if (NamingShell.getCurrentContext() == null)
throw new CommandException(new Exception(), "No current context");
else if (v.isEmpty())
throw new CommandException(new Exception(), "No target specified");
String name = (String)v.firstElement();
String filter = null;
if (v.size() > 1) {
filter = (String)v.elementAt(1);
try {
// Cast context to an event context
EventContext evCtx = (EventContext)c;
// Create our listener
NamingListener listener = new AnyChangeLogger();
// If no filter specified, just register a listener using EventContext
if (filter == null) {
evCtx.addNamingListener(name, EventContext.OBJECT_SCOPE, listener);
// If we have a filter, use the EventDirContext to specify the target
else {
EventDirContext evDirCtx = (EventDirContext)c;
evDirCtx.addNamingListener(name, filter, null, listener);
System.out.println("Registered listener for " + name +
(filter != null ? (" and filter " + filter) : ""));
catch (ClassCastException cce) {
throw new CommandException(cce,
"The current context does not support event notification.");
catch (NamingException e) {
throw new CommandException(e, "The search for " + filter + " failed");