Create bencode-able map info for outgoing session syn.paramconnection with sessionreturnsyn info
Decode the given (possibly encrypted) session data into clean form.paramconnection with sessionparamencoded_data to decodereturndecoded form of datathrowsAuthenticatorException on decode error / failure
Encode the given clean session data into (possibly encrypted) encoded form.paramconnection with sessionparamdecoded_data to encodereturnencoded form of datathrowsAuthenticatorException on encode error / failure
Decode and verify the given (bencoded) map of outgoing session ACK information.paramconnection with sessionparamack_info incoming session ack infothrowsAuthenticatorException on verify error / failure
Decode and verify the given (bencoded) map of incoming session SYN information, and create the session ACK reply.paramconnection with sessionparamsyn_info incoming session syn inforeturnbencode-able map info for session ack replythrowsAuthenticatorException on verify error / failure