyStatusToReplyMessage( short replyStatus ) {
        int result = 0;
        for( int i = 0; i < REPLY_MESSAGE_TO_PI_REPLY_STATUS.length; i++ ) {
            if( REPLY_MESSAGE_TO_PI_REPLY_STATUS[i] == replyStatus ) {
                result = i;
        return result;
     * Convenience method to get the ClientRequestInfoImpl object off the 
     * top of the ThreadLocal stack.  Throws an INTERNAL exception if 
     * the Info stack is empty.
    private ClientRequestInfoImpl peekClientRequestInfoImplStack() {
        RequestInfoStack infoStack = 
        ClientRequestInfoImpl info = null;
        if( !infoStack.empty() ) {
	    info = (ClientRequestInfoImpl)infoStack.peek();
	} else {
	    throw wrapper.clientInfoStackNull() ;
        return info;

     * Convenience method to get the ServerRequestInfoImpl object off the 
     * top of the ThreadLocal stack.  Returns null if there are none.
    private ServerRequestInfoImpl peekServerRequestInfoImplStack() {
        RequestInfoStack infoStack = 
        ServerRequestInfoImpl info = null;

        if( !infoStack.empty() ) {
            info = (ServerRequestInfoImpl)infoStack.peek();
        } else {
	    throw wrapper.serverInfoStackNull() ;

        return info;
     * Convenience method to determine whether Client PI is enabled
     * for requests on this thread. 
    private boolean isClientPIEnabledForThisThread() {
        RequestInfoStack infoStack = 
        return (infoStack.disableCount == 0);
     * Call pre_init on all ORB initializers
    private void preInitORBInitializers( ORBInitInfoImpl info ) {

	// Inform ORBInitInfo we are in pre_init stage
        info.setStage( ORBInitInfoImpl.STAGE_PRE_INIT );

	// Step through each initializer instantiation and call its 
	// pre_init.  Ignore any exceptions.
	for( int i = 0; i < orb.getORBData().getORBInitializers().length; 
	    i++ ) {
	    ORBInitializer init = orb.getORBData().getORBInitializers()[i];
	    if( init != null ) {
		try {
		    init.pre_init( info );
		catch( Exception e ) {
		    // As per orbos/99-12-02, section, "If there are 
		    // any exceptions, the ORB shall ignore them and proceed."

     * Call post_init on all ORB initializers
    private void postInitORBInitializers( ORBInitInfoImpl info ) {

	// Inform ORBInitInfo we are in post_init stage
        info.setStage( ORBInitInfoImpl.STAGE_POST_INIT );

	// Step through each initializer instantiation and call its post_init.
	// Ignore any exceptions.
	for( int i = 0; i < orb.getORBData().getORBInitializers().length; 
	    i++ ) {
	    ORBInitializer init = orb.getORBData().getORBInitializers()[i];
	    if( init != null ) {
		try {
		    init.post_init( info );
		catch( Exception e ) {
		    // As per orbos/99-12-02, section, "If there are 
		    // any exceptions, the ORB shall ignore them and proceed."

     * Creates the ORBInitInfo object to be passed to ORB intializers'
     * pre_init and post_init methods
    private ORBInitInfoImpl createORBInitInfo() {
	ORBInitInfoImpl result = null;
	// arguments comes from set_parameters.  May be null.

	// _REVISIT_ The spec does not specify which ID this is to be.
	// We currently get this from the corba.ORB, which reads it from
	// the ORB_ID_PROPERTY property.
	String orbId = orb.getORBData().getORBId() ;

	result = new ORBInitInfoImpl( orb, arguments, orbId, codecFactory );

	return result;

     * Called by ORBInitInfo when an interceptor needs to be registered.
     * The type is one of:
     * <ul>
     *   <li>INTERCEPTOR_TYPE_CLIENT - ClientRequestInterceptor
     *   <li>INTERCEPTOR_TYPE_SERVER - ServerRequestInterceptor
     *   <li>INTERCEPTOR_TYPE_IOR - IORInterceptor
     * </ul>
     * @exception DuplicateName Thrown if an interceptor of the given
     *     name already exists for the given type.
    public void register_interceptor( Interceptor interceptor, int type ) 
	throws DuplicateName
	// We will assume interceptor is not null, since it is called
	// internally.
	if( (type >= InterceptorList.NUM_INTERCEPTOR_TYPES) || (type < 0) ) {
	    throw wrapper.typeOutOfRange( new Integer( type ) ) ;

        String interceptorName =;

        if( interceptorName == null ) {
	    throw wrapper.nameNull() ;

	// Register with interceptor list:
	interceptorList.register_interceptor( interceptor, type );

    public Current getPICurrent( ) {
        return current;

     * Called when an invalid null parameter was passed.  Throws a
     * BAD_PARAM with a minor code of 1
    private void nullParam() 
        throws BAD_PARAM 
	throw orbutilWrapper.nullParam() ;

    /** This is the implementation of standard API defined in org.omg.CORBA.ORB
     *  class. This method finds the Policy Factory for the given Policy Type 
     *  and instantiates the Policy object from the Factory. It will throw 
     *  PolicyError exception, If the PolicyFactory for the given type is
     *  not registered.
     *  _REVISIT_, Once Policy Framework work is completed, Reorganize
     *  this method to 
    public org.omg.CORBA.Policy create_policy(int type, org.omg.CORBA.Any val)
        throws org.omg.CORBA.PolicyError
        if( val == null ) {
            nullParam( );
        if( policyFactoryTable == null ) {
            throw new org.omg.CORBA.PolicyError(
                "There is no PolicyFactory Registered for type " + type, 
		BAD_POLICY.value );
        PolicyFactory factory = (PolicyFactory)policyFactoryTable.get(
            new Integer(type) );
        if( factory == null ) {
            throw new org.omg.CORBA.PolicyError(
                " Could Not Find PolicyFactory for the Type " + type, 
        org.omg.CORBA.Policy policy = factory.create_policy( type, val );
        return policy;

    /** This method registers the Policy Factory in the policyFactoryTable,
     *  which is a HashMap. This method is made package private, because
     *  it is used internally by the  Interceptors.
    public void registerPolicyFactory( int type, PolicyFactory factory ) {
        if( policyFactoryTable == null ) {
            policyFactoryTable = new HashMap();
        Integer key = new Integer( type );
        java.lang.Object val = policyFactoryTable.get( key );
        if( val == null ) {
            policyFactoryTable.put( key, factory );
        else {
	    throw omgWrapper.policyFactoryRegFailed( new Integer( type ) ) ;
    public synchronized int allocateServerRequestId ()
	return serverRequestIdCounter++;