nodereplacechildpublic final class nodereplacechild extends org.w3c.domts.DOMTestCase The "replaceChild(newChild,oldChild)" method replaces
the node "oldChild" with the node "newChild".
Replace the first element of the second employee with
a newly created Element node. Check the first position
after the replacement operation is completed. The new
Element should be "newChild". |
Constructors Summary |
public nodereplacechild(org.w3c.domts.DOMTestDocumentBuilderFactory factory)Constructor.
// check if loaded documents are supported for content type
String contentType = getContentType();
preload(contentType, "staff", true);
Methods Summary |
public java.lang.String | getTargetURI()Gets URI that identifies the test.
return "";
| public static void | main(java.lang.String[] args)Runs this test from the command line.
DOMTestCase.doMain(nodereplacechild.class, args);
| public void | runTest()Runs the test case.
Document doc;
NodeList elementList;
Node employeeNode;
NodeList childList;
Node oldChild;
Node newChild;
Node child;
String childName;
Node replacedNode;
doc = (Document) load("staff", true);
elementList = doc.getElementsByTagName("employee");
employeeNode = elementList.item(1);
childList = employeeNode.getChildNodes();
oldChild = childList.item(0);
newChild = doc.createElement("newChild");
replacedNode = employeeNode.replaceChild(newChild, oldChild);
child = childList.item(0);
childName = child.getNodeName();
assertEquals("nodeReplaceChildAssert1", "newChild", childName);