TimerNotificationpublic class TimerNotification extends Notification This class provides definitions of the notifications sent by timer MBeans.
It defines a timer notification identifier which allows to retrieve a timer notification
from the list of notifications of a timer MBean.
The timer notifications are created and handled by the timer MBean. |
(Omit source code)
Fields Summary |
private static final long | serialVersionUID | private Integer | notificationID |
Constructors Summary |
public TimerNotification(String type, Object source, long sequenceNumber, long timeStamp, String msg, Integer id)Creates a timer notification object.
* ------------------------------------------
* ------------------------------------------
super(type, source, sequenceNumber, timeStamp, msg);
this.notificationID = id;
Methods Summary |
java.lang.Object | cloneTimerNotification()Creates and returns a copy of this object.
TimerNotification clone = new TimerNotification(this.getType(), this.getSource(), this.getSequenceNumber(),
this.getTimeStamp(), this.getMessage(), notificationID);
return clone;
| public java.lang.Integer | getNotificationID()Gets the identifier of this timer notification.
return notificationID;