Methods Summary |
public void | close()Frees associated resources.
public int | doc()Returns the current document number. This is invalid until {@link
#next()} is called for the first time.
public int | freq()Returns the frequency of the term within the current document. This
is invalid until {@link #next()} is called for the first time.
public boolean | next()Moves to the next pair in the enumeration. Returns true iff there is
such a next pair in the enumeration.
public int | read(int[] docs, int[] freqs)Attempts to read multiple entries from the enumeration, up to length of
docs. Document numbers are stored in docs, and term
frequencies are stored in freqs. The freqs array must be as
long as the docs array.
Returns the number of entries read. Zero is only returned when the
stream has been exhausted.
public void | seek(org.apache.lucene.index.Term term)Sets this to the data for a term.
The enumeration is reset to the start of the data for this term.
public void | seek(org.apache.lucene.index.TermEnum termEnum)Sets this to the data for the current term in a {@link TermEnum}.
This may be optimized in some implementations.
public boolean | skipTo(int target)Skips entries to the first beyond the current whose document number is
greater than or equal to target. Returns true iff there is such
an entry. Behaves as if written:
boolean skipTo(int target) {
do {
if (!next())
return false;
} while (target > doc());
return true;
Some implementations are considerably more efficient than that.