Obtain the QName of the SOAP array type return Constants.SOAP_ARRAY12;
return Constants.SOAP_ARRAY12;
Obtain the ref attribute name return Constants.ATTR_REF;
return Constants.ATTR_REF;
Obtain the item type name of an array return Constants.ATTR_ITEM_TYPE;
return Constants.ATTR_ITEM_TYPE;
return bodyQName;
Obtain the MIME content type return "application/soap+xml";
return "application/soap+xml";
return Constants.URI_SOAP12_ENC;
return Constants.URI_SOAP12_ENV;
return faultQName;
return headerQName;
Obtain the Qname of Mustunderstand fault code return Constants.FAULT_SOAP12_MUSTUNDERSTAND;
Obtain the "next" role/actor URI return Constants.URI_SOAP12_NEXT_ROLE;
return Constants.URI_SOAP12_NEXT_ROLE;
Obtain the QName for the role attribute (actor/role) return roleQName;
return roleQName;
Obtain the Qname of VersionMismatch fault code return Constants.FAULT_SOAP12_VERSIONMISMATCH;