ServletContextAttributeListener.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API3024Fri May 04 22:34:20 BST 2007javax.servlet


public interface ServletContextAttributeListener implements EventListener
Implementations of this interface receive notifications of changes to the attribute list on the servlet context of a web application. To receive notification events, the implementation class must be configured in the deployment descriptor for the web application.
v 2.3

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public voidattributeAdded(javax.servlet.ServletContextAttributeEvent scab)
Notification that a new attribute was added to the servlet context. Called after the attribute is added.

public voidattributeRemoved(javax.servlet.ServletContextAttributeEvent scab)
Notification that an existing attribute has been removed from the servlet context. Called after the attribute is removed.

public voidattributeReplaced(javax.servlet.ServletContextAttributeEvent scab)
Notification that an attribute on the servlet context has been replaced. Called after the attribute is replaced.