This is an example of a starting class for a doclet,
showing the entry-point methods. A starting class must
import com.sun.javadoc.* and implement the
start(RootDoc) method, as described in the
description. If the doclet takes command line options,
it must also implement optionLength and
validOptions .
A doclet supporting the language features added since 1.1
(such as generics and annotations) should indicate this
by implementing languageVersion . In the absence of
this the doclet should not invoke any of the Doclet API methods
added since 1.5, and
the results of several other methods are modified so as
to conceal the new constructs (such as type parameters) from
the doclet.
To start the doclet, pass
-doclet followed by the fully-qualified
name of the starting class on the javadoc tool command line. |