Constructs an instance. super(BluetoothUrl.RFCOMM);
Ensures URL parameters have valid values.paramurl URL to checkexceptionIllegalArgumentException if invalid url parameters found super.checkUrl(url); if (!url.isServer && (url.port < 1 || url.port > 30)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid channel: " + url.port); }
super.checkUrl(url); if (!url.isServer && (url.port < 1 || url.port > 30)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid channel: " + url.port); }
Ensures that permissions are proper and creates client side connection.paramtoken security token if passed by caller, or nullparammode I/O access modereturnproper BTSPPConnectionImpl instanceexceptionIOException if openning connection fails. checkForPermission(token, Permissions.BLUETOOTH_CLIENT); return new BTSPPConnectionImpl(url, mode);
checkForPermission(token, Permissions.BLUETOOTH_CLIENT); return new BTSPPConnectionImpl(url, mode);
Ensures that permissions are proper and creates required notifier at server side.paramtoken security token if passed by caller, or nullparammode I/O access modereturnproper BTSPPNotifierImpl instanceexceptionIOException if openning connection fails checkForPermission(token, Permissions.BLUETOOTH_SERVER); return new BTSPPNotifierImpl(url, mode);
checkForPermission(token, Permissions.BLUETOOTH_SERVER); return new BTSPPNotifierImpl(url, mode);