Methods Summary |
public abstract java.lang.String | getActor()Returns the uri of the actor associated with this
SOAPHeaderElement object.
public abstract boolean | getMustUnderstand()Returns whether the mustUnderstand attribute for this
SOAPHeaderElement object is turned on.
public abstract void | setActor(java.lang.String actorURI)Sets the actor associated with this
SOAPHeaderElement object to the specified actor. The
default value of an actor is:
public abstract void | setMustUnderstand(boolean mustUnderstand)Sets the mustUnderstand attribute for this
SOAPHeaderElement object to be on or off.
If the mustUnderstand attribute is on, the actor who
receives the SOAPHeaderElement must process it
correctly. This ensures, for example, that if the
SOAPHeaderElement object modifies the message, that
the message is being modified correctly.