Methods Summary |
public void | addHierarchyEventListener(org.apache.log4j.spi.HierarchyEventListener listener)Add a {@link HierarchyEventListener} event to the repository.
public void | emitNoAppenderWarning(org.apache.log4j.Category cat)
public abstract org.apache.log4j.Logger | exists(java.lang.String name)
public abstract void | fireAddAppenderEvent(org.apache.log4j.Category logger, org.apache.log4j.Appender appender)
public java.util.Enumeration | getCurrentCategories()Deprecated. Please use {@link #getCurrentLoggers} instead.
public java.util.Enumeration | getCurrentLoggers()
public org.apache.log4j.Logger | getLogger(java.lang.String name)
public org.apache.log4j.Logger | getLogger(java.lang.String name, org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggerFactory factory)
public org.apache.log4j.Logger | getRootLogger()
public org.apache.log4j.Level | getThreshold()Get the repository-wide threshold. See {@link
#setThreshold(Level)} for an explanation.
public boolean | isDisabled(int level)Returns whether this repository is disabled for a given
level. The answer depends on the repository threshold and the
level parameter. See also {@link #setThreshold}
public abstract void | resetConfiguration()
public void | setThreshold(org.apache.log4j.Level level)Set the repository-wide threshold. All logging requests below the
threshold are immediately dropped. By default, the threshold is
set to Level.ALL which has the lowest possible rank.
public void | setThreshold(java.lang.String val)Another form of {@link #setThreshold(Level)} accepting a string
parameter instead of a Level .
public abstract void | shutdown()