DefaultFileHandler.javaAPI DocphoneME MR2 API (J2ME)31654Wed May 02 18:00:28 BST 2007


public class DefaultFileHandler extends Object implements BaseFileHandler
Default file handler.

(Omit source code)

Fields Summary
private int
Read handle.
private int
Write handle.
private long
File name.
private long
Root directory.
private static String
Illegal file name characters.
private static boolean
The flag is used for performance optimization. true stands for it was detected what private directory exists.
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public native longavailableSize()
Determines the free memory that is available on the file system the file or directory resides on. This may only be an estimate and may vary based on platform-specific file system blocking and metadata information.

The available size in bytes on a file system, or -1 if an error occurs.

public native booleancanRead()
Check is file corresponding to this filehandler exists and has a read permission.

true if the file can be read

public native booleancanWrite()
Check is file corresponding to this filehandler exists and has a write permission.

true if the file can be written

public native voidclose()
Close file associated with this handler. Open file and all system resources should be released by this call. Handler object can be reused by subsequent call to connect().

IOException if I/O error occurs

private native voidcloseDir(long dirHandle)
Closes the directory.

dirHandle native pointer to an opaque filelist structure returned by openDir method.

public native voidcloseForRead()
Closes the file for reading.

IOException if any error occurs during input/output operations.

public native voidcloseForReadWrite()
Closes the file for both reading and writing.

IOException if any error occurs during input/output operations.

public native voidcloseForWrite()
Closes the file for writing.

IOException if any error occurs during input/output operations.

public voidconnect(java.lang.String rootName, java.lang.String fileName)
Connect file handler to the abstract file target. This operation should not trigger any access to the native filesystem.

rootName The name of the root directory.
fileName Full path to the file to be handled by this handler.
IllegalArgumentException if filename contains characters not allowed by the file system. This check should not involve any actual access to the filesystem.


        illegalChars = illegalFileNameChars0();
        if (illegalChars == null) {
            illegalChars = "";
        if (rootName == null || rootName.length() == 0) {
        String rootPath = getNativePathForRoot(rootName);
        if (rootPath != null) {
            StringBuffer name = new StringBuffer(rootPath);
            int curr = name.length();
            this.rootDir = getNativeName(rootPath, this.rootDir);

            //  we add '1' because 'fileName' unlike 'rootName'
            //  has leading '/'
            int fileNameLen = fileName.length();
            if (fileName != null && fileNameLen != 0) {
                name.append(fileName.substring(rootName.length() + 1));
            String privateDirURL = System.getProperty("fileconn.dir.private");
            if (privateDirURL != null) {
                int privateDirURLLen = privateDirURL.length();
                if (fileName.regionMatches(true, 0, privateDirURL, 7,
                        privateDirURLLen - 7)) {
                    name.insert(curr + privateDirURLLen - rootName.length() - 8,
                        getSuiteID() + getFileSeparator());

            pathToNativeSeparator(name, curr, name.length() - curr);
            this.fileName = getNativeName(name.toString(), this.fileName);
public native voidcreate()
Create file corresponding to this file handler. The file is created immediately on the actual file system upon invocation of this method. Files are created with zero length and data can be put into the file through write method after opening the file. This method does not create any directories specified in the file's path.

IOException if invoked on the existing file or unexpected error occurs.

public voidcreatePrivateDir(java.lang.String rootName)
Creates dedicated private working directory for the MIDlet suite. Does nothing if specified root is not private root or the directory already exists.

rootName the name of file root

        // create private directory if necessary
        String privateDir = System.getProperty("fileconn.dir.private");
        if (privateDir != null) {
            privateDir = privateDir.substring(7);
            if (!privateDirExists && rootName.regionMatches(true, 0, privateDir,
                    1, rootName.length())) {
                BaseFileHandler fh = new DefaultFileHandler();
                fh.connect(rootName, privateDir);
                if (!fh.exists()) {
                privateDirExists = true;
public native voiddelete()
Deletes the file or directory associated with this handler. The file or directory is deleted immediately on the actual file system upon invocation of this method. Previously open native file should be closed.The handler instance object remains connected and available for use.

IOException If the target is a directory and it is not empty, the connection target does not exist or is unaccessible, or an unspecified error occurs preventing deletion of the target.

private native java.lang.StringdirGetNextFile(long dirHandle, boolean includeHidden)
Gets the next file in directory.

dirHandle native pointer to a filelist structure returned by openDir
includeHidden determines whether it's necessary to include hidden files and directories
the name of the file.

public native longdirectorySize(boolean includeSubDirs)
Determines the size in bytes on a file system of all of the files that are contained in a directory.

includeSubDirs if true, size calculation will include all subdirectories' size.
The size in bytes occupied by the files included in the directory, or -1 if the directory does not exist or is not accessible.
IOException if some error occures while accessing the directory.

public native booleanexists()
Check is file or directory corresponding to this filehandler exists.

true if the file/directory exists, false otherwise.

public native longfileSize()
Determines the size of a file on the file system. The size of a file always represents the number of bytes contained in the file; there is no pre-allocated but empty space in a file. Users should perform an explicit flush() on any open output streams to the file prior to invoking this method to ensure accurate results.

The size in bytes of the selected file, or -1 if the file does not exist or is not accessible.
IOException if the method is invoked on a directory.

private booleanfilterAccept(java.lang.String filter, java.lang.String str)
Check that given string matches the given filter. Filter is defined by the FileConnection spec as follows:

String against which all files and directories are matched for retrieval. An asterisk ("*") can be used as a wildcard to represent 0 or more occurrences of any character.

Filter value of null matches any string.

filter string against witch to match
str string to be matched
true is str matches the filter of if filter is null, otherwise false

        if (filter == null) {
            return true;

        if (filter.length() == 0) {
            return false;

        int  currPos = 0;
        int currComp = 0, firstSigComp = 0;
        int idx;

        // Splitted string does not contain separators themselves
        String components[] = split(filter, '*", 0);

        // if filter does not begin with '*' check that string begins with
        // filter's first component
        if (filter.charAt(0) != '*") {
            if (!str.startsWith(components[0])) {
                return false;
            } else {
                currPos += components[0].length();
                firstSigComp = currComp;

        // Run on the string and check that it contains all filter
        // components sequentially
        for (; currComp < components.length; currComp++) {
            if ((idx = str.indexOf(components[currComp], currPos)) != -1) {
                currPos = idx + components[currComp].length();
            } else {
                // run out of the string while filter components remain
                return false;

        // At this point we run out of filter. First option is that
        // filter ends with '*', or string is finished,
        // we are fine then, and accept the string.
        // In the other case we check that string ends with the last component
        // of the filter (given that there was an asterisk before the last
        // component
        if (!(filter.charAt(filter.length() - 1) == '*"
                || currPos == str.length())) {
            if (components.length > firstSigComp) {
                // does string end with the last filter component?
                if (!str.endsWith(components[components.length - 1])) {
                    return false;
            } else {
                // there was no asteric before last filter component
                return false;

        // If we got here string is accepted
        return true;
private native voidfinalize()
Cleanup after garbage collected instance

public native voidflush()
Flushes any output to the file.

IOException if any error occurs.

public static native chargetFileSeparator()
Gets the system-dependent file separator character.

The file separator character.

private native java.lang.StringgetMountedRoots()
Gets the mounted root file systems.

A string containing currently mounted roots separated by '\n' character

private static native longgetNativeName(java.lang.String name, long oldName)
Return pointer to the system-dependent file name stored in the native code.

name a string representing the filename to convert to native the form
A pointer to the system-dependent file name

private native java.lang.StringgetNativePathForRoot(java.lang.String root)
Gets OS path for the specified file system root.

root root name
The path to access the root

private java.lang.StringgetSuiteID()
Returns ID of the current MIDlet suite in 8-digit reverse hexadecimal form (the same form is used in native code).

resulting String representation of the MIDlet suite ID

        MIDletSuite midletSuite =
        StringBuffer id = new StringBuffer(Integer.toHexString(midletSuite.getID()));
        int len = id.length();
        while (len++ < 8) {
            id.insert(0, '0");
        return id.reverse().toString();
public java.lang.StringillegalFileNameChars()
Returns a string that contains all characters forbidden for the use on the given platform except "/" (forward slash) which is always considered illegal. If there are no such characters an empty string is returned.

string of illegal file name characters

        return illegalChars;
private static native java.lang.StringillegalFileNameChars0()
Gets the list of illegal characters in file names.

A string containing the characters that are not allowed inside file names.

private static native voidinitialize()
Initializes native part of file handler.

public native booleanisDirectory()
Check is file corresponding to this filehandler exists and is a directory.

true if pathname is a directory

public booleanisHidden()
Check is file corresponding to this filehandler exists and is hidden.

true if the file is not visible

        // Note: ANSI C does not define hidden files.
        // Sure, on UNIX systems a file is considered to be hidden
        // if its name begins with a period character ('.'), but we can not
        // rename files during setHidden() method, so we consider
        // what hidden files are not supported on UNIX systems, and this method
        // always returns false on UNIX as it's required by JSR 75 spec.
        return isHidden0();
private native booleanisHidden0()
Helper method that checks if the file is visible.

true if the file is not visible

public native longlastModified()
Returns the time that the file denoted by this file handler was last modified.

The time then last modification of the file took place.

public java.util.Vectorlist(java.lang.String filter, boolean includeHidden)
Gets a filtered list of files and directories contained in a directory. The directory is the handler's target as specified in create().

filter String against which all files and directories are matched for retrieval. An asterisk ("*") can be used as a wildcard to represent 0 or more occurrences of any character. If null no filtering is performed
includeHidden boolean indicating whether files marked as hidden should be included or not in the list of files and directories returned.
An Enumeration of strings, denoting the files and directories in the directory matching the filter. Directories are denoted with a trailing slash "/" in their returned name. The Enumeration has zero length if the directory is empty or no files and/or directories are found matching the given filter. Any current directory indication (".") and any parent directory indication ("..") is not included in the list of files and directories returned.
IOException if invoked on a file, the directory does not exist, the directory is not accessible, or an I/O error occurs.
IllegalArgumentException if filter contains any path specification or is an invalid filename for the platform (e.g. contains characters invalid for a filename on their platform).

        Vector list = new Vector();

        long dirHandle = openDir();

        String fname = dirGetNextFile(dirHandle, includeHidden);
        while (fname != null) {
            // cleanname is passed to the filter and does not contain trailing
            // slash denoting directory
            String cleanname;
            if (fname.charAt(fname.length() - 1) == '/") {
                cleanname = fname.substring(0, fname.length() - 1);
            } else {
                cleanname = fname;

            if (filterAccept(filter, cleanname)) {
            fname = dirGetNextFile(dirHandle, includeHidden);

        return list;
public java.util.VectorlistRoots()
List filesystem roots available on the device. For the description of the correct root format see FileConnection documentation.

array of roots; empty array is returned if there are no roots available.

        Vector roots = new Vector();
        String s = getMountedRoots();
        if (s != null) {
            String[] rs = com.sun.kvem.midp.pim.formats.FormatSupport
                .split(s, '\n", 0);
            for (int i = 0; i < rs.length; i++) {
        return roots;
public native voidmkdir()
Creates a directory corresponding to the directory string provided in the connect() method. The directory is created immediately on the actual file system upon invocation of this method. Directories in the specified path are not recursively created and must be explicitly created before subdirectories can be created.

IOException if invoked on an existing directory or on any file (create() is used to create files), the target file system is not accessible, or an unspecified error occurs preventing creation of the directory.

private native longopenDir()
Opens the directory.

native pointer to an opaque filelist structure used by methods iterating over file list.

public native voidopenForRead()
Opens the file for reading.

IOException if any error occurs during input/output operations.

public native voidopenForWrite()
Opens the file for writing.

IOException if any error occurs during input/output operations.

private java.lang.StringBufferpathToNativeSeparator(java.lang.StringBuffer name, int off, int len)
Replace all entries of the "//" with "/" (multiple separators with single separator) and all "/" with the native separator.

name StringBuffer to process
off offset from where to start the conversion
len length to convert
the same StringBuffer after the process

        int  length = off + len;
        int  curr   = off;
        char sep    = getFileSeparator();

        while ((curr + 1) < length) {
            if (name.charAt(curr) == '/" && name.charAt(curr+1) == '/") {
            } else if (name.charAt(curr) == '/") {
                name.setCharAt(curr, sep);

        // trim trailing slash if it exists
        if (name.charAt(length - 1) == '/") {
            name.deleteCharAt(length - 1);

        return name;
public native voidpositionForWrite(long offset)
Sets the next write location.

offset seek position for next write
IOException if any error occurs.

public native intread(byte[] b, int off, int len)
Reads data from the file to an array.

b array for input data
off index in the input array
len length of data to read
length of data really read
IOException if any error occurs.

public voidrename(java.lang.String newName)
Renames the selected file or directory to a new name in the same directory. The file or directory is renamed immediately on the actual file system upon invocation of this method. No file or directory by the original name exists after this method call. Previously open native file should be closed. The handler instance object remains connected and available for use, referring now to the file or directory by its new name.

newName The new name of the file or directory. The name must be the full qualified name of the new file
IOException if the connection's target does not exist, the connection's target is not accessible, a file or directory already exists by the newName, or newName is an invalid filename for the platform (e.g. contains characters invalid in a filename on the platform).

        // we start search of '/' from '1' to skip leading '/'
        // that means local machine in URL specification
        int rootEnd = newName.indexOf('/", 1);
        String rootName = newName.substring(1, rootEnd + 1);

        if (rootName.length() == 0) {
        String rootPath = getNativePathForRoot(rootName);
        if (rootPath != null)
            StringBuffer name = new StringBuffer(rootPath);
            int curr = name.length();

            String newNameWORoot = newName.substring(rootEnd + 1);

            String privateDirURL = System.getProperty("fileconn.dir.private");
            if (privateDirURL != null) {
                int privateDirURLLen = privateDirURL.length();
                if (newName.regionMatches(true, 0, privateDirURL, 7,
                        privateDirURLLen - 7)) {
                    name.insert(curr + privateDirURLLen - rootName.length() - 8,
                        getSuiteID() + getFileSeparator());

            pathToNativeSeparator(name, curr, name.length() - curr);
private native voidrename0(java.lang.String newName)
Helper method that renames the file.

newName new name for the file
IOException if any error occurs

public voidsetHidden(boolean hidden)
Sets the hidden attribute of the file associated with this file handler to the value provided. The attribute is applied to the file on the actual file system immediately upon invocation of this method if the file system and platform support it. If the file system doesn't support a hidden attribute, this method is ignored and isHidden() always returns false. Since the exact definition of hidden is system-dependent, this method only works on file systems that support a settable file attribute. For example, on Win32 and FAT file systems, a file may be considered hidden if it has been marked as such in the file's attributes; therefore this method is applicable. However on UNIX systems a file may be considered to be hidden if its name begins with a period character ('.'). In the UNIX case, this method may be ignored and the method to make a file hidden may be the rename() method.

hidden The new state of the hidden flag of the selected file.
IOException if the connection's target does not exist or is not accessible.

private native voidsetHidden0(boolean hidden)
Helper method that marks the file hidden flag.

hidden true to make file as not visible
IOException if any error occurs

public native voidsetReadable(boolean readable)
Sets the file or directory readable attribute to the indicated value. The readable attribute for the file on the actual file system is set immediately upon invocation of this method. If the file system doesn't support a settable read attribute, this method is ignored and canRead() always returns true.

readable The new state of the readable flag of the selected file.
IOException of the connection's target does not exist or is not accessible.

public native voidsetWritable(boolean writable)
Sets the file or directory associated with this file handler writable attribute to the indicated value. The writable attribute for the file on the actual file system is set immediately upon invocation of the method. If the file system doesn't support a settable write attribute, this method is ignored and canWrite() always returns true.

writable The new state of the writable flag of the selected file.
IOException if the connection's target does not exist or is not accessible.

private static java.lang.String[]split(java.lang.String data, char separatorChar, int startingPoint)
Parses a separated list of strings into a string array. An escaped separator (backslash followed by separatorChar) is not treated as a separator.

data string to be processed
separatorChar the character used to separate items
startingPoint Only use the part of the string that follows this index
a non-null string array containing string elements

        if (startingPoint == data.length()) {
            return new String[0];
        Vector elementList = new Vector();

        if (data.charAt(startingPoint) == separatorChar) {

        int startSearchAt = startingPoint;
        int startOfElement = startingPoint;

        for (int i; (i = data.indexOf(separatorChar, startSearchAt)) != -1; ) {
            if (i != 0 && data.charAt(i - 1) == '\\") {
                // escaped semicolon. don't treat it as a separator
                startSearchAt = i + 1;
            } else {
                String element = data.substring(startOfElement, i);
                startSearchAt = startOfElement = i + 1;

        if (data.length() > startOfElement) {
            if (elementList.size() == 0) {
                return new String[] { data.substring(startOfElement) };

        String[] elements = new String[elementList.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
            elements[i] = (String) elementList.elementAt(i);
        return elements;
public native longtotalSize()
Determines the total size of the file system the connection's target resides on.

The total size of the file system in bytes, or -1 if an error occurs.

public native voidtruncate(long byteOffset)
Truncates the file, discarding all data from the given byte offset to the current end of the file. If the byte offset provided is greater than or equal to the file's current byte count, the method returns without changing the file.

byteOffset the offset into the file from which truncation occurs.
IOException if invoked on a directory or the file does not exist or is not accessible.

public longusedSize()
Determines the used memory of a file system the connection's target resides on. This may only be an estimate and may vary based on platform-specific file system blocking and metadata information.

The used size of bytes on a file system, or -1 if an error occurs.

        return totalSize() - availableSize();
public native intwrite(byte[] b, int off, int len)
Write data from an array to the file.

b array of output data
off index in the output array
len length of data to write
length of data really written
IOException if any error occurs.