Methods Summary |
public int | getBaseIstd()Get the baseIstd field for the CHP record.
return field_25_baseIstd;
public org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.BorderCode | getBrc()Get the brc field for the CHP record.
return field_43_brc;
public byte | getChYsr()Get the chYsr field for the CHP record.
return field_31_chYsr;
public short | getChse()Get the chse field for the CHP record.
return field_1_chse;
public org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.DateAndTime | getDttmDispFldRMark()Get the dttmDispFldRMark field for the CHP record.
return field_40_dttmDispFldRMark;
public org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.DateAndTime | getDttmPropRMark()Get the dttmPropRMark field for the CHP record.
return field_36_dttmPropRMark;
public org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.DateAndTime | getDttmRMark()Get the dttmRMark field for the CHP record.
return field_22_dttmRMark;
public org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.DateAndTime | getDttmRMarkDel()Get the dttmRMarkDel field for the CHP record.
return field_23_dttmRMarkDel;
public int | getDxaSpace()Get the dxaSpace field for the CHP record.
return field_8_dxaSpace;
public byte | getFDispFldRMark()Get the fDispFldRMark field for the CHP record.
return field_38_fDispFldRMark;
public short | getFPropMark()Get the fPropMark field for the CHP record.
return field_34_fPropMark;
public int | getFcObj()Get the fcObj field for the CHP record.
return field_18_fcObj;
public int | getFcPic()Get the fcPic field for the CHP record.
return field_17_fcPic;
public int | getFormat_flags()Get the format_flags field for the CHP record.
return field_2_format_flags;
public int | getFormat_flags1()Get the format_flags1 field for the CHP record.
return field_3_format_flags1;
public int | getFtcAscii()Get the ftcAscii field for the CHP record.
return field_4_ftcAscii;
public int | getFtcFE()Get the ftcFE field for the CHP record.
return field_5_ftcFE;
public int | getFtcOther()Get the ftcOther field for the CHP record.
return field_6_ftcOther;
public int | getFtcSym()Get the ftcSym field for the CHP record.
return field_26_ftcSym;
public short | getHighlight()Get the Highlight field for the CHP record.
return field_33_Highlight;
public int | getHps()Get the hps field for the CHP record.
return field_7_hps;
public int | getHpsKern()Get the hpsKern field for the CHP record.
return field_32_hpsKern;
public int | getHpsPos()Get the hpsPos field for the CHP record.
return field_12_hpsPos;
public int | getIbstDispFldRMark()Get the ibstDispFldRMark field for the CHP record.
return field_39_ibstDispFldRMark;
public int | getIbstPropRMark()Get the ibstPropRMark field for the CHP record.
return field_35_ibstPropRMark;
public int | getIbstRMark()Get the ibstRMark field for the CHP record.
return field_20_ibstRMark;
public int | getIbstRMarkDel()Get the ibstRMarkDel field for the CHP record.
return field_21_ibstRMarkDel;
public byte | getIco()Get the ico field for the CHP record.
return field_11_ico;
public byte | getIcoHighlight()
return ( byte )icoHighlight.getValue(field_33_Highlight);
public byte | getIdctHint()Get the idctHint field for the CHP record.
return field_15_idctHint;
public int | getIdslRMReason()Get the idslRMReason field for the CHP record.
return field_28_idslRMReason;
public int | getIdslReasonDel()Get the idslReasonDel field for the CHP record.
return field_29_idslReasonDel;
public byte | getIss()Get the iss field for the CHP record.
return field_9_iss;
public int | getIstd()Get the istd field for the CHP record.
return field_24_istd;
public byte | getKcd()
return ( byte )kcd.getValue(field_33_Highlight);
public byte | getKul()Get the kul field for the CHP record.
return field_10_kul;
public int | getLTagObj()Get the lTagObj field for the CHP record.
return field_19_lTagObj;
public int | getLidDefault()Get the lidDefault field for the CHP record.
return field_13_lidDefault;
public int | getLidFE()Get the lidFE field for the CHP record.
return field_14_lidFE;
public byte | getSfxtText()Get the sfxtText field for the CHP record.
return field_37_sfxtText;
public org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.ShadingDescriptor | getShd()Get the shd field for the CHP record.
return field_42_shd;
public int | getSize()Size of record (exluding 4 byte header)
return 4 + + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 32 + 2 + 4;
public int | getWCharScale()Get the wCharScale field for the CHP record.
return field_16_wCharScale;
public int | getXchSym()Get the xchSym field for the CHP record.
return field_27_xchSym;
public byte[] | getXstDispFldRMark()Get the xstDispFldRMark field for the CHP record.
return field_41_xstDispFldRMark;
public byte | getYsr()Get the ysr field for the CHP record.
return field_30_ysr;
public boolean | isFBold()
return fBold.isSet(field_2_format_flags);
public boolean | isFCaps()
return fCaps.isSet(field_2_format_flags);
public boolean | isFChsDiff()
return fChsDiff.isSet(field_33_Highlight);
public boolean | isFDStrike()
return fDStrike.isSet(field_3_format_flags1);
public boolean | isFData()
return fData.isSet(field_2_format_flags);
public boolean | isFEmboss()
return fEmboss.isSet(field_3_format_flags1);
public boolean | isFFldVanish()
return fFldVanish.isSet(field_2_format_flags);
public boolean | isFFtcAsciSym()
return fFtcAsciSym.isSet(field_33_Highlight);
public boolean | isFHighlight()
return fHighlight.isSet(field_33_Highlight);
public boolean | isFImprint()
return fImprint.isSet(field_3_format_flags1);
public boolean | isFItalic()
return fItalic.isSet(field_2_format_flags);
public boolean | isFLowerCase()
return fLowerCase.isSet(field_2_format_flags);
public boolean | isFMacChs()
return fMacChs.isSet(field_33_Highlight);
public boolean | isFNavHighlight()
return fNavHighlight.isSet(field_33_Highlight);
public boolean | isFObj()
return fObj.isSet(field_2_format_flags);
public boolean | isFOle2()
return fOle2.isSet(field_2_format_flags);
public boolean | isFOutline()
return fOutline.isSet(field_2_format_flags);
public boolean | isFRMark()
return fRMark.isSet(field_2_format_flags);
public boolean | isFRMarkDel()
return fRMarkDel.isSet(field_2_format_flags);
public boolean | isFShadow()
return fShadow.isSet(field_2_format_flags);
public boolean | isFSmallCaps()
return fSmallCaps.isSet(field_2_format_flags);
public boolean | isFSpec()
return fSpec.isSet(field_2_format_flags);
public boolean | isFStrike()
return fStrike.isSet(field_2_format_flags);
public boolean | isFUsePgsuSettings()
return fUsePgsuSettings.isSet(field_3_format_flags1);
public boolean | isFVanish()
return fVanish.isSet(field_2_format_flags);
public void | setBaseIstd(int field_25_baseIstd)Set the baseIstd field for the CHP record.
this.field_25_baseIstd = field_25_baseIstd;
public void | setBrc(org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.BorderCode field_43_brc)Set the brc field for the CHP record.
this.field_43_brc = field_43_brc;
public void | setChYsr(byte field_31_chYsr)Set the chYsr field for the CHP record.
this.field_31_chYsr = field_31_chYsr;
public void | setChse(short field_1_chse)Set the chse field for the CHP record.
this.field_1_chse = field_1_chse;
public void | setDttmDispFldRMark(org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.DateAndTime field_40_dttmDispFldRMark)Set the dttmDispFldRMark field for the CHP record.
this.field_40_dttmDispFldRMark = field_40_dttmDispFldRMark;
public void | setDttmPropRMark(org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.DateAndTime field_36_dttmPropRMark)Set the dttmPropRMark field for the CHP record.
this.field_36_dttmPropRMark = field_36_dttmPropRMark;
public void | setDttmRMark(org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.DateAndTime field_22_dttmRMark)Set the dttmRMark field for the CHP record.
this.field_22_dttmRMark = field_22_dttmRMark;
public void | setDttmRMarkDel(org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.DateAndTime field_23_dttmRMarkDel)Set the dttmRMarkDel field for the CHP record.
this.field_23_dttmRMarkDel = field_23_dttmRMarkDel;
public void | setDxaSpace(int field_8_dxaSpace)Set the dxaSpace field for the CHP record.
this.field_8_dxaSpace = field_8_dxaSpace;
public void | setFBold(boolean value)Sets the fBold field value.
field_2_format_flags = (int)fBold.setBoolean(field_2_format_flags, value);
public void | setFCaps(boolean value)Sets the fCaps field value.
field_2_format_flags = (int)fCaps.setBoolean(field_2_format_flags, value);
public void | setFChsDiff(boolean value)Sets the fChsDiff field value.
field_33_Highlight = (short)fChsDiff.setBoolean(field_33_Highlight, value);
public void | setFDStrike(boolean value)Sets the fDStrike field value.
field_3_format_flags1 = (int)fDStrike.setBoolean(field_3_format_flags1, value);
public void | setFData(boolean value)Sets the fData field value.
field_2_format_flags = (int)fData.setBoolean(field_2_format_flags, value);
public void | setFDispFldRMark(byte field_38_fDispFldRMark)Set the fDispFldRMark field for the CHP record.
this.field_38_fDispFldRMark = field_38_fDispFldRMark;
public void | setFEmboss(boolean value)Sets the fEmboss field value.
field_3_format_flags1 = (int)fEmboss.setBoolean(field_3_format_flags1, value);
public void | setFFldVanish(boolean value)Sets the fFldVanish field value.
field_2_format_flags = (int)fFldVanish.setBoolean(field_2_format_flags, value);
public void | setFFtcAsciSym(boolean value)Sets the fFtcAsciSym field value.
field_33_Highlight = (short)fFtcAsciSym.setBoolean(field_33_Highlight, value);
public void | setFHighlight(boolean value)Sets the fHighlight field value.
field_33_Highlight = (short)fHighlight.setBoolean(field_33_Highlight, value);
public void | setFImprint(boolean value)Sets the fImprint field value.
field_3_format_flags1 = (int)fImprint.setBoolean(field_3_format_flags1, value);
public void | setFItalic(boolean value)Sets the fItalic field value.
field_2_format_flags = (int)fItalic.setBoolean(field_2_format_flags, value);
public void | setFLowerCase(boolean value)Sets the fLowerCase field value.
field_2_format_flags = (int)fLowerCase.setBoolean(field_2_format_flags, value);
public void | setFMacChs(boolean value)Sets the fMacChs field value.
field_33_Highlight = (short)fMacChs.setBoolean(field_33_Highlight, value);
public void | setFNavHighlight(boolean value)Sets the fNavHighlight field value.
field_33_Highlight = (short)fNavHighlight.setBoolean(field_33_Highlight, value);
public void | setFObj(boolean value)Sets the fObj field value.
field_2_format_flags = (int)fObj.setBoolean(field_2_format_flags, value);
public void | setFOle2(boolean value)Sets the fOle2 field value.
field_2_format_flags = (int)fOle2.setBoolean(field_2_format_flags, value);
public void | setFOutline(boolean value)Sets the fOutline field value.
field_2_format_flags = (int)fOutline.setBoolean(field_2_format_flags, value);
public void | setFPropMark(short field_34_fPropMark)Set the fPropMark field for the CHP record.
this.field_34_fPropMark = field_34_fPropMark;
public void | setFRMark(boolean value)Sets the fRMark field value.
field_2_format_flags = (int)fRMark.setBoolean(field_2_format_flags, value);
public void | setFRMarkDel(boolean value)Sets the fRMarkDel field value.
field_2_format_flags = (int)fRMarkDel.setBoolean(field_2_format_flags, value);
public void | setFShadow(boolean value)Sets the fShadow field value.
field_2_format_flags = (int)fShadow.setBoolean(field_2_format_flags, value);
public void | setFSmallCaps(boolean value)Sets the fSmallCaps field value.
field_2_format_flags = (int)fSmallCaps.setBoolean(field_2_format_flags, value);
public void | setFSpec(boolean value)Sets the fSpec field value.
field_2_format_flags = (int)fSpec.setBoolean(field_2_format_flags, value);
public void | setFStrike(boolean value)Sets the fStrike field value.
field_2_format_flags = (int)fStrike.setBoolean(field_2_format_flags, value);
public void | setFUsePgsuSettings(boolean value)Sets the fUsePgsuSettings field value.
field_3_format_flags1 = (int)fUsePgsuSettings.setBoolean(field_3_format_flags1, value);
public void | setFVanish(boolean value)Sets the fVanish field value.
field_2_format_flags = (int)fVanish.setBoolean(field_2_format_flags, value);
public void | setFcObj(int field_18_fcObj)Set the fcObj field for the CHP record.
this.field_18_fcObj = field_18_fcObj;
public void | setFcPic(int field_17_fcPic)Set the fcPic field for the CHP record.
this.field_17_fcPic = field_17_fcPic;
public void | setFormat_flags(int field_2_format_flags)Set the format_flags field for the CHP record.
this.field_2_format_flags = field_2_format_flags;
public void | setFormat_flags1(int field_3_format_flags1)Set the format_flags1 field for the CHP record.
this.field_3_format_flags1 = field_3_format_flags1;
public void | setFtcAscii(int field_4_ftcAscii)Set the ftcAscii field for the CHP record.
this.field_4_ftcAscii = field_4_ftcAscii;
public void | setFtcFE(int field_5_ftcFE)Set the ftcFE field for the CHP record.
this.field_5_ftcFE = field_5_ftcFE;
public void | setFtcOther(int field_6_ftcOther)Set the ftcOther field for the CHP record.
this.field_6_ftcOther = field_6_ftcOther;
public void | setFtcSym(int field_26_ftcSym)Set the ftcSym field for the CHP record.
this.field_26_ftcSym = field_26_ftcSym;
public void | setHighlight(short field_33_Highlight)Set the Highlight field for the CHP record.
this.field_33_Highlight = field_33_Highlight;
public void | setHps(int field_7_hps)Set the hps field for the CHP record.
this.field_7_hps = field_7_hps;
public void | setHpsKern(int field_32_hpsKern)Set the hpsKern field for the CHP record.
this.field_32_hpsKern = field_32_hpsKern;
public void | setHpsPos(int field_12_hpsPos)Set the hpsPos field for the CHP record.
this.field_12_hpsPos = field_12_hpsPos;
public void | setIbstDispFldRMark(int field_39_ibstDispFldRMark)Set the ibstDispFldRMark field for the CHP record.
this.field_39_ibstDispFldRMark = field_39_ibstDispFldRMark;
public void | setIbstPropRMark(int field_35_ibstPropRMark)Set the ibstPropRMark field for the CHP record.
this.field_35_ibstPropRMark = field_35_ibstPropRMark;
public void | setIbstRMark(int field_20_ibstRMark)Set the ibstRMark field for the CHP record.
this.field_20_ibstRMark = field_20_ibstRMark;
public void | setIbstRMarkDel(int field_21_ibstRMarkDel)Set the ibstRMarkDel field for the CHP record.
this.field_21_ibstRMarkDel = field_21_ibstRMarkDel;
public void | setIco(byte field_11_ico)Set the ico field for the CHP record.
this.field_11_ico = field_11_ico;
public void | setIcoHighlight(byte value)Sets the icoHighlight field value.
field_33_Highlight = (short)icoHighlight.setValue(field_33_Highlight, value);
public void | setIdctHint(byte field_15_idctHint)Set the idctHint field for the CHP record.
this.field_15_idctHint = field_15_idctHint;
public void | setIdslRMReason(int field_28_idslRMReason)Set the idslRMReason field for the CHP record.
this.field_28_idslRMReason = field_28_idslRMReason;
public void | setIdslReasonDel(int field_29_idslReasonDel)Set the idslReasonDel field for the CHP record.
this.field_29_idslReasonDel = field_29_idslReasonDel;
public void | setIss(byte field_9_iss)Set the iss field for the CHP record.
this.field_9_iss = field_9_iss;
public void | setIstd(int field_24_istd)Set the istd field for the CHP record.
this.field_24_istd = field_24_istd;
public void | setKcd(byte value)Sets the kcd field value.
field_33_Highlight = (short)kcd.setValue(field_33_Highlight, value);
public void | setKul(byte field_10_kul)Set the kul field for the CHP record.
this.field_10_kul = field_10_kul;
public void | setLTagObj(int field_19_lTagObj)Set the lTagObj field for the CHP record.
this.field_19_lTagObj = field_19_lTagObj;
public void | setLidDefault(int field_13_lidDefault)Set the lidDefault field for the CHP record.
this.field_13_lidDefault = field_13_lidDefault;
public void | setLidFE(int field_14_lidFE)Set the lidFE field for the CHP record.
this.field_14_lidFE = field_14_lidFE;
public void | setSfxtText(byte field_37_sfxtText)Set the sfxtText field for the CHP record.
this.field_37_sfxtText = field_37_sfxtText;
public void | setShd(org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.ShadingDescriptor field_42_shd)Set the shd field for the CHP record.
this.field_42_shd = field_42_shd;
public void | setWCharScale(int field_16_wCharScale)Set the wCharScale field for the CHP record.
this.field_16_wCharScale = field_16_wCharScale;
public void | setXchSym(int field_27_xchSym)Set the xchSym field for the CHP record.
this.field_27_xchSym = field_27_xchSym;
public void | setXstDispFldRMark(byte[] field_41_xstDispFldRMark)Set the xstDispFldRMark field for the CHP record.
this.field_41_xstDispFldRMark = field_41_xstDispFldRMark;
public void | setYsr(byte field_30_ysr)Set the ysr field for the CHP record.
this.field_30_ysr = field_30_ysr;