BrokerAppletpublic class BrokerApplet extends Applet This class demonstrates usage of new Utility APIs including APIs for TLV
integer manipulation and big number math API |
(Omit source code)
Fields Summary |
static final byte[] | INITIAL_ACCOUNT_BALANCEInitial account balance | static final byte | VERIFYINS value for ISO 7816-4 VERIFY command | static final byte | GET_COMPLETE_PORTFOLIOINS value to get complete portfolio | static final byte | GET_STOCK_INFOINS value to get information on a stock | static final byte | BUY_STOCKINS value to generate a stock purchase request for the broker | static final byte | SELL_STOCKINS value to generate a sell stocks request for the broker | static final byte | UPDATE_PORTFOLIOINS value to update the portfolio | static final byte | GET_BALANCEINS value to get balance | static final byte | STOCK_SYMBOL_LENGTHLength of a stock symbol | static final byte | MAX_PIN_TRIESMaximum number of incorrect tries before the PIN is blocked | static final byte | MAX_PIN_SIZEMaximum PIN size | static final short | SW_VERIFICATION_FAILEDSW bytes for PIN verification failure | static final short | SW_STOCK_NOT_FOUNDSW bytes for No stock info found | static final short | SW_NOT_ENOUGH_ACCOUNT_BALANCESW bytes for Not enough account balance | static final short | SW_NOT_ENOUGH_STOCKS_TO_SELLSW bytes for not enough stocks to sell | static final short | INVALID_BROKER_CONFIRMATIONSW bytes for malformed broker confirmation | static final short | INVALID_BROKER_SIGNATURESW bytes for invalid broker signature | static final short | TLV_EXCEPTIONSW bytes for TLV Exception | static final short | ARITHMETIC_EXCEPTIONSW bytes for Arithmetic exception | static final short | INVALID_NUMBER_FORMATSW bytes for Arithmetic exception | private OwnerPIN | pinThe user PIN | private BigNumber | accountBalanceAmount of money in user's account | private ConstructedBERTLV | portfolioThis constructed BER TLV holds the portfolio | private static final byte[] | dummySignaturedummy broker signature | ConstructedBERTag | portfolioTagconstructed BER TLV Tag for portfolio | ConstructedBERTag | stockInfoTagconstructed BER TLV Tag stock informaiton | ConstructedBERTag | sellStockReqTagconstructed BER TLV Tag for sell stock request for broker | ConstructedBERTag | buyStockReqTagconstructed BER TLV Tag for stock purchase request for broker | ConstructedBERTag | purchaseConfirmTagconstructed BER TLV Tag for stock purchase confirmation from broker | ConstructedBERTag | sellConfirmTagconstructed BER TLV Tag for sell stock confirmation from broker | ConstructedBERTag | lastTradeTagconstructed BER TLV Tag for last trade information | PrimitiveBERTag | numStocksTagPrimitive BER TLV Tag for number of stocks | PrimitiveBERTag | priceTagPrimitive BER TLV Tag for price information | PrimitiveBERTag | symbolTagPrimitive BER TLV Tag for stock symbol information | PrimitiveBERTag | signatureTagPrimitive BER TLV Tag for broker signature | BigNumber | tempBigNumBig number for temporary calculations | byte[] | scratchSpacetemporary buffer used as scratch space |
Constructors Summary |
BrokerApplet(byte[] bArray, short bOffset, byte bLength)The constructor
byte aidLen = bArray[bOffset]; // aid length
if (aidLen == (byte) 0) {
} else {
register(bArray, (short) (bOffset + 1), aidLen);
// Ignore control info
bOffset = (short) (bOffset + aidLen + 1);
byte infoLen = bArray[bOffset]; // control info length
bOffset = (short) (bOffset + infoLen + 1);
byte paramLen = bArray[bOffset++]; // applet parameters length
// Retrieve PIN initialization value from installation parameters
if (paramLen > MAX_PIN_SIZE) {
// Retrieve the PIN
pin.update(bArray, bOffset, (byte)(paramLen));
// initialize account balance to 100,000.00
accountBalance = new BigNumber((byte)8);
accountBalance.init(INITIAL_ACCOUNT_BALANCE, (byte)0,
// initialize the temporary big number
tempBigNum = new BigNumber(BigNumber.getMaxBytesSupported());
// initialize primitive tags
// initialize constructed tags
// initialize the scratchSpace
scratchSpace = JCSystem.makeTransientByteArray((short)10,
// create an empty portfolio
portfolioTag.toBytes(scratchSpace, (short)0);
portfolio = (ConstructedBERTLV)BERTLV.getInstance(scratchSpace,
(short)0, (short)2);
Methods Summary |
private void | completeBrokerRequest(byte[] buffer, short priceToSellAt, int numStocksToSell)This method completes the stock sell or purchase request for broker.
In this method we add the following primitive TLVs to the broker
request constructed TLV
Primitive TLV for desired stock price
Primitive TLV for number of stocks to sell
Primitive TLV for signature
short offset = 0;
// output the desired stock price TLV
offset = priceTag.toBytes(scratchSpace, (short)0);
scratchSpace[offset++] = (byte)2;
Util.setShort(scratchSpace, offset, priceToSellAt);
ConstructedBERTLV.append(scratchSpace, (short)0, buffer, (short)0);
// output number of stocks: Tag then length then value
offset = numStocksTag.toBytes(scratchSpace, (short)0);
scratchSpace[offset++] = (byte)4;
JCint.setInt(scratchSpace, offset, numStocksToSell);
ConstructedBERTLV.append(scratchSpace, (short)0, buffer, (short)0);
// output the signature tag length and value
offset = signatureTag.toBytes(scratchSpace, (short)0);
scratchSpace[offset++] = (byte)8; // signature length
Util.arrayCopyNonAtomic(dummySignature, (short)0, scratchSpace,
offset, (byte)8);
ConstructedBERTLV.append(scratchSpace, (short)0, buffer, (short)0);
| private ConstructedBERTLV | createNewStockTLV(byte[] buffer, short symbolOffset, short numOffset, short priceOffset)As a rsult of a stock that is bought, we create a new
TLV to hold the information regarding the newly bought stock
// this TLV contains the following
// - Primitive TLV for stock symbol
// - Primitive TLV for number of stocks we currently have
// - Constructed TLV for last trade containing following
// - Primitive TLV for number of stocks
// - Primitive TLV for price
Util.arrayFillNonAtomic(scratchSpace, (short)0,
(short)scratchSpace.length, (byte)0);
short offset = stockInfoTag.toBytes(scratchSpace, (short)0);
// length is 0 which is already set in so don't need to modify
ConstructedBERTLV stockInfo = (ConstructedBERTLV)BERTLV.getInstance(
scratchSpace, (short)0, (short)2);
// create the stock symbol TLV
offset = symbolTag.toBytes(scratchSpace, (short)0);
PrimitiveBERTLV symbolTLV = (PrimitiveBERTLV)BERTLV.getInstance(
buffer, symbolOffset, (short)7);
// append to the stockInfo TLV
// clean up the scratch space for number TLV
PrimitiveBERTLV numStocksTLV = (PrimitiveBERTLV)BERTLV.getInstance(
buffer, numOffset, (short)6);
// append to the stockInfo TLV
// create the last trade TLV
offset = lastTradeTag.toBytes(scratchSpace, (short)0);
scratchSpace[offset] = 0;
ConstructedBERTLV lastTradeInfo = (ConstructedBERTLV)BERTLV.getInstance(
scratchSpace, (short)0, (short)2);
PrimitiveBERTLV LTradeNumStocksTLV = (PrimitiveBERTLV)BERTLV.getInstance(
buffer, numOffset, (short)6);
PrimitiveBERTLV priceTLV = (PrimitiveBERTLV)BERTLV.getInstance(
buffer, priceOffset, (short)4);
// now append the last trade TLV to stockInfo TLV
// this completes the stockInfo
return stockInfo;
| public void | deselect()deselect method
// Reset the PIN value
| private ConstructedBERTLV | findStock(byte[] buffer, short offset)Finds a stock that matches the stock symbol
// We go through all the stocks that we have to find the
// one we're looking for
ConstructedBERTLV stockInfo =
while(stockInfo != null){
PrimitiveBERTLV symbol = (PrimitiveBERTLV)stockInfo.find(symbolTag);
symbol.getValue(scratchSpace, (short)0);
if(Util.arrayCompare(buffer, offset, scratchSpace,
(short)0, STOCK_SYMBOL_LENGTH) == 0){
return stockInfo;
stockInfo =
(ConstructedBERTLV)portfolio.findNext(stockInfoTag, stockInfo, (short)1);
return null;
| private byte | genSellStockRequest(byte[] buffer)Returns stock a sell stock request to the client if we hold
enough stocks.
Input: Stock symbol, the number of stocks to sell and desired price
Output: Constructed BER TLV containing the following:
- Primitive TLV for stock symbol
- Primitive TLV for desired stock price
- Primitive TLV for number of stocks to sell
- Primitive TLV for signature
short offset = ISO7816.OFFSET_CDATA;
// check to see if we actually have this stock
ConstructedBERTLV stockInfo = findStock(buffer, offset);
if(stockInfo == null) ISOException.throwIt(SW_STOCK_NOT_FOUND);
// Now get the number of stocks we want to sell.
int numStocksToSell = JCint.getInt(buffer, offset);
offset += (short)4;
// get the desired sell price
short priceToSellAt = Util.getShort(buffer, offset);
offset += (short)2;
// now within this constructed BER TLV, we need to find the Primitive
// TLV that has the number of stocks we currently hold
PrimitiveBERTLV numStocksTLV =
// use the buffer as scratch space since we have already
// taken out the values that we wanted to take out.
numStocksTLV.getValue(buffer, (short)0);
// we already know that this is a 4 byte integer value
// create an integer from bytes
int numCurrStock = JCint.getInt(buffer, (byte)0);
// check that we have enough stocks that meet the
// sell request requirement
if(numCurrStock < numStocksToSell)
Util.arrayFillNonAtomic(buffer, (short)0, (short)100, (byte)0);
// output the broker request tag and length
offset = sellStockReqTag.toBytes(buffer, (short)0);
buffer[offset] = 0;
// output the stock symbol TLV
PrimitiveBERTLV stockSymbol =
offset = stockSymbol.toBytes(scratchSpace, (short)0);
// append to sell request
ConstructedBERTLV.append(scratchSpace, (short)0, buffer, (short)0);
completeBrokerRequest(buffer, priceToSellAt, numStocksToSell);
return (byte)(buffer[1] + 1); // length of TLV
| private byte | genStockPurchaseRequest(byte[] buffer)Performs the following steps to assist in buying a stock
- Check available funds
- Create a "signed" request for the broker
short offset = ISO7816.OFFSET_CDATA;
// first 5 bytes contain the stock symbol with each byte represnting
// an ASCII value
offset += (short)5;
// Now get the number of stocks we want to buy.
int numStocksToBuy = JCint.getInt(buffer, offset);
offset += (short)4;
// get the desired buy price
short priceToBuyAt = Util.getShort(buffer, offset);
offset += (short)2;
// verify that we have enough balance available
// Generate the request. The request is a constructed BER TLV with
// following elements:
// - Stock symbol
// - desired price
// - number of stocks to buy
// output the broker request tag and length
offset = buyStockReqTag.toBytes(buffer, (short)0);
buffer[offset++] = (byte)0;
// output the stock symbol TLV
offset = symbolTag.toBytes(scratchSpace, (short)0);
scratchSpace[offset++] = STOCK_SYMBOL_LENGTH;
offset = Util.arrayCopyNonAtomic(buffer, ISO7816.OFFSET_CDATA,
scratchSpace, offset, STOCK_SYMBOL_LENGTH);
ConstructedBERTLV.append(scratchSpace, (short)0, buffer, (short)0);
completeBrokerRequest(buffer, priceToBuyAt, numStocksToBuy);
return (byte)(buffer[1] + 2); // total length of TLV
| private short | getBalance(byte[] buffer)Return current balance
if(buffer[ISO7816.OFFSET_P1] == BigNumber.FORMAT_BCD)
accountBalance.toBytes(buffer, (short)0,
(short)8, BigNumber.FORMAT_BCD);
else if (buffer[ISO7816.OFFSET_P1] == BigNumber.FORMAT_HEX)
accountBalance.toBytes(buffer, (short)0,
(short)8, BigNumber.FORMAT_HEX);
return (short)8;
| private short | getPortfolio(byte[] buffer)Return following information on all the stocks
- Primitive TLV for stock symbol
- Primitive TLV for number of stocks we currently have
- Constructed TLV for last trade containing following
- Primitive TLV for number of stocks
- Primitive TLV for price
return portfolio.toBytes(buffer, (short)0);
}catch(TLVException e){
if(e.getReason() == TLVException.EMPTY_TLV)
return 0;
| private short | getStockInfo(byte[] buffer)Returns stock information
Input: 5 bytes representing stock symbol
Output: Constructed BER TLV containing the following:
- Primitive TLV for stock symbol
- Primitive TLV for number of stocks we currently have
- Constructed TLV for last trade containing following
- Primitive TLV for number of stocks
- Primitive TLV for price
// Find the stock in the portfolio
ConstructedBERTLV stockInfo = findStock(buffer, ISO7816.OFFSET_CDATA);
if(stockInfo == null)ISOException.throwIt(SW_STOCK_NOT_FOUND);
return stockInfo.toBytes(buffer, (short)0);
| private void | initConstructedTags()Initialize the constructed tags
portfolioTag = new ConstructedBERTag();
stockInfoTag = new ConstructedBERTag();
sellStockReqTag = new ConstructedBERTag();
buyStockReqTag = new ConstructedBERTag();
purchaseConfirmTag = new ConstructedBERTag();
sellConfirmTag = new ConstructedBERTag();
lastTradeTag = new ConstructedBERTag();
portfolioTag.init((byte)3, (short)1);
stockInfoTag.init((byte)3, (short)2);
sellStockReqTag.init((byte)3, (short)3);
buyStockReqTag.init((byte)3, (short)4);
sellConfirmTag.init((byte)3, (short)5);
purchaseConfirmTag.init((byte)3, (short)6);
lastTradeTag.init((byte)3, (short)7);
| private void | initPrimitiveTags()Initialize the primitive tags
symbolTag = new PrimitiveBERTag();
numStocksTag = new PrimitiveBERTag();
priceTag = new PrimitiveBERTag();
signatureTag = new PrimitiveBERTag();
symbolTag.init((byte)3, (short)8);
numStocksTag.init((byte)3, (short)9);
priceTag.init((byte)3, (short)10);
signatureTag.init((byte)3, (short)11);
| public static void | install(byte[] bArray, short bOffset, byte bLength)Installs this applet.
new BrokerApplet(bArray, bOffset, bLength);
| public void | process(APDU apdu)Process method
// get the APDU buffer
byte buffer[] = apdu.getBuffer();
// return if this APDU is for applet selection
// mask the channel information
buffer[ISO7816.OFFSET_CLA] =
(byte) (buffer[ISO7816.OFFSET_CLA] & (byte) 0xFC);
// get the data part of the APDU if this is not getPortfolio command or
// get balance command
// pin verification command
if (buffer[ISO7816.OFFSET_CLA] == ISO7816.CLA_ISO7816) {
if (buffer[ISO7816.OFFSET_INS] == VERIFY) {
} else {
// if PIN is not already verified throw exception
short responseSize = 0;
responseSize = getPortfolio(buffer);
responseSize = getStockInfo(buffer);
responseSize = genStockPurchaseRequest(buffer);
responseSize = genSellStockRequest(buffer);
responseSize = getBalance(buffer);
default: ISOException.throwIt(ISO7816.SW_FUNC_NOT_SUPPORTED);
}catch(TLVException e){
}catch(ArithmeticException e){
// send the response data back
apdu.setOutgoingAndSend((short)0, (byte)responseSize);
| public boolean | select()Select method
// The applet declines to be selected
// if the PIN is blocked.
if (pin.getTriesRemaining() == 0) {
return false;
return true;
| void | updateAccountBalance(byte[] buffer, short numStocksOffset, short priceOffset, boolean sold)Update the account balance
tempBigNum.init(buffer, numStocksOffset, (byte)4, BigNumber.FORMAT_HEX);
// get the amount for this trade
tempBigNum.multiply(buffer, priceOffset, (short)2,
tempBigNum.toBytes(scratchSpace, (short)0,
(short)8, BigNumber.FORMAT_HEX);
// if stock was sold, we add to the balance
accountBalance.add(scratchSpace, (short)0,
(short)8, BigNumber.FORMAT_HEX);
// if stock was bought we subtract the amount
// from balance
accountBalance.subtract(scratchSpace, (short)0,
(short)8, BigNumber.FORMAT_HEX);
| private void | updatePortfolio(byte[] buffer)Verifies the signature of broker and if the signature is verified
update the portfolio including stocks and available balance
short offset = ISO7816.OFFSET_CDATA;
boolean isSellConfirmation = false;
* The buffer contains the constructed BER TLV received from the
* broker. The constructed BER TLV contains the following values
* in form of primitive TLV objects
* - Stock Symbol
* - Stock Price
* - Number of stocks
* - Broker Signature (dummy signature 9999 9999 is used)
// To find out if this a sell confirmation or purchase confirmation
// we match the tag against sell and purchase confirmation tags
if(!BERTag.isConstructed(buffer, offset) ||
BERTag.tagClass(buffer, offset) != (byte)3)
// get the tag number
short confirmTagNumber = BERTag.tagNumber(buffer, offset);
if(confirmTagNumber == sellConfirmTag.tagNumber())
isSellConfirmation = true;
else if(confirmTagNumber == purchaseConfirmTag.tagNumber())
isSellConfirmation = false;
// get the stock symbol TLV
symbolTag.toBytes(scratchSpace, (short)0);
short symbolTLVOffset = ConstructedBERTLV.find(buffer, offset,
scratchSpace, (short)0);
numStocksTag.toBytes(scratchSpace, (short)0);
short numStocksTLVOffset = ConstructedBERTLV.find(buffer, offset,
scratchSpace, (short)0);
short numStocksValueOffset = PrimitiveBERTLV.getValueOffset(buffer,
// get the stock price
priceTag.toBytes(scratchSpace, (short)0);
short priceTLVOffset = ConstructedBERTLV.find(buffer, offset,
scratchSpace, (short)0);
short priceValueOffset = PrimitiveBERTLV.getValueOffset(buffer,
verifyBrokerSignature(buffer, ISO7816.OFFSET_CDATA);
// next is the stock symbol in 5 bytes. If we find already have
// the stock, we will update that TLV accordingly. If we do not
// have the stock, we'll add the new stock to portfolio
ConstructedBERTLV stockInfo = findStock(buffer,
PrimitiveBERTLV.getValueOffset(buffer, symbolTLVOffset));
if(stockInfo == null){
// we didn't have the stock that we sold!!!
// create the new constructed TLV for this stock
stockInfo = createNewStockTLV(buffer, symbolTLVOffset,
numStocksTLVOffset, priceTLVOffset);
updateAccountBalance(buffer, numStocksValueOffset,
priceValueOffset, isSellConfirmation);
// update the existing stockInfoTLV
// update num stocks
PrimitiveBERTLV numStocksTLV =
numStocksTLV.getValue(scratchSpace, (short)0);
tempBigNum.init(scratchSpace, (short)0, (byte)4, BigNumber.FORMAT_HEX);
tempBigNum.add(buffer, numStocksValueOffset, (short)4,
tempBigNum.subtract(buffer, numStocksValueOffset, (short)4,
// if stocks now number 0, we remove this TLV
Util.arrayFillNonAtomic(scratchSpace, (short)0, (short)1, (byte)0);
if(tempBigNum.compareTo(scratchSpace, (short)0,
(short)1, BigNumber.FORMAT_HEX) == 0){
portfolio.delete(stockInfo, (short)1);
tempBigNum.toBytes(scratchSpace, (short)0, (short)4,
numStocksTLV.replaceValue(scratchSpace, (short)0, (short)4);
// update last trade information
ConstructedBERTLV lastTradeTLV =
numStocksTLV = (PrimitiveBERTLV)lastTradeTLV.find(numStocksTag);
numStocksTLV.replaceValue(buffer, numStocksValueOffset, (short)4);
PrimitiveBERTLV priceTLV = (PrimitiveBERTLV)lastTradeTLV.find(priceTag);
priceTLV.replaceValue(buffer, priceValueOffset, (short)2);
// update the account balance
updateAccountBalance(buffer, numStocksValueOffset,
priceValueOffset, isSellConfirmation);
| private void | verify(byte[] buffer)Verifies the PIN.
byte numBytes = buffer[ISO7816.OFFSET_LC];
// Verify PIN
if (pin.check(buffer, ISO7816.OFFSET_CDATA, numBytes) == false) {
| void | verifyBalanceAvailability(byte[] buffer)Verifies that we have enough balance available to buy a stock
short offset = ISO7816.OFFSET_CDATA + (short)5;
// check if we have enough balance available to buy this stock
// initialize the number with number of stocks to buy
tempBigNum.init(buffer, offset, (short)4, BigNumber.FORMAT_HEX);
offset += (short)4;
//multiply this number by desired stock price
tempBigNum.multiply(buffer, offset, (short)2, BigNumber.FORMAT_HEX);
// now we compare this number against the current available balance
// to determine if we have enough funds available.
if(accountBalance.compareTo(tempBigNum) < (byte)0){
}catch(ArithmeticException e){
| void | verifyBrokerSignature(byte[] buffer, short TLVOffset)Verify the broker signature. This method throws an exception if the
broker signature is invalid
// get the stock price
signatureTag.toBytes(scratchSpace, (short)0);
short sigTLVOffset = ConstructedBERTLV.find(buffer, TLVOffset,
scratchSpace, (short)0);
short sigValueOffset = PrimitiveBERTLV.getValueOffset(buffer,
if(Util.arrayCompare(buffer, sigValueOffset, dummySignature,
(short)0, (byte)dummySignature.length) != 0){