Constructs one or more PIMItems from serialized data.paramin Stream containing serialized dataparamencoding Character encoding of the streamparamlist PIMList to which items should be added, or null if the items should not be part of a listreturna non-empty array of PIMItems containing the objects described in the serialized data, or null if no items are availablethrowsUnsupportedPIMFormatException if the serialized data cannot be interpreted by this encoding.throwsIOException if an error occurs while reading
Serializes a PIMItem.paramout Stream to which serialized data is writtenparamencoding Character encoding to use for serialized dataparampimItem The item to write to the streamthrowsIOException if an error occurs while writing
Gets the code name of this encoding (e.g. "VCARD/2.1").returnthe encoding name
Checks to see if a given PIM list type is supported by this encoding.parampimListType int representing the PIM list type to checkreturntrue if the type can be read and written by this encoding, false otherwise