JMSSessionStats.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API3068Fri May 04 22:34:04 BST


public interface JMSSessionStats implements Stats
Specifies the statistics provided by a JMS session.
Hans Hrasna

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public JMSConsumerStats[]getConsumers()
Returns an array of JMSConsumerStats that provide statistics about the message consumers associated with the referencing JMS session statistics.

public CountStatisticgetDurableSubscriptionCount()
Number of durable subscriptions.

public CountStatisticgetExpiredMessageCount()
Number of expired messages.

public CountStatisticgetMessageCount()
Number of messages exchanged.

public TimeStatisticgetMessageWaitTime()
Time spent by a message before being delivered.

public CountStatisticgetPendingMessageCount()
Number of pending messages.

public JMSProducerStats[]getProducers()
Returns an array of JMSProducerStats that provide statistics about the message producers associated with the referencing JMS session statistics.