Methods Summary |
public java.lang.String | getLoggerLevel(java.lang.String loggerName)Gets the string value of the logging level of a logger. An empty string
is returned when the logger's level is defined by its parent. A
{@code null} is returned if the specified logger does not exist.
public java.util.List | getLoggerNames()Gets a list of all currently registered logger names. This is performed
using the {@link LogManager#getLoggerNames()}.
public java.lang.String | getParentLoggerName(java.lang.String loggerName)Gets the name of the parent logger of a logger. If the logger doesn't
exist then {@code null} is returned. If the logger is the root logger,
then an empty {@code String} is returned.
public void | setLoggerLevel(java.lang.String loggerName, java.lang.String levelName)Sets the log level of a logger. LevelName set to {@code null} means the
level is inherited from the nearest non-null ancestor.