DottedNameGetSetMBeanImplTest.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API29312Fri May 04 22:24:16 BST 2007com.sun.enterprise.admin.dottedname


public final class DottedNameGetSetMBeanImplTest extends TestCase

Fields Summary
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final int
private static String[]
private static final int
private static final String
private static final String
private static final char
private static final String
private static final String
final String
final String
final String
private static final String
Constructors Summary
public DottedNameGetSetMBeanImplTest()

Methods Summary
java.lang.StringarrayToString(java.lang.Object[] a)

		final StringBuffer	buf	= new StringBuffer();
		buf.append( "{" );
		for( int i = 0; i < a.length; ++i )
			buf.append( a[ i ].toString() );
			buf.append( ", " );
		buf.append( "}" );
		return( buf.toString() );
static java.lang.StringattributeListToString( attrs)

		final StringBuffer	buf	= new StringBuffer();
		for( int i = 0; i < attrs.size(); ++i )
			buf.append( attributeToString( (Attribute)attrs.get( i ) ) );
			buf.append( "\n" );
		return( buf.toString() );
static java.lang.StringattributeToString( attr)

		return( attr.getName() + " = " + attr.getValue().toString() );
private static TesteeMBeancreateTestee()

		final TesteeMBean testee	= new Testee();
		return( testee );
static voiddm(java.lang.Object o)

		System.out.println( o.toString() );
private java.lang.String[]dottedNameList(java.lang.String name)

		return( mGetSetMBean.dottedNameList( new String [] { name } ) );
private java.lang.String[]dottedNameMonitoringList(java.lang.String name)

		return( mGetSetMBean.dottedNameMonitoringList( new String [] { name } ) );[] attrs, java.lang.String name)

		Attribute	attr	= null;
		final int size	= attrs.length;
		for( int i = 0; i < size; ++i )
			final Attribute	candidate	= (Attribute)attrs[ i ];
			if ( candidate.getName().equals( name ) )
				attr	= candidate;
		return( attr ); name)

		final Object  result	= mGetSetMBean.dottedNameGet( name );
		if ( result instanceof Exception )

		assert( result instanceof Attribute ): "expecting Attribute, got " + result.getClass().getName();
		return( (Attribute)result );
private static java.lang.StringgetConfigDottedName(java.lang.String id)

		return( getServerDottedName( id ) + CONFIG_SUFFIX ); name)

		final Object result	= mGetSetMBean.dottedNameMonitoringGet( name );
		assert( result instanceof Attribute ) :
			"expecting single Attribute, got " + result.getClass().getName();
		return( (Attribute)result );
private static java.lang.StringgetMonitoringDottedName(java.lang.String id)

		return( getServerDottedName( id ) );
private static java.lang.StringgetServerDottedName(java.lang.String id)

		return( SERVER_NAME_BASE + id ); mbean, java.lang.String dottedName, java.lang.String id, java.lang.String category, DottedNameRegistry registry)

		final ObjectName	objectName	= new ObjectName( TESTEE_OBJECTNAME_BASE +
								",id=" + id +
								",category=" + category );
		mServer.registerMBean( mbean, objectName );

		registry.add(  dottedName, objectName );
		assert( registry.dottedNameToObjectName( dottedName ) == objectName );
		return( objectName ); dottedName, java.lang.String id, java.lang.String category, DottedNameRegistry registry)

		final ObjectName	objectName	=
			registerAndAddTestee( createTestee(), dottedName, id, category, registry );
		return( objectName );
java.lang.StringsetToString(java.util.Set s)

		final Iterator	iter	= s.iterator();
		final StringBuffer	buf	= new StringBuffer();
		while ( iter.hasNext() )
			buf.append( (String) + "\n" );
		return( buf.toString() );
public voidsetUp()

		mServer	= MBeanServerFactory.newMBeanServer( "" + System.currentTimeMillis() );
		mRegistry			= new DottedNameRegistry1To1Impl();
		mMonitoringRegistry	= new DottedNameRegistry1To1Impl();
		mGetSetMBean = new HookedDottedNameGetSetMBeanImpl( mServer, mRegistry, mMonitoringRegistry );
		mServer.registerMBean( mGetSetMBean, new ObjectName( ":name=get-set-testee" ) );
			Set up configuration testees
		for( int i = 0; i < NUM_SERVERS; ++i )
			final String	id	= "" + i;
			final String	dottedName	= getConfigDottedName( id );
			registerAndAddTestee( dottedName, id, CATEGORY_CONFIG, mRegistry );
		// simulate the domain itself with some children
		final ObjectName	on	= registerAndAddTestee( DOMAIN, DOMAIN, CATEGORY_CONFIG, mRegistry );
		for( int i = 0; i < DOMAIN_SUBPARTS.length; ++i )
			final String part	= DOMAIN_SUBPARTS[ i ];
			registerAndAddTestee( DOMAIN + "." + part, part, CATEGORY_CONFIG, mRegistry );
		//dm( com.sun.cli.util.stringifier.MBeanInfoStringifier.DEFAULT.stringify( mServer.getMBeanInfo( on ) ) );
			Set up monitoring testees
		for( int i = 0; i < NUM_SERVERS; ++i )
			final String	id	= "" + i;
			final String	dottedName	= getMonitoringDottedName( id );
			registerAndAddTestee( dottedName, id, CATEGORY_MONITORING, mMonitoringRegistry);
		// simulate the domain itself
		registerAndAddTestee( DOMAIN,
			DOMAIN, CATEGORY_MONITORING, mMonitoringRegistry);
		// Register an MBean with no properties
		SIMPLE_OBJECT_NAME	= registerAndAddTestee( new MonitoringTestee(), SIMPLE_NAME,
			SIMPLE, CATEGORY_MONITORING, mMonitoringRegistry);
public voidtearDown()

		mServer	= null;
public voidtestAliasingOffForMonitoring()

		final Object	result	= mGetSetMBean.dottedNameMonitoringGet( getConfigDottedName( "0" ) + ".*" );
		assert( result instanceof Attribute[] );
		assertEquals( 0, dottedNameMonitoringList( "*config*" ).length );
public voidtestConfigGetsOnlyConfig()

		// '*' has special meaning of only getting the names, *not* or
		final String []	names	= dottedNameList( getConfigDottedName( "0" ) + "*" );
		for( int i = 0; i < names.length; ++i )
			final DottedName	dn	= DottedNameFactory.getInstance().get( names[ i ] );
			assertEquals( dn.getScope(), getConfigDottedName( "0" ) );
public voidtestDomainGetsOnlyDomain()

		// '*' has special meaning of only getting the names, *not* or
		final String []	names	= dottedNameList( "domain*" );
		for( int i = 0; i < names.length; ++i )
			final DottedName	dn	= DottedNameFactory.getInstance().get( names[ i ] );
			assertEquals( dn.getScope(), DottedNameAliasSupport.DOMAIN_SCOPE );
public voidtestFunkyName()

		// set up testee with strange name
		// simulate the domain itself
		registerAndAddTestee( FUNKY_DOTTED_NAME, FUNKY_ID, CATEGORY_SPECIAL, mRegistry);
public voidtestGetProperty()

		final String	dottedName	= PRIMARY_TESTEE + "." +
					DottedNamePropertySupport.getPropertySuffix( Testee.PROPERTY_NAME );
		final Attribute attr	= getAttribute( dottedName );
		assertEquals( Testee.PROPERTY_VALUE, attr.getValue()  );
public voidtestGetString()

		final String dn	= testeeValueName( "String" );
		assertEquals( getAttribute( dn ), new Attribute( dn, "" ) );
public voidtestGetStringArray()

		final String dn	= testeeValueName( "StringArray" );
		final Attribute	attr	= getAttribute( dn );
		assertEquals( 0, ((String [])attr.getValue()).length );
public voidtestGetWild()

		final Attribute []	attrs	= (Attribute [])mGetSetMBean.dottedNameGet( "*.StringArray" );
		// will only look in "server.*" namespace
		assertEquals( NUM_SERVERS + NUM_SERVERS * NUM_DOMAIN_SUBPARTS, attrs.length );
public voidtestGetWildAttr()

		Attribute[]	attrs	= (Attribute[])mGetSetMBean.dottedNameGet( "*.StringArray*" );
		// we're using '*' which will select only names.  There should be one
		// name for each server itself, and NUM_DOMAIN_SUBPARTS additional names per server.
		assertEquals( NUM_SERVERS + NUM_SERVERS * NUM_DOMAIN_SUBPARTS, attrs.length );
		attrs	= (Attribute[])mGetSetMBean.dottedNameGet("*.*int*" );
		assertEquals( NUM_SERVERS + NUM_SERVERS * NUM_DOMAIN_SUBPARTS, attrs.length );
public voidtestGetWildAttrSingleMBean()

		// this should get all 17 attributes and 1 property and 1 attribute called "Properties"
		final Attribute[]	attrs	=
			(Attribute[])mGetSetMBean.dottedNameGet( PRIMARY_TESTEE + ".*" );
		assertEquals( 17 + 1 + 1, attrs.length );
public voidtestGetWildProperty()

		final Attribute []	attrs	= (Attribute [])mGetSetMBean.dottedNameGet( PRIMARY_TESTEE + ".property.*" );
		assertEquals( 1, attrs.length );
public voidtestGetbyte()

		final String	dn	= testeeValueName( "byte" );
		assertEquals( getAttribute( dn ), new Attribute( dn, new Byte( (byte)0 ) ) );
public voidtestGetchar()

		final String	dn	= testeeValueName( "char" );
		assertEquals( getAttribute( dn ), new Attribute( dn, new Character( 'c" ) ) );
public voidtestGetdouble()

		final String dn	= testeeValueName( "double" );
		assertEquals( getAttribute( dn ), new Attribute( dn, new Double( 0.0 ) ) );
public voidtestGetfloat()

		final String dn	= testeeValueName( "float" );
		assertEquals( getAttribute( dn ), new Attribute( dn, new Float( 0.0 ) ) );
public voidtestGetint()

		final String dn	= testeeValueName( "int" );
		assertEquals( getAttribute( dn ), new Attribute( dn, new Integer( 0 ) ) );
public voidtestGetlong()

		final String dn	= testeeValueName( "long" );
		assertEquals( getAttribute( dn ), new Attribute( dn, new Long( 0 ) ) );
public voidtestGetshort()

		final String	dn	= testeeValueName( "short" );
		assertEquals( getAttribute( dn ), new Attribute( dn, new Short( (short)0 ) ) );
public voidtestListAll()

		// list all will only access server.* variants
		final int 	required	=
			NUM_SERVERS + // server itself
			NUM_SERVERS * NUM_DOMAIN_SUBPARTS + // aliased parts
		final String []	names	= dottedNameList( "*" );
		assertEquals( required, names.length );
public voidtestListDomain()

		// domain only works if it starts with "domain"
		assertEquals( 0, dottedNameList( "*" + DOMAIN + "*" ).length );
		assertEquals( 0, dottedNameList( "*" + DOMAIN ).length );
		assertEquals( 1 + NUM_DOMAIN_SUBPARTS, dottedNameList( DOMAIN + "*" ).length );
public voidtestListEmpty()

		final String []	names	= dottedNameList( "" );
		assertEquals( 0, names.length );
public voidtestListNoChildren()

		assertEquals( 0, dottedNameList( getServerDottedName( "0." + DOMAIN_SUBPARTS[ 0 ] ) ).length );
		assertEquals( 0, dottedNameList( getConfigDottedName( "0" ) ).length );
public voidtestListNoMatch()

		assertEquals( 0, dottedNameList( "*foo*" ).length );
public voidtestListNonExistent()

		assertEquals( 0, dottedNameList( "foo" ).length );
		assertEquals( 0, dottedNameList( "/" ).length );
public voidtestListNonRecursive()

		assertEquals( NUM_DOMAIN_SUBPARTS, dottedNameList( getServerDottedName( "0" )  ).length );
		assertEquals( NUM_DOMAIN_SUBPARTS, dottedNameList( DOMAIN  ).length );
public voidtestListRecursive()

		final int 	required	=
			NUM_SERVERS + 	// one for each testee itself
			NUM_SERVERS * NUM_DOMAIN_SUBPARTS + // each server aliases into domain
		assertEquals( required, dottedNameList( SERVER_NAME_BASE + "*").length );
public voidtestListServer()

		assertEquals( required, dottedNameList( SERVER_NAME_BASE + "*" ).length );
		assertEquals( required, dottedNameList( "*" + SERVER_NAME_BASE + "*" ).length );
public voidtestListWildcardMonitoring()

		assertEquals( NUM_SERVERS, dottedNameMonitoringList( "server*" ).length );
public voidtestListWithChildren()

		assertEquals( NUM_DOMAIN_SUBPARTS, dottedNameList( DOMAIN + ".*" ).length );
public voidtestMonitoringGet()

		final String dn	= DOMAIN + ".int";
		assertEquals( getMonitoringAttribute( dn ), new Attribute( dn, new Integer( 0 ) ) );
public voidtestMultiGet()

		final String []	params	= new String []
			testeeValueName( "char" ),
			testeeValueName( "int" ),
			testeeValueName( "float" ),
			testeeValueName( "Double" ),
		final Attribute[]	attrs	= (Attribute[])mGetSetMBean.dottedNameGet( params );
		assertEquals( params.length, attrs.length );
		for( int i = 0; i < attrs.length; ++i )
			assert( attrs[ i ] instanceof Attribute );
public synchronized voidtestMultiSet()

		final String []	params	= new String []
			testeeValueName( "int" ) + "=99",
			testeeValueName( "char" ) + "=x",
			testeeValueName( "String" ) + "=9.999",
			testeeValueName( "Double" ) + "=9.999",
		final Object[]	attrs	= mGetSetMBean.dottedNameSet( params );
		assertEquals( params.length, attrs.length );

		assertEquals(	new Attribute( testeeValueName( "int" ), new Integer( 99 ) ),
						find( attrs, testeeValueName( "int" )));

		assertEquals(	new Attribute( testeeValueName( "String" ), "9.999" ),
						find( attrs, testeeValueName( "String" )));

		assertEquals(	new Attribute( testeeValueName( "char" ), new Character( 'x" ) ),
						find( attrs, testeeValueName( "char" )));

		assertEquals(	new Attribute( testeeValueName( "Double" ), new Double( 9.999 ) ),
						find( attrs, testeeValueName( "Double" )));
public synchronized voidtestNoProperties()

		mServer.getMBeanInfo(SIMPLE_OBJECT_NAME );
		// the MonitoringTestee has no properties
		final Object	result	= mGetSetMBean.dottedNameMonitoringGet( SIMPLE + "" );
		assert( result instanceof AttributeNotFoundException ) :
			"expected AttributeNotFoundException, got " + result.getClass().getName() + 
			" at ";
public voidtestServerAliasIntoDomain()

		// eg "server0.applications"
		final String	target	= getServerDottedName( "0" ) + "." + DOMAIN_SUBPARTS[ 0 ];
		getAttribute( target + ".int" );
public voidtestSetByte()

		final String	dn	= testeeValueName( "byte" );
		mGetSetMBean.dottedNameSet( new String [] { dn + "=100" } );
		assertEquals( getAttribute( dn ), new Attribute( dn, new Byte( (byte)100 ) ) );
public voidtestSetCharacter()

		final String	dn	= testeeValueName( "Character" );
		mGetSetMBean.dottedNameSet( new String [] { dn + "=x" } );
		assertEquals( getAttribute( dn ), new Attribute( dn, new Character( 'x" ) ) );
public voidtestSetDouble()

		final String	dn	= testeeValueName( "Double" );
		mGetSetMBean.dottedNameSet( new String [] { dn + "=99.99" } );
		assertEquals( getAttribute( dn ), new Attribute( dn, new Double( 99.99 ) ) );
public voidtestSetFloat()

		final String	dn	= testeeValueName( "Float" );
		mGetSetMBean.dottedNameSet( new String [] { dn + "=99.99" } );
		assertEquals( getAttribute( dn ), new Attribute( dn, new Float( 99.99 ) ) );
public voidtestSetInteger()

		final String	dn	= testeeValueName( "Integer" );
		mGetSetMBean.dottedNameSet( new String [] { dn + "=100" } );
		assertEquals( getAttribute( dn ), new Attribute( dn, new Integer( 100 ) ) );
public voidtestSetIntegerArray()

		final String	dn	= testeeValueName( "IntegerArray" );
		mGetSetMBean.dottedNameSet( dn + "=1,2,3" );
		final Attribute	attr	= getAttribute( dn );
		final Integer []	values	= (Integer [])attr.getValue();
		assertEquals( 3, values.length );
		assertEquals( new Integer( 1 ), values[ 0 ] );
		assertEquals( new Integer( 2 ), values[ 1 ] );
		assertEquals( new Integer( 3 ), values[ 2 ] );
public voidtestSetLong()

		final String	dn	= testeeValueName( "Long" );
		mGetSetMBean.dottedNameSet( new String [] { dn + "=100" } );
		assertEquals( getAttribute( dn ), new Attribute( dn, new Long( 100 ) ) );
public synchronized voidtestSetProperty()

		final String	dottedName	= PRIMARY_TESTEE + "." +
					DottedNamePropertySupport.getPropertySuffix( "testProperty" );
		final String	TEST_VALUE	= "hello";
		// set a value and re-get it to verify it was set
		final Object	value	= mGetSetMBean.dottedNameSet( dottedName + "=" + TEST_VALUE );
		if ( value instanceof Exception )

		final Attribute	attr	= (Attribute)value;
		assertEquals( TEST_VALUE, attr.getValue( ) );
		assertEquals( TEST_VALUE, getAttribute( dottedName ).getValue()  );
public voidtestSetShort()

		final String	dn	= testeeValueName( "Short" );
		mGetSetMBean.dottedNameSet( new String [] { dn + "=100" } );
		assertEquals( getAttribute( dn ), new Attribute( dn, new Short( (short)100 ) ) );
public voidtestSetString()

		final String	dn	= testeeValueName( "String" );
		mGetSetMBean.dottedNameSet( new String [] { dn + "=hello world" } );
		assertEquals( getAttribute( dn ), new Attribute( dn, "hello world" ) );
public voidtestSetStringArray()

		final String	dn		= testeeValueName( "StringArray" );
		final Attribute	result	= (Attribute)mGetSetMBean.dottedNameSet( dn + "=hello,there,world" );
		final Attribute	attr	= getAttribute( dn );
		assertEquals( result, attr );
		final String []	values	= (String [])attr.getValue();
		assertEquals( 3, values.length );
		assertEquals( "hello", values[ 0 ] );
		assertEquals( "there", values[ 1 ] );
		assertEquals( "world", values[ 2 ] );
public voidtestSetWild()

		final Object	result	= mGetSetMBean.dottedNameSet( "*.int=1" );
		assert( result instanceof Exception );
public voidtestSetbyte()

		final String	dn	= testeeValueName( "byte" );
		mGetSetMBean.dottedNameSet( new String [] { dn + "=100" } );
		assertEquals( getAttribute( dn ), new Attribute( dn, new Byte( (byte)100 ) ) );
public voidtestSetchar()

		final String	dn	= testeeValueName( "char" );
		mGetSetMBean.dottedNameSet( new String [] { dn + "=x" } );
		assertEquals( getAttribute( dn ), new Attribute( dn, new Character( 'x" ) ) );
public voidtestSetdouble()

		final String	dn	= testeeValueName( "double" );
		mGetSetMBean.dottedNameSet( new String [] { dn + "=99.99" } );
		assertEquals( getAttribute( dn ), new Attribute( dn, new Double( 99.99 ) ) );
public voidtestSetfloat()

		final String	dn	= testeeValueName( "float" );
		mGetSetMBean.dottedNameSet( new String [] { dn + "=99.99" } );
		assertEquals( getAttribute( dn ), new Attribute( dn, new Float( 99.99 ) ) );
public voidtestSetint()

		final String	dn	= testeeValueName( "int" );
		mGetSetMBean.dottedNameSet( new String [] { dn + "=100" } );
		assertEquals( getAttribute( dn ), new Attribute( dn, new Integer( 100 ) ) );
public voidtestSetlong()

		final String	dn	= testeeValueName( "long" );
		mGetSetMBean.dottedNameSet( new String [] { dn + "=100" } );
		assertEquals( getAttribute( dn ), new Attribute( dn, new Long( 100 ) ) );
public voidtestSetshort()

		final String	dn	= testeeValueName( "short" );
		mGetSetMBean.dottedNameSet( new String [] { dn + "=100" } );
		assertEquals( getAttribute( dn ), new Attribute( dn, new Short( (short)100 ) ) );
public voidtestWildcardAllGetsOnlyServers()

		// '*' has special meaning of only getting the names, *not* or
		final String []	names	= dottedNameList( "*" );
		final Set	serverNames	= new StubbedServerInfo().getServerNames();
		for( int i = 0; i < names.length; ++i )
			final DottedName	dn	= DottedNameFactory.getInstance().get( names[ i ] );
			assert( serverNames.contains( dn.getScope() ) );
public synchronized voidtestWildcardGetAll()

		final Attribute[]	list1	= (Attribute[])mGetSetMBean.dottedNameGet( "*" );
		final Attribute[]	list2	= (Attribute[])mGetSetMBean.dottedNameGet( "*.*" );
		final Attribute[]	list3	= (Attribute[])mGetSetMBean.dottedNameGet( "***.***" );
		final Attribute[]	list4	= (Attribute[])mGetSetMBean.dottedNameGet( "**********.*" );
		final int	expectedSize	= list1.length;
		assert( expectedSize != 0 );
		assertEquals( expectedSize, list2.length );
		assertEquals( expectedSize, list3.length );
		assertEquals( expectedSize, list4.length );
public synchronized voidtestWildcardGetAllMonitor()

		final Attribute[]	list	= (Attribute[])mGetSetMBean.dottedNameMonitoringGet( "*" );
		assert( list.length != 0 );
public synchronized voidtestWildcardListAll()

		final int	length1	= dottedNameList( "*" ).length;
		assert( length1 != 0 );
public voidtestWildcardListEmpty()

		assert( mGetSetMBean.dottedNameList( new String [ 0 ] ).length != 0 );
public synchronized voidtestWildcardMonitoringGetAll()

		final Attribute[]	list1	= (Attribute[])mGetSetMBean.dottedNameMonitoringGet( "*" );
		final Attribute[]	list2	= (Attribute[])mGetSetMBean.dottedNameMonitoringGet( "*.*" );
		final Attribute[]	list3	= (Attribute[])mGetSetMBean.dottedNameMonitoringGet( "***.***" );
		final Attribute[]	list4	= (Attribute[])mGetSetMBean.dottedNameMonitoringGet( "**********.*" );
		final int	expectedSize	= list1.length;
		assert( expectedSize != 0 );
		assertEquals( expectedSize, list2.length );
		assertEquals( expectedSize, list3.length );
		assertEquals( expectedSize, list4.length );
public synchronized voidtestWildcardMonitoringListAll()

		assert( dottedNameMonitoringList( "*" ).length != 0 );
static java.lang.StringtesteeValueName(java.lang.String name)

		return( PRIMARY_TESTEE + "." + name );
private static java.lang.StringvalueName(java.lang.String prefix, java.lang.String valueName)

		return( prefix + "." + valueName );