Methods Summary |
public java.lang.String | getNamespace()Returns the namespace of the application.
This lets the Layout Lib load custom attributes for custom views.
public java.lang.Integer | getResourceValue(java.lang.String type, java.lang.String name)Returns the id of a resource.
The provided type and name must match an existing constant defined as
R.<type>.<name> .
public java.lang.Object | loadView(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class[] constructorSignature, java.lang.Object[] constructorArgs)Loads a custom view with the given constructor signature and arguments.
public java.lang.String[] | resolveResourceValue(int id)Resolves the id of a resource Id.
The resource id is the value of a R.<type>.<name> , and
this method will return both the type and name of the resource.
public java.lang.String | resolveResourceValue(int[] id)Resolves the id of a resource Id of type int[]
The resource id is the value of a R.styleable.<name>, and this method will
return the name of the resource.