ForeignFieldDesc.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API32090Fri May 04 22:35:06 BST


public class ForeignFieldDesc extends FieldDesc

Fields Summary
public static final int
When the parent object is deleted from db, delete the relationship object described by this object also.
public static final int
When the parent object is deleted, no action is required for the relationship object described by this object.
public static final int
Currently runtime code does not interprete this action.
public static final int
Currently runtime code does not interprete this action.
public static final int
Currently runtime code does not interprete this action.
public ClassDesc
Class descriptor for the class of this relationship field.
public int
public int
public int
public ArrayList
Array of LocalFieldDesc.
public ArrayList
Array of ColumnElement.
public ArrayList
Array of LocalFieldDesc.
public ArrayList
Array of ColumnElement.
public ArrayList
Array of LocalFieldDesc.
public ArrayList
Array of ColumnElement.
public ArrayList
Array of LocalFieldDesc.
public ArrayList
Array of ColumnElement.
private ForeignFieldDesc
If inverseRelationshipField is not null, it means this field is under managed relationship. Otherwise, this is a one-way relationship.
private boolean
True, if the relationship is mapped to primary key fields on the other relationship side.
Constructors Summary
ForeignFieldDesc(ClassDesc config)

Methods Summary
private voidaddForeignKeyFieldsToDFG()
Silently adding hidden (local foreign key) fields to the DFG.

        for (int i = 0; i < localFields.size(); i++)  {
            LocalFieldDesc lf = (LocalFieldDesc) localFields.get(i);

            if (lf.absoluteID < 0 && !useJoinTable()) {
private booleancheckDependentSide( inverseFieldDesc)
Marks the dependent side as identified by jdo meta-data for update. If no side is marked dependent, the following rules apply:
  • Foreign key relationships can be handled from both sides, because it must be an 1:1 relationship mapped to primary key fields.
  • Jointable relationships need to be updated from exactly one side to implement unified dependency management. It's important to check the dependency on both relationship sides before the responsible side is chosen.

inverseFieldDesc Inverse relationship field. Is guaranteed to be not null!
True, if datastore updates for this relationship will be scheduled locally, false otherwise.

        boolean refIntegrityUpdate;

        // Check if meta data identifies the dependent relationship side.
        if (this.isDependentOn(inverseFieldDesc)) {
            // This side is marked dependent and will be updated.
            refIntegrityUpdate = true;
        } else if (inverseFieldDesc.isDependentOn(this)) {
            // This side is marked as primary, the other side will be updated.
            refIntegrityUpdate = false;
        } else {
            if (!useJoinTable()) {
                // No information about the dependent side can be obtained and the
                // relationship is mapped to the primary key fields on both sides.
                // Relationship updates can be done from either side, but only during
                // instance creation/deletion.
                refIntegrityUpdate = true;
            } else {
                // No information about the dependent side can be obtained. If
                // the Employee-Insurance relationship is mapped to a jointable,
                // the dependent side can't be determinated. Identifying the
                // updated side is essential to provide unified dependency
                // management for the database updates, see
                // SQLStateManager#manageDependencyForObjectField
                refIntegrityUpdate = chooseUpdatedSide(inverseFieldDesc);
        return refIntegrityUpdate;
private static booleancheckForeignKey(java.util.ArrayList fieldList)
Checks if at least one of the fields in fieldList is updatable. In this case fieldList makes up a foreign key. This is based on the assumption, that key fields referred in relationships must not be updated. Not updatable fields have property REF_INTEGRITY_UPDATES unset.

fieldList Fields corresponding to datastore columns. The fields are either a ForeignFieldDesc's local or foreign fields.
True, if fieldList is a foreign key, false otherwise.

        for (int i = 0; i < fieldList.size(); i++) {
            FieldDesc lf = (FieldDesc) fieldList.get(i);

            if ((lf.sqlProperties & FieldDesc.PROP_REF_INTEGRITY_UPDATES) > 0) {
                // Based on the assumption, that referred key fields
                // have property REF_INTEGRITY_UPDATES unset, at least
                // one of the fields is not part of the key.
                return true;
        return false;
private booleancheckForeignKeysAndDependentSide( inverseFieldDesc)
Checks, if one relationship side isn't mapped to primary key fields (i.e. foreign key side). Based on the assumption, that jointable relationships are always mapped to the primary key columns, this method is called for foreign relationships only.

inverseFieldDesc Inverse relationship field. Is guaranteed to be not null!
True, if datastore updates for this relationship will be scheduled locally, false otherwise.

        boolean refIntegrityUpdate;

        // Check the foreign keys.
        if (checkForeignKey(getLocalFields())) {
            // The foreign key is on the local side.
            refIntegrityUpdate = true;
        } else if (checkForeignKey(getForeignFields())) {
            // The foreign key is on the other side.
            refIntegrityUpdate = false;
        } else {
            // The relationship is mapped to primary key columns on either side.
            refIntegrityUpdate = checkDependentSide(inverseFieldDesc);
        return refIntegrityUpdate;
private booleancheckReferentialIntegrityUpdatesForCollectionField()
Checks, if datastore updates will be scheduled locally or on the opposite relationship side.

True, if datastore updates for this relationship will be scheduled locally, false otherwise.

        boolean refIntegrityUpdate;
        ForeignFieldDesc inverseFieldDesc = getInverseRelationshipField();

        if (inverseFieldDesc == null) {
            refIntegrityUpdate = defineUpdatedSideXToM();
        } else {
            if (inverseFieldDesc.cardinalityUPB <= 1) {
                // For 1:N relationships, we always update the relationship side
                // which includes jointables. We indicate this by unsetting the
                // REF_INTEGRITY_UPDATES property which means that integrity updates
                // cannot be done locally.
                refIntegrityUpdate = false;
            } else {
                // For N:M relationships, we choose the updated relationship side
                // depending on the alphabethical order of the related class names.
                // N:M relationships must be mapped to a jointable. As jointable
                // entries can be created from each side, we just define the side.
                refIntegrityUpdate = defineUpdatedSideNToM(inverseFieldDesc);
        return refIntegrityUpdate;
private booleancheckReferentialIntegrityUpdatesForObjectField()
Checks, if datastore updates will be scheduled locally or on the opposite relationship side.

True, if datastore updates for this relationship will be scheduled locally, false otherwise.

        boolean refIntegrityUpdate;
        ForeignFieldDesc inverseFieldDesc = getInverseRelationshipField();

        if (inverseFieldDesc == null) {
            // Update the local side for one-way relationships.
            refIntegrityUpdate = true;
        } else {
            if (inverseFieldDesc.cardinalityUPB > 1) {
                // For 1:N relationships, we always update the local side
                // which includes jointables. We indicate this by setting the
                // REF_INTEGRITY_UPDATES property which means that integrity updates
                // are done locally.
                refIntegrityUpdate = true;
            } else {
                // For 1:1 relationships, we choose the updated relationship side
                // depending on the side having the foreign key. If the relationship
                // is mapped to primary key fields only, we consider if one side
                // is marked for cascade delete. Otherwise, we choose the updatable
                // side depending on the alphabethical order of the related class names.
                refIntegrityUpdate = defineUpdatedSide1To1(inverseFieldDesc);
        return refIntegrityUpdate;
private booleanchooseUpdatedSide( inverseFieldDesc)
Choose the updated relationship side based on the alphabethical order of the related class names. For self relationships, the field names itself are compared, too.

inverseFieldDesc Inverse relationship field. Is guaranteed to be not null!
This method is guaranteed to identify the relationship side that will not be updated.

        int comparison = classDesc.getName().compareTo(foreignConfig.getName());

        if (comparison == 0) {
            comparison = getName().compareTo(inverseFieldDesc.getName());
        return comparison < 0;

        // If the field is a ForeignFieldDesc, we only need
        // to compare against other ForeignFieldDesc. The reason
        // is that ForeignFieldDesc implicitly tracks a LocalFieldDesc
        // (foreign key field) via relationship updates.

        ForeignFieldDesc inverseField = getInverseRelationshipField();

        for (int k = 0; k < classDesc.foreignFields.size(); k++) {
            ForeignFieldDesc tf = (ForeignFieldDesc) classDesc.foreignFields.get(k);

            if ((this != tf) && (getType() == tf.getType()) && (compareColumns(this, tf) == true)) {
                if ((inverseField != null) &&
                        (tf.getInverseRelationshipField() == null)) {

                // Mark the relationship field tracking the foreign key as primary.
                if ((sqlProperties & FieldDesc.PROP_SECONDARY_TRACKED_FIELD) == 0) {
                    sqlProperties |= FieldDesc.PROP_PRIMARY_TRACKED_FIELD;

                if ((tf.sqlProperties & FieldDesc.PROP_PRIMARY_TRACKED_FIELD) == 0) {
                    tf.sqlProperties |= FieldDesc.PROP_SECONDARY_TRACKED_FIELD;

public java.lang.ObjectcreateObjectId( sm, LocalFieldDesc fieldDesc, java.lang.Object value)
Constructs the oid of a related instance. If called by {@link SQLStateManager#updateTrackedFields}, the new value for the local field fieldDesc is not yet set and passed as parameter value. If called for navigation by {@link SQLStateManager#populateForeignField}, values of updated local fields must be retrieved from the before image. In both cases, the actual call to this method is in {@link SQLStateManager#getObjectById}.

For tracked field usage, see {@link SQLStateManager#setForeignKey} and {@link SQLStateManager#updateTrackedFields}. For navigation usage, see {@link SQLStateManager#realizeForeignField}.

sm State manager on the local side.
fieldDesc Local field being set.
value New value of the field being set.
The object id for the related instance. This id is used to lookup the instance from the persistence manager cache. The construced oid is invalid, if one of the oid fields is null. In this case the returned value is null.

        assert isMappedToPk();

        Class oidClass = foreignConfig.getOidClass();
        Object oid = null;

        try {
            oid = oidClass.newInstance();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new JDOFatalInternalException(I18NHelper.getMessage(messages,
                    "core.statemanager.cantnewoid", oidClass.getName()), e); // NOI18N

        Field keyFields[] = foreignConfig.getKeyFields();
        String keyFieldNames[] = foreignConfig.getKeyFieldNames();
        for (int i = 0; i < keyFields.length && oid != null; i++) {
            Field keyField = keyFields[i];

            for (int j = 0; j < foreignFields.size() && oid != null; j++) {
                LocalFieldDesc fa = (LocalFieldDesc) foreignFields.get(j);

                if (fa.getName().compareTo(keyFieldNames[i]) == 0) {
                    LocalFieldDesc la = (LocalFieldDesc) localFields.get(j);
                    Object keyFieldValue = null;

                    if (la == fieldDesc) {
                        keyFieldValue = value;
                    } else if (sm.getSetMaskBit(la.absoluteID) && !sm.getSetMaskBit(absoluteID)) {
                        keyFieldValue = la.getValue(sm.getBeforeImage());
                    } else {
                        keyFieldValue = la.getValue(sm);

                    if (keyFieldValue != null) {
                        try {
                            // We need to convert the keyFieldValue to the proper type before
                            // setting it.
                            keyField.set(oid, fa.convertValue(keyFieldValue, sm));
                        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
                            throw new JDOFatalInternalException(I18NHelper.getMessage(messages,
                                    "core.statemanager.cantsetkeyfield", keyField.getName()), e); // NOI18N
                    } else {
                        oid = null;

        return oid;
private booleandefineUpdatedSide1To1( inverseFieldDesc)
Defines the updated side for one-to-one relationships. The updated side is either defined by:
  1. The relationship side mapped to non-key columns.
  2. The relationship side is identified as dependent side, or
    • Mark both sides updatable for foreign key relationships.
    • Choose a side for jointable relationships.

inverseFieldDesc Inverse relationship field. Is guaranteed to be not null!
True, if datastore updates for this relationship will be scheduled locally, false otherwise.

        boolean refIntegrityUpdate;
        final boolean updateOtherSide = (inverseFieldDesc.sqlProperties & FieldDesc.PROP_REF_INTEGRITY_UPDATES) > 0;

        if (!updateOtherSide) {
            // The opposite side has already been identified not to be updated.
            refIntegrityUpdate = true;
        } else if (!useJoinTable()) {
            // Check foreign key constraints and the dependent side.
            refIntegrityUpdate = checkForeignKeysAndDependentSide(inverseFieldDesc);
        } else {
            // Just check the dependent side.
            refIntegrityUpdate = checkDependentSide(inverseFieldDesc);

        if (!refIntegrityUpdate && cardinalityLWB == 1) {
            // Lower bound should not be 1 in this case.
            // We silently set it to 0 for now.
            // RESOLVE: Shall we throw an exception here?
            cardinalityLWB = 0;

        return refIntegrityUpdate;
private booleandefineUpdatedSideNToM( inverseFieldDesc)
Defines the updated side for many-to-many relationships. As jointable entries can be created from either side, we just define the side. The updated side is chosen based on the alphabethical order of the related class names.

inverseFieldDesc Inverse relationship field. Is guaranteed to be not null!
True, if datastore updates for this relationship will be scheduled locally, false otherwise.

        boolean refIntegrityUpdate;
        final boolean updateOtherSide = (inverseFieldDesc.sqlProperties & FieldDesc.PROP_REF_INTEGRITY_UPDATES) > 0;

        if (!updateOtherSide) {
            // The opposite side has already been identified not to be updated.
            refIntegrityUpdate = true;
        } else {
            refIntegrityUpdate = chooseUpdatedSide(inverseFieldDesc);
        return refIntegrityUpdate;
private booleandefineUpdatedSideXToM()
Defines the updated side for a collection relationship mapped one-way.

True, if datastore updates for this relationship will be scheduled locally, false otherwise.

        boolean refIntegrityUpdate;
        if (!useJoinTable()) {
            // As this is a foreign key relationship, the other side must
            // be the one side. Foreign key relationships can be updated
            // from either side, even if the inverse side is unknown.
            refIntegrityUpdate = false;
        } else {
            // Update the local side for one-way relationships mapped to jointables.
            refIntegrityUpdate = true;
        return refIntegrityUpdate;
Determines the relationship side to be updated. Foreign key relationships must always be updated on the side having the foreign key. Jointable relationships can be handled from either side. To have unified dependency management for foreign key _and_ jointable relationships, it's essential that we apply the same rules defining the updated side for foreign key and jointable relationships. We also need to always update the same relationship side.

        boolean refIntegrityUpdate = true;

        if (cardinalityUPB > 1) {
            // Collection side
            if (!(refIntegrityUpdate = checkReferentialIntegrityUpdatesForCollectionField())) {

                // We also unset the IN_CONCURRENCY_CHECK property because we can't
                // detect concurrency violation for changes made to a Collection
                sqlProperties &= ~(FieldDesc.PROP_IN_CONCURRENCY_CHECK);
        } else {
            // Object side
            if (!(refIntegrityUpdate = checkReferentialIntegrityUpdatesForObjectField())) {

                sqlProperties &= ~(FieldDesc.PROP_IN_CONCURRENCY_CHECK);
            } else if (!useJoinTable()) {
                // This side will write relationship updates to the database. 
                // Mark the local fields as part of the foreign key.
                for (int i = 0; i < localFields.size(); i++) {
                    ((LocalFieldDesc)localFields.get(i)).sqlProperties |= FieldDesc.PROP_FOREIGN_KEY_FIELD;

        if (!refIntegrityUpdate) {
voidfixupForeignReference(ClassDesc foreignConfig, inverseField)
Initializes relationship field information.

foreignConfig Class descriptor of the foreign class.
inverseField The inverse relationship field.

        registerForeignConfig(foreignConfig, inverseField);
public java.util.ArrayListgetAssocForeignFields()

        // Only create assocForeignFields if there is a corresponding
        // assocForeignColumns to save space.
        if (assocForeignFields == null && assocForeignColumns != null) {
            assocForeignFields = new ArrayList();

        return assocForeignFields;
public java.util.ArrayListgetAssocLocalFields()

        // Only create assocLocalFields if there is a corresponding
        // assocLocalColumns to save space.
        if (assocLocalFields == null && assocLocalColumns != null) {
            assocLocalFields = new ArrayList();

        return assocLocalFields;
public java.util.ArrayListgetForeignFields()

        if (foreignFields == null) {
            foreignFields = new ArrayList();

        return foreignFields;

        return inverseRelationshipField;
public java.util.ArrayListgetLocalFields()

        if (localFields == null) {
            localFields = new ArrayList();

        return localFields;
public booleanhasForeignKey()
Checks the conditions that guarantee, that we have the foreign key on this side.

True, if this relationship is mapped to foreign keys and the foreign key is on the local side. False otherwise.

        boolean result = false;

        // RESOLVE: Can't check PROP_REF_INTEGRITY_UPDATES for 1 way mappings.
        // See #checkReferentialIntegrityUpdatesForObjectField.
        if (inverseRelationshipField != null) {
            result = cardinalityUPB == 1 && !useJoinTable() &&
                    (sqlProperties & FieldDesc.PROP_REF_INTEGRITY_UPDATES) > 0;
        return result;
private voidinitializeFieldLists()
Initialize the field lists based on column list information.

        ClassDesc theConfig = classDesc;

        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            ArrayList fields = null;
            ArrayList columns = null;

            switch (i) {
                case 0:
                    columns = localColumns;
                    fields = getLocalFields();
                case 1:
                    columns = assocLocalColumns;
                    fields = getAssocLocalFields();
                case 2:
                    columns = assocForeignColumns;
                    fields = getAssocForeignFields();
                case 3:
                    columns = foreignColumns;
                    fields = getForeignFields();
                    theConfig = foreignConfig;

            if (columns == null) continue;

            for (int j = 0; j < columns.size(); j++) {
                ColumnElement ce = (ColumnElement) columns.get(j);
                TableElement te = ce.getDeclaringTable();

                if (te == null) {
                    throw new JDOFatalInternalException(I18NHelper.getMessage(messages,
                            "core.configuration.columnnotable")); // NOI18N

private voidinitializeIsMappedToPk()
Checks, if the relationship is mapped to primary key fields on the other relationship side and sets the property isMappedToPk.

        int count = foreignFields.size();

        isMappedToPk = !useJoinTable() &&
                foreignConfig.getKeyFields().length == count;

        for (int i = 0; i < count && isMappedToPk; i++) {
            isMappedToPk = ((LocalFieldDesc) foreignFields.get(i)).isKeyField();
private booleanisDependentOn( inverseFieldDesc)
Checks, if this relationship side is dependent on the inverse side inverseFieldDesc. The dependent side can be identified by the following criteria:
  • This side has cardinalityLWB == 1.
  • The inverse side is marked for cascade delete.

inverseFieldDesc Inverse relationship field. Is guaranteed to be not null!
true, if this relationship side is dependent on inverseFieldDesc, false otherwise.

        return (this.cardinalityLWB == 1 ||
                inverseFieldDesc.deleteAction == ForeignFieldDesc.ACT_CASCADE);
public booleanisMappedToPk()
Returns true, if the relationship is mapped to primary key fields on the other relationship side.

True, if the relationship is mapped to primary key fields on the other relationship side, false otherwise.

        return isMappedToPk;
public booleanisRelationshipField()
Returns true.

        return true;
private voidregisterForeignConfig(ClassDesc foreignConfig, inverseField)
Registers the relationship information about the foreign class.

foreignConfig Class descriptor of the foreign class.
inverseField The inverse relationship field.

        boolean debug = logger.isLoggable(Logger.FINEST);

        if (debug) {
            Object[] items = new Object[] {classDesc, this, foreignConfig};
            logger.finest("sqlstore.model.classdesc.general", items); // NOI18N

        // Remember the class descriptor for the foreign class.
        this.foreignConfig = foreignConfig;

        if (debug && inverseField != null) {
            logger.finest("sqlstore.model.classdesc.assocrelatedfield", inverseField); //NOI18N

private voidsetInverseRelationshipField( f)

        inverseRelationshipField = f;
private voidunsetConcurrencyCheckProperty()
Unsets the IN_CONCURRENCY_CHECK property for all the (hidden) local fields involved in this relationship.

        // Copy the field list temporarily.
        ArrayList fieldList = (ArrayList) getLocalFields().clone();

        if (useJoinTable()) {

        for (int j = 0; j < fieldList.size(); j++) {
            FieldDesc lf = (FieldDesc) fieldList.get(j);

            if (lf.absoluteID < 0) {
                if (logger.isLoggable(Logger.FINEST)) {
                    logger.finest("sqlstore.model.classdesc.unsetconcurrencychk", lf.getName()); // NOI18N
                lf.sqlProperties &= ~(FieldDesc.PROP_IN_CONCURRENCY_CHECK);
private voidunsetReferentialIntegrityUpdateProperty()
Unsets the REF_INTEGRITY_UPDATES property for this relationship field. Datastore updates will be scheduled on the opposite relationship side.

        if (logger.isLoggable(Logger.FINEST)) {
            logger.finest("sqlstore.model.classdesc.unsetrefintegrityupdate", getName()); // NOI18N

        sqlProperties &= ~(FieldDesc.PROP_REF_INTEGRITY_UPDATES);
public booleanuseJoinTable()
Returns true, if the relationship is mapped to a join table.

True, if the relationship is mapped to a join table, false otherwise.

        return (assocLocalColumns != null && assocLocalColumns.size() > 0);