XMLClassAccessor.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API31294Thu Jul 19 11:51:58 BST 2007oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.ejb.cmp3.xml.accessors


public class XMLClassAccessor extends ClassAccessor implements XMLAccessor
An XML extended class accessor.
Guy Pelletier
TopLink EJB 3.0 Reference Implementation

Fields Summary
protected Node
protected XMLHelper
protected static String
protected static String
protected static String
Constructors Summary
public XMLClassAccessor(MetadataAccessibleObject accessibleObject, Node node, XMLHelper helper, MetadataProcessor processor, MetadataDescriptor descriptor)

        super(accessibleObject, processor, descriptor);
        m_node = node;
        m_helper = helper;
Methods Summary
protected oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.ejb.cmp3.metadata.accessors.MetadataAccessorbuildAccessor(org.w3c.dom.Node node)
INTERNAL: Create and return the appropriate accessor based on the given node.

        MetadataAccessibleObject accessibleObject;
        // Process the required name attribute.
        String attributeName = m_helper.getNodeValue(node, XMLConstants.ATT_NAME);
        // WIP - left to do here is perform validation on the accessors just
        // like the annotation processor does.
        if (m_descriptor.usesPropertyAccess()) {
            Method method = MetadataHelper.getMethodForPropertyName(attributeName, getJavaClass());
            if (method == null) {
                m_validator.throwUnableToDetermineClassForProperty(attributeName, getJavaClass());
            accessibleObject = new MetadataMethod(method);
        } else {
            Field field = MetadataHelper.getFieldForName(attributeName, getJavaClass());
            if (field == null) {
                m_validator.throwUnableToDetermineClassForField(attributeName, getJavaClass());
            accessibleObject = new MetadataField(field);
        String nodeName = node.getLocalName();
        if (nodeName.equals(XMLConstants.ONE_TO_ONE)) {
            return new XMLOneToOneAccessor(accessibleObject, node, this);
        } else if (nodeName.equals(XMLConstants.MANY_TO_ONE)) {
            return new XMLManyToOneAccessor(accessibleObject, node, this);
        } else if (nodeName.equals(XMLConstants.ONE_TO_MANY)) {
            if (MetadataHelper.isSupportedCollectionClass(accessibleObject.getRawClass())) {
                return new XMLOneToManyAccessor(accessibleObject, node, this);        
            } else {
                m_validator.throwInvalidCollectionTypeForRelationship(getJavaClass(), accessibleObject.getRawClass(), getAttributeName());
                return null;
        } else if (nodeName.equals(XMLConstants.MANY_TO_MANY)) {
            if (MetadataHelper.isSupportedCollectionClass(accessibleObject.getRawClass())) {
                return new XMLManyToManyAccessor(accessibleObject, node, this);
            } else {
                m_validator.throwInvalidCollectionTypeForRelationship(getJavaClass(), accessibleObject.getRawClass(), getAttributeName());
                return null;
        } else if (nodeName.equals(XMLConstants.EMBEDDED)) {
            return new XMLEmbeddedAccessor(accessibleObject, node, this);
        } else if (nodeName.equals(XMLConstants.EMBEDDED_ID)) {
            return new XMLEmbeddedIdAccessor(accessibleObject, node, this);
        } else if (nodeName.equals(XMLConstants.TRANSIENT)) {
            return new XMLTransientAccessor(accessibleObject, node, this);
        } else {
            return new XMLBasicAccessor(accessibleObject, node, this);
public java.lang.StringgetCatalog()

        return XMLClassAccessor.m_entityMappingsCatalog;
public java.lang.StringgetDiscriminatorValue()
INTERNAL: (OVERRIDE) Return the discriminator value for this accessor. If it is not defined call the parent to check for an annotation.

        String discriminatorValue =  m_helper.getNodeTextValue(m_node, XMLConstants.DISCRIMINATOR_VALUE);
        if (discriminatorValue.equals("")) {
            return super.getDiscriminatorValue();
        } else {
            return discriminatorValue;
public java.lang.StringgetDocumentName()

        return m_helper.getDocumentName();
public java.lang.StringgetEntityName()
INTERNAL: (OVERRIDE) Return the name of this entity class. If it is not defined call the parent to check for an annotation.

        String entityName = m_helper.getNodeValue(m_node, XMLConstants.ATT_NAME);
        if (entityName.equals("")) {
            return super.getEntityName();
        } else {
            return entityName;
public oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.ejb.cmp3.xml.XMLHelpergetHelper()

        return m_helper;
protected java.lang.StringgetInheritanceStrategy()
INTERNAL: (OVERRIDE) Return the inheritance strategy. This method should only be called on the root of the inheritance hierarchy.

        Node inheritanceNode = m_helper.getNode(m_node, XMLConstants.INHERITANCE);
        if (inheritanceNode == null) {
            return super.getInheritanceStrategy();
        } else {
            return m_helper.getNodeValue(inheritanceNode, XMLConstants.ATT_STRATEGY);
protected oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.ejb.cmp3.metadata.columns.MetadataPrimaryKeyJoinColumnsgetPrimaryKeyJoinColumns(java.lang.String sourceTableName, java.lang.String targetTableName)
INTERNAL: (OVERRIDE) Process the primary-key-join-column(s) elements.

        if (m_helper.nodeHasPrimaryKeyJoinColumns(m_node)) {
            return new XMLPrimaryKeyJoinColumns(m_node, m_helper, sourceTableName, targetTableName);
        } else {
            return super.getPrimaryKeyJoinColumns(sourceTableName, targetTableName);
public java.lang.StringgetSchema()

         return XMLClassAccessor.m_entityMappingsSchema;
protected booleanhasEntity(java.lang.Class cls)
INTERNAL: (Override from ClassAccessor) Return true if this class has an entity node.

        Node node = m_helper.locateEntityNode(cls);
        if (node != null) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return super.hasEntity(cls);
protected booleanhasInheritance(java.lang.Class entityClass)
INTERNAL: (Override from ClassAccessor) Return true if this class has an inheritance node.

        Node node = m_helper.locateEntityNode(entityClass);
    	if (node != null && m_helper.hasNode(node, XMLConstants.INHERITANCE)) {
            return true;
    	} else {
            return super.hasInheritance(entityClass);
public booleanisXMLAccessor()
INTERNAL: Return true if this is an XML processing accessor.

        return true;
public voidprocess()
INTERNAL: Process any entity tag specifics then call the parent process.

        // Process the metadata-complete attribute node.
        m_descriptor.setIgnoreAnnotations(m_helper.getNodeValue(m_node, XMLConstants.ATT_METADATA_COMPLETE, m_descriptor.ignoreAnnotations()));
        // Process the access attribute.
        m_descriptor.setAccess(m_helper.getNodeValue(m_node, XMLConstants.ATT_ACCESS, XMLClassAccessor.m_entityMappingsAccess));
        // Set the entity mapping schema value. The schema defaults to the
        // persistence unit schema if it is not set.
        // Set the entity mapping catalog value. The catalog defaults to the
        // persistence unit catalog if it is not set.
protected oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.ejb.cmp3.metadata.accessors.ClassAccessorprocessAccessor(oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.ejb.cmp3.metadata.MetadataDescriptor descriptor)
INTERNAL: (OVERRIDE) Fast track processing a ClassAccessor for the given descriptor. Inheritance root classes and embeddables may be fast tracked.

        Node node = null;
        XMLHelper xmlhelper = null;
        node = m_helper.locateEntityNode(descriptor.getJavaClass());
            xmlhelper = m_helper;
        } else {
            //Bug#2962 Cover the case when the given descriptor defined in the separate mapping XML file rather than 
            //the one referred by m_helper. 
            for (Map.Entry<URL, Document> urlToDocPair : m_project.getMappingFiles().entrySet()) {
                Document document = (Document)urlToDocPair.getValue();
                xmlhelper = new XMLHelper(document, urlToDocPair.getKey().getFile(), m_helper.getClassLoader());
                node = xmlhelper.locateEntityNode(descriptor.getJavaClass());
        if (node != null) {
            XMLClassAccessor accessor = new XMLClassAccessor(new MetadataClass(descriptor.getJavaClass()), node, xmlhelper, m_processor, descriptor);
            return accessor;
        } else {
            return super.processAccessor(descriptor);
protected voidprocessAccessors()
INTERNAL: (OVERRIDE) Process the accessors for the given class.

        NodeList nodes = m_helper.getNodes(m_node, XMLConstants.ATTRIBUTES, XMLConstants.ALL_CHILDREN);
        if (nodes != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) {
protected voidprocessAssociationOverrides()
INTERNAL: (OVERRIDE) Process the association overrides for a class that inherits from a mapped superclass. Once the association overrides are processed from XML process the association overrides from annotations.

        // Process the XML association override elements first.
        NodeList nodes = m_helper.getNodes(m_node, XMLConstants.ASSOCIATION_OVERRIDE);
        if (nodes != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) {
                Node node = nodes.item(i);
                processAssociationOverride(m_helper.getNodeValue(node, XMLConstants.ATT_NAME), new XMLJoinColumns(node, m_helper));
        // Process the association override annotations second.
protected voidprocessAttributeOverrides()
INTERNAL: (OVERRIDE) Process the attribute overrides for a class that inherits from a mapped superclass. Once the attribute overrides are processed from XML process the attribute overrides from annotations.

        NodeList nodes = m_helper.getNodes(m_node, XMLConstants.ATTRIBUTE_OVERRIDE);
        if (nodes != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) {
                processAttributeOverride(new XMLColumn(nodes.item(i), m_helper, getAnnotatedElement()));
        // Now, Process the attribute override annotations second.
protected voidprocessDiscriminatorColumn()
INTERNAL: Process an XML discriminator-column metadata. If we don't find a node here, check for an annotation by calling the parent. It will default if no annotation is found.

        Node node = m_helper.getNode(m_node, XMLConstants.DISCRIMINATOR_COLUMN);
        if (node == null) {
        } else {
            processDiscriminatorColumn(new XMLDiscriminatorColumn(node, m_helper));
public oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.ejb.cmp3.metadata.listeners.MetadataEntityListenerprocessEntityEventListener(java.lang.ClassLoader loader)
INTERNAL: (OVERRIDE) Process the entity class for lifecycle callback event methods.

        // Update the class loader.
        // Create the listener.
        XMLEntityClassListener listener = new XMLEntityClassListener(getJavaClass());
        // Process the lifecycle callback events from XML.
        Method[] candidateMethods = MetadataHelper.getCandidateCallbackMethodsForEntityClass(getJavaClass());
        processLifecycleEvents(listener, m_node, m_helper, candidateMethods);
        // Check the entity class for lifecycle callback annotations.
        processCallbackMethods(candidateMethods, listener);
        // WIP - at this point we should turn the override ignore off for 
        // mapped superclasses ...
        return listener;
public voidprocessEntityListeners(java.lang.Class entityClass, java.lang.ClassLoader loader)
INTERNAL: (OVERRIDE) Process the entity listeners for this class accessor. Entity listeners defined in XML will override those specified on the class.

        // Update the class loader.
        NodeList nodes = m_helper.getNodes(m_node, new String[] {XMLConstants.ENTITY_LISTENERS, XMLConstants.ENTITY_LISTENER});
        if (nodes.getLength() > 0) {
            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) {
                Node node = nodes.item(i);
                // Build an xml entity listener.
                XMLEntityListener listener = new XMLEntityListener(m_helper.getClassForNode(node), entityClass);
                // Process the lifecycle callback events from XML.
                Method[] candidateMethods = MetadataHelper.getCandidateCallbackMethodsForEntityListener(listener);
                processLifecycleEvents(listener, node, m_helper, candidateMethods);
                // Process the candidate callback methods on this listener for
                // additional callback methods decorated with annotations.
                processCallbackMethods(candidateMethods, listener);
                // Add the listener to the descriptor.
        } else {
            super.processEntityListeners(entityClass, loader);
public voidprocessEntityMappings()
INTERNAL: Process the information contained in the entity-mappings node.

        MetadataPersistenceUnit persistenceUnit = m_project.getPersistenceUnit();
        if (persistenceUnit != null) {
            // Use the persistent unit defaults ..
            XMLClassAccessor.m_entityMappingsAccess = m_helper.getNodeTextValue(XMLConstants.ENTITY_MAPPINGS, XMLConstants.ACCESS, persistenceUnit.getAccess());
            XMLClassAccessor.m_entityMappingsSchema = m_helper.getNodeTextValue(XMLConstants.ENTITY_MAPPINGS, XMLConstants.SCHEMA, persistenceUnit.getSchema());
            XMLClassAccessor.m_entityMappingsCatalog = m_helper.getNodeTextValue(XMLConstants.ENTITY_MAPPINGS, XMLConstants.CATALOG, persistenceUnit.getCatalog());
        } else {
            XMLClassAccessor.m_entityMappingsAccess = m_helper.getNodeTextValue(XMLConstants.ENTITY_MAPPINGS, XMLConstants.ACCESS);
            XMLClassAccessor.m_entityMappingsSchema = m_helper.getNodeTextValue(XMLConstants.ENTITY_MAPPINGS, XMLConstants.SCHEMA);
            XMLClassAccessor.m_entityMappingsCatalog = m_helper.getNodeTextValue(XMLConstants.ENTITY_MAPPINGS, XMLConstants.CATALOG);
        // Process the table-generator nodes.
        NodeList tableGeneratorNodes = m_helper.getNodes(XMLConstants.ENTITY_MAPPINGS, XMLConstants.TABLE_GENERATOR);
        if (tableGeneratorNodes != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < tableGeneratorNodes.getLength(); i++) {
        // Process the sequence-generator nodes.
        NodeList sequenceGeneratorNodes = m_helper.getNodes(XMLConstants.ENTITY_MAPPINGS, XMLConstants.SEQUENCE_GENERATOR);
        if (sequenceGeneratorNodes != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < sequenceGeneratorNodes.getLength(); i++) {
        // Process the named-query nodes.
        processNamedQueries(m_helper.getNodes(XMLConstants.ENTITY_MAPPINGS, XMLConstants.NAMED_QUERY));

        // Process the named-native-query nodes.
        processNamedNativeQueries(m_helper.getNodes(XMLConstants.ENTITY_MAPPINGS, XMLConstants.NAMED_NATIVE_QUERY));

        // Process the sql-result-set-mapping nodes.
        processSqlResultSetMappings(m_helper.getNodes(XMLConstants.ENTITY_MAPPINGS, XMLConstants.SQL_RESULT_SET_MAPPING));
protected voidprocessExcludeDefaultListeners()
INTERNAL: (OVERRIDE) Process the exclude-default-listeners tag if one is specified, otherwise, ask the parent to look for an annotation.

        if (m_helper.hasNode(m_node, XMLConstants.EXCLUDE_DEFAULT_LISTENERS)) {
        } else {
protected voidprocessExcludeSuperclassListeners()
INTERNAL: (OVERRIDE) Process the exclude-superclass-listeners tag if one is specified, otherwise, ask the parent to look for an annotation.

        if (m_helper.hasNode(m_node, XMLConstants.EXCLUDE_SUPERCLASS_LISTENERS)) {
        } else {
protected voidprocessIdClass()
INTERNAL: (OVERRIDE) Process an id-class element

        Node result = m_helper.getNode(m_node, XMLConstants.ID_CLASS);
        if (result == null) {
            // Check for an @IdClass annotation.
        } else {
            processIdClass(m_helper.getClassForNode(result), m_logger.IGNORE_ID_CLASS_ELEMENT);
public voidprocessMappedSuperclassEventListener(oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.ejb.cmp3.metadata.listeners.MetadataEntityListener listener, java.lang.Class entityClass, java.lang.ClassLoader loader)
INTERNAL: (OVERRIDE) Process the mapped superclass class for lifecycle callback event methods.

        // Update the class loader
        // Process the lifecycle callback events from XML.
        Method[] candidateMethods = MetadataHelper.getCandidateCallbackMethodsForMappedSuperclass(getJavaClass(), entityClass);
        processLifecycleEvents(listener, m_node, m_helper, candidateMethods);
        // Check for annotations on the mapped superclass now.
        processCallbackMethods(candidateMethods, listener);
protected voidprocessNamedNativeQueries()
INTERNAL: (OVERRIDE) Process the named native queries for the given class which could be an entity or a mapped superclass.

        // Process the named native query elements first.
        processNamedNativeQueries(m_helper.getNodes(m_node, XMLConstants.NAMED_NATIVE_QUERY));
        // Process the XML named native query annotations second.
protected voidprocessNamedNativeQueries(org.w3c.dom.NodeList queryNodes)
INTERNAL: Process named-queries at either the entity-mappings or entity level. The queries will be stored in a hashmap - EntityManagerSetupImpl will call 'addNamedQueriesToSession()' after processing; this is when the queries will be added to the session.

        if (queryNodes != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < queryNodes.getLength(); i++) {
                // Ask the common processor to process what we found.
                processNamedNativeQuery(new XMLNamedNativeQuery(queryNodes.item(i), m_helper));
protected voidprocessNamedQueries()
INTERNAL: (OVERRIDE) Process the named queries for the given class which could be an entity or a mapped superclass.

        // Process the XML named query elements first.
        processNamedQueries(m_helper.getNodes(m_node, XMLConstants.NAMED_QUERY));
        // Process the named query annotations second.
protected voidprocessNamedQueries(org.w3c.dom.NodeList queryNodes)
INTERNAL: Process named queries at either the entity-mapping or entity level. The queries will be stored in a hashmap - EntityManagerSetupImpl will call 'addNamedQueriesToSession()' after processing; this is when the queries will be added to the session.

        if (queryNodes != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < queryNodes.getLength(); i++) {
                // Ask the common processor to process what we found.
                processNamedQuery(new XMLNamedQuery(queryNodes.item(i), m_helper));
protected voidprocessSecondaryTables()
INTERNAL: (OVERRIDE) Process secondary-table(s) for a given entity.

        NodeList secondaryTables = m_helper.getNodes(m_node, XMLConstants.SECONDARY_TABLE);
        if (secondaryTables == null) {
            // Check for a secondary table annotation(s).
        } else {
            if (m_descriptor.ignoreTables()) {
                m_logger.logWarningMessage(m_logger.IGNORE_SECONDARY_TABLE_ELEMENT, getJavaClass());
            } else {
                for (int i = 0; i < secondaryTables.getLength(); i++) {
                    processSecondaryTable(new XMLSecondaryTable(secondaryTables.item(i), m_helper, m_logger));
protected voidprocessSequenceGenerator()
INTERNAL: (OVERRIDE) Process this accessor's sequence-generator node into a common metadata sequence generator.

        // Process the xml defined sequence generators first.
        processSequenceGenerator(m_helper.getNode(m_node, XMLConstants.SEQUENCE_GENERATOR));
        // Process the annotation defined sequence generators second.
protected voidprocessSequenceGenerator(org.w3c.dom.Node node)
INTERNAL: Process a sequence-generator node into a common metadata sequence generator.

        if (node != null) {
            // Ask the common processor to process what we found.
            processSequenceGenerator(new XMLSequenceGenerator(node, m_helper));
protected voidprocessSqlResultSetMappings()
INTERNAL: (OVERRIDE) Process the sql result set mappings for the given class which could be an entity or a mapped superclass.

        // Process the XML sql result set mapping elements first.
        processSqlResultSetMappings(m_helper.getNodes(m_node, XMLConstants.SQL_RESULT_SET_MAPPING));
        // Process the sql result set mapping query annotations second.
protected voidprocessSqlResultSetMappings(org.w3c.dom.NodeList sqlResultSetNodes)
INTERNAL: Process sql-result-set-mappings and store them on the session.

        if (sqlResultSetNodes != null) {
        	int nodeCount = sqlResultSetNodes.getLength();
            for (int i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++) {
                // Ask the common processor to process what we found.
                processSqlResultSetMapping(new XMLSQLResultSetMapping(sqlResultSetNodes.item(i), m_helper));
protected voidprocessTable()
INTERNAL: (OVERRIDE) Process table information for the given metadata descriptor.

	    Node tableNode = m_helper.getNode(m_node, XMLConstants.TABLE);
	    if (tableNode != null) {
            if (m_descriptor.ignoreTables()) {
                m_logger.logWarningMessage(m_logger.IGNORE_TABLE_ELEMENT, getJavaClass());
            } else {
                processTable(new XMLTable(tableNode, m_helper, m_logger));
	    } else {
            // Check for a table annotation. If no annotation is defined, the 
            // table will default.
protected voidprocessTableGenerator()
INTERNAL: (OVERRIDE) Process the table generator for the given class which could be an entity or a mapped superclass.

        // Process the xml defined table generators first.
        processTableGenerator(m_helper.getNode(m_node, XMLConstants.TABLE_GENERATOR));
        // Process the annotation defined sequence generators second.
protected voidprocessTableGenerator(org.w3c.dom.Node node)
INTERNAL: Process a table-generator node into a common metadata table generator.

        if (node != null) {
            // Ask the common processor to process what we found.
            processTableGenerator(new XMLTableGenerator(node, this));