Fields Summary |
public int | themeA style resource identifier (in the package's resources) of this
activity's theme. From the "theme" attribute or, if not set, 0. |
public static final int | LAUNCH_MULTIPLEConstant corresponding to standard in
the {@link android.R.attr#launchMode} attribute. |
public static final int | LAUNCH_SINGLE_TOPConstant corresponding to singleTop in
the {@link android.R.attr#launchMode} attribute. |
public static final int | LAUNCH_SINGLE_TASKConstant corresponding to singleTask in
the {@link android.R.attr#launchMode} attribute. |
public static final int | LAUNCH_SINGLE_INSTANCEConstant corresponding to singleInstance in
the {@link android.R.attr#launchMode} attribute. |
public int | launchModeThe launch mode style requested by the activity. From the
{@link android.R.attr#launchMode} attribute, one of
public static final int | DOCUMENT_LAUNCH_NONEConstant corresponding to none in
the {@link android.R.attr#documentLaunchMode} attribute. |
public static final int | DOCUMENT_LAUNCH_INTO_EXISTINGConstant corresponding to intoExisting in
the {@link android.R.attr#documentLaunchMode} attribute. |
public static final int | DOCUMENT_LAUNCH_ALWAYSConstant corresponding to always in
the {@link android.R.attr#documentLaunchMode} attribute. |
public static final int | DOCUMENT_LAUNCH_NEVERConstant corresponding to never in
the {@link android.R.attr#documentLaunchMode} attribute. |
public int | documentLaunchModeThe document launch mode style requested by the activity. From the
{@link android.R.attr#documentLaunchMode} attribute, one of
and DOCUMENT_LAUNCH_INTO_EXISTING are equivalent to {@link
Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_DOCUMENT} with and without {@link
Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_MULTIPLE_TASK} respectively. |
public static final int | PERSIST_ROOT_ONLYConstant corresponding to persistRootOnly in
the {@link android.R.attr#persistableMode} attribute. |
public static final int | PERSIST_NEVERConstant corresponding to doNotPersist in
the {@link android.R.attr#persistableMode} attribute. |
public static final int | PERSIST_ACROSS_REBOOTSConstant corresponding to persistAcrossReboots in
the {@link android.R.attr#persistableMode} attribute. |
public int | persistableModeValue indicating how this activity is to be persisted across
reboots for restoring in the Recents list.
{@link android.R.attr#persistableMode} |
public int | maxRecentsThe maximum number of tasks rooted at this activity that can be in the recent task list.
Refer to {@link android.R.attr#maxRecents}. |
public String | permissionOptional name of a permission required to be able to access this
Activity. From the "permission" attribute. |
public String | taskAffinityThe affinity this activity has for another task in the system. The
string here is the name of the task, often the package name of the
overall package. If null, the activity has no affinity. Set from the
{@link android.R.attr#taskAffinity} attribute. |
public String | targetActivityIf this is an activity alias, this is the real activity class to run
for it. Otherwise, this is null. |
public static final int | FLAG_MULTIPROCESSBit in {@link #flags} indicating whether this activity is able to
run in multiple processes. If
true, the system may instantiate it in the some process as the
process starting it in order to conserve resources. If false, the
default, it always runs in {@link #processName}. Set from the
{@link android.R.attr#multiprocess} attribute. |
public static final int | FLAG_FINISH_ON_TASK_LAUNCHBit in {@link #flags} indicating that, when the activity's task is
relaunched from home, this activity should be finished.
Set from the
{@link android.R.attr#finishOnTaskLaunch} attribute. |
public static final int | FLAG_CLEAR_TASK_ON_LAUNCHBit in {@link #flags} indicating that, when the activity is the root
of a task, that task's stack should be cleared each time the user
re-launches it from home. As a result, the user will always
return to the original activity at the top of the task.
This flag only applies to activities that
are used to start the root of a new task. Set from the
{@link android.R.attr#clearTaskOnLaunch} attribute. |
public static final int | FLAG_ALWAYS_RETAIN_TASK_STATEBit in {@link #flags} indicating that, when the activity is the root
of a task, that task's stack should never be cleared when it is
relaunched from home. Set from the
{@link android.R.attr#alwaysRetainTaskState} attribute. |
public static final int | FLAG_STATE_NOT_NEEDEDBit in {@link #flags} indicating that the activity's state
is not required to be saved, so that if there is a failure the
activity will not be removed from the activity stack. Set from the
{@link android.R.attr#stateNotNeeded} attribute. |
public static final int | FLAG_EXCLUDE_FROM_RECENTSBit in {@link #flags} that indicates that the activity should not
appear in the list of recently launched activities. Set from the
{@link android.R.attr#excludeFromRecents} attribute. |
public static final int | FLAG_ALLOW_TASK_REPARENTINGBit in {@link #flags} that indicates that the activity can be moved
between tasks based on its task affinity. Set from the
{@link android.R.attr#allowTaskReparenting} attribute. |
public static final int | FLAG_NO_HISTORYBit in {@link #flags} indicating that, when the user navigates away
from an activity, it should be finished.
Set from the
{@link android.R.attr#noHistory} attribute. |
public static final int | FLAG_FINISH_ON_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGSBit in {@link #flags} indicating that, when a request to close system
windows happens, this activity is finished.
Set from the
{@link android.R.attr#finishOnCloseSystemDialogs} attribute. |
public static final int | FLAG_HARDWARE_ACCELERATEDValue for {@link #flags}: true when the application's rendering should
be hardware accelerated. |
public static final int | FLAG_SHOW_ON_LOCK_SCREENValue for {@link #flags}: true when the application can be displayed over the lockscreen
and consequently over all users' windows. |
public static final int | FLAG_IMMERSIVEBit in {@link #flags} corresponding to an immersive activity
that wishes not to be interrupted by notifications.
Applications that hide the system notification bar with
{@link android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#FLAG_FULLSCREEN}
may still be interrupted by high-priority notifications; for example, an
incoming phone call may use
{@link fullScreenIntent}
to present a full-screen in-call activity to the user, pausing the
current activity as a side-effect. An activity with
{@link #FLAG_IMMERSIVE} set, however, will not be interrupted; the
notification may be shown in some other way (such as a small floating
"toast" window).
Note that this flag will always reflect the Activity's
android:immersive manifest definition, even if the Activity's
immersive state is changed at runtime via
{@link}. |
public static final int | FLAG_RELINQUISH_TASK_IDENTITYBit in {@link #flags}: If set, a task rooted at this activity will have its
baseIntent replaced by the activity immediately above this. Each activity may further
relinquish its identity to the activity above it using this flag. Set from the
{@link android.R.attr#relinquishTaskIdentity} attribute. |
public static final int | FLAG_AUTO_REMOVE_FROM_RECENTSBit in {@link #flags} indicating that tasks started with this activity are to be
removed from the recent list of tasks when the last activity in the task is finished.
Corresponds to {@link android.R.attr#autoRemoveFromRecents} |
public static final int | FLAG_RESUME_WHILE_PAUSINGBit in {@link #flags} indicating that this activity can start is creation/resume
while the previous activity is still pausing. Corresponds to
{@link android.R.attr#resumeWhilePausing} |
public static final int | FLAG_PRIMARY_USER_ONLY |
public static final int | FLAG_SINGLE_USERBit in {@link #flags}: If set, a single instance of the receiver will
run for all users on the device. Set from the
{@link android.R.attr#singleUser} attribute. Note that this flag is
only relevant for ActivityInfo structures that are describing receiver
components; it is not applied to activities. |
public static final int | FLAG_ALLOW_EMBEDDED |
public int | flagsOptions that have been set in the activity declaration in the
These include:
public static final int | SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIEDConstant corresponding to unspecified in
the {@link android.R.attr#screenOrientation} attribute. |
public static final int | SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPEConstant corresponding to landscape in
the {@link android.R.attr#screenOrientation} attribute. |
public static final int | SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAITConstant corresponding to portrait in
the {@link android.R.attr#screenOrientation} attribute. |
public static final int | SCREEN_ORIENTATION_USERConstant corresponding to user in
the {@link android.R.attr#screenOrientation} attribute. |
public static final int | SCREEN_ORIENTATION_BEHINDConstant corresponding to behind in
the {@link android.R.attr#screenOrientation} attribute. |
public static final int | SCREEN_ORIENTATION_SENSORConstant corresponding to sensor in
the {@link android.R.attr#screenOrientation} attribute. |
public static final int | SCREEN_ORIENTATION_NOSENSORConstant corresponding to nosensor in
the {@link android.R.attr#screenOrientation} attribute. |
public static final int | SCREEN_ORIENTATION_SENSOR_LANDSCAPEConstant corresponding to sensorLandscape in
the {@link android.R.attr#screenOrientation} attribute. |
public static final int | SCREEN_ORIENTATION_SENSOR_PORTRAITConstant corresponding to sensorPortrait in
the {@link android.R.attr#screenOrientation} attribute. |
public static final int | SCREEN_ORIENTATION_REVERSE_LANDSCAPEConstant corresponding to reverseLandscape in
the {@link android.R.attr#screenOrientation} attribute. |
public static final int | SCREEN_ORIENTATION_REVERSE_PORTRAITConstant corresponding to reversePortrait in
the {@link android.R.attr#screenOrientation} attribute. |
public static final int | SCREEN_ORIENTATION_FULL_SENSORConstant corresponding to fullSensor in
the {@link android.R.attr#screenOrientation} attribute. |
public static final int | SCREEN_ORIENTATION_USER_LANDSCAPEConstant corresponding to userLandscape in
the {@link android.R.attr#screenOrientation} attribute. |
public static final int | SCREEN_ORIENTATION_USER_PORTRAITConstant corresponding to userPortrait in
the {@link android.R.attr#screenOrientation} attribute. |
public static final int | SCREEN_ORIENTATION_FULL_USERConstant corresponding to fullUser in
the {@link android.R.attr#screenOrientation} attribute. |
public static final int | SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LOCKEDConstant corresponding to locked in
the {@link android.R.attr#screenOrientation} attribute. |
public int | screenOrientationThe preferred screen orientation this activity would like to run in.
From the {@link android.R.attr#screenOrientation} attribute, one of
public static final int | CONFIG_MCCBit in {@link #configChanges} that indicates that the activity
can itself handle changes to the IMSI MCC. Set from the
{@link android.R.attr#configChanges} attribute. |
public static final int | CONFIG_MNCBit in {@link #configChanges} that indicates that the activity
can itself handle changes to the IMSI MNC. Set from the
{@link android.R.attr#configChanges} attribute. |
public static final int | CONFIG_LOCALEBit in {@link #configChanges} that indicates that the activity
can itself handle changes to the locale. Set from the
{@link android.R.attr#configChanges} attribute. |
public static final int | CONFIG_TOUCHSCREENBit in {@link #configChanges} that indicates that the activity
can itself handle changes to the touchscreen type. Set from the
{@link android.R.attr#configChanges} attribute. |
public static final int | CONFIG_KEYBOARDBit in {@link #configChanges} that indicates that the activity
can itself handle changes to the keyboard type. Set from the
{@link android.R.attr#configChanges} attribute. |
public static final int | CONFIG_KEYBOARD_HIDDENBit in {@link #configChanges} that indicates that the activity
can itself handle changes to the keyboard or navigation being hidden/exposed.
Note that inspite of the name, this applies to the changes to any
hidden states: keyboard or navigation.
Set from the {@link android.R.attr#configChanges} attribute. |
public static final int | CONFIG_NAVIGATIONBit in {@link #configChanges} that indicates that the activity
can itself handle changes to the navigation type. Set from the
{@link android.R.attr#configChanges} attribute. |
public static final int | CONFIG_ORIENTATIONBit in {@link #configChanges} that indicates that the activity
can itself handle changes to the screen orientation. Set from the
{@link android.R.attr#configChanges} attribute. |
public static final int | CONFIG_SCREEN_LAYOUTBit in {@link #configChanges} that indicates that the activity
can itself handle changes to the screen layout. Set from the
{@link android.R.attr#configChanges} attribute. |
public static final int | CONFIG_UI_MODEBit in {@link #configChanges} that indicates that the activity
can itself handle the ui mode. Set from the
{@link android.R.attr#configChanges} attribute. |
public static final int | CONFIG_SCREEN_SIZEBit in {@link #configChanges} that indicates that the activity
can itself handle the screen size. Set from the
{@link android.R.attr#configChanges} attribute. This will be
set by default for applications that target an earlier version
than {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#HONEYCOMB_MR2}...
however, you will not see the bit set here becomes some
applications incorrectly compare {@link #configChanges} against
an absolute value rather than correctly masking out the bits
they are interested in. Please don't do that, thanks. |
public static final int | CONFIG_SMALLEST_SCREEN_SIZEBit in {@link #configChanges} that indicates that the activity
can itself handle the smallest screen size. Set from the
{@link android.R.attr#configChanges} attribute. This will be
set by default for applications that target an earlier version
than {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#HONEYCOMB_MR2}...
however, you will not see the bit set here becomes some
applications incorrectly compare {@link #configChanges} against
an absolute value rather than correctly masking out the bits
they are interested in. Please don't do that, thanks. |
public static final int | CONFIG_DENSITYBit in {@link #configChanges} that indicates that the activity
can itself handle density changes. Set from the
{@link android.R.attr#configChanges} attribute. |
public static final int | CONFIG_LAYOUT_DIRECTIONBit in {@link #configChanges} that indicates that the activity
can itself handle the change to layout direction. Set from the
{@link android.R.attr#configChanges} attribute. |
public static final int | CONFIG_FONT_SCALEBit in {@link #configChanges} that indicates that the activity
can itself handle changes to the font scaling factor. Set from the
{@link android.R.attr#configChanges} attribute. This is
not a core resource configuration, but a higher-level value, so its
constant starts at the high bits. |
public static int[] | CONFIG_NATIVE_BITS |
public int | configChangesBit mask of kinds of configuration changes that this activity
can handle itself (without being restarted by the system).
Contains any combination of {@link #CONFIG_FONT_SCALE},
{@link #CONFIG_MCC}, {@link #CONFIG_MNC},
{@link #CONFIG_LAYOUT_DIRECTION}. Set from the {@link android.R.attr#configChanges}
attribute. |
public int | softInputModeThe desired soft input mode for this activity's main window.
Set from the {@link android.R.attr#windowSoftInputMode} attribute
in the activity's manifest. May be any of the same values allowed
for {@link android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#softInputMode
WindowManager.LayoutParams.softInputMode}. If 0 (unspecified),
the mode from the theme will be used. |
public int | uiOptionsThe desired extra UI options for this activity and its main window.
Set from the {@link android.R.attr#uiOptions} attribute in the
activity's manifest. |
public static final int | UIOPTION_SPLIT_ACTION_BAR_WHEN_NARROWFlag for use with {@link #uiOptions}.
Indicates that the action bar should put all action items in a separate bar when
the screen is narrow.
This value corresponds to "splitActionBarWhenNarrow" for the {@link #uiOptions} XML
attribute. |
public String | parentActivityNameIf defined, the activity named here is the logical parent of this activity. |
public static final Parcelable.Creator | CREATOR |