Methods Summary |
public byte[] | getAnld()Get the anld field for the PAP record.
return field_60_anld;
public org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.BorderCode | getBrcBar()Get the brcBar field for the PAP record.
return field_51_brcBar;
public org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.BorderCode | getBrcBetween()Get the brcBetween field for the PAP record.
return field_50_brcBetween;
public org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.BorderCode | getBrcBottom()Get the brcBottom field for the PAP record.
return field_48_brcBottom;
public org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.BorderCode | getBrcLeft()Get the brcLeft field for the PAP record.
return field_47_brcLeft;
public org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.BorderCode | getBrcRight()Get the brcRight field for the PAP record.
return field_49_brcRight;
public org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.BorderCode | getBrcTop()Get the brcTop field for the PAP record.
return field_46_brcTop;
public byte | getBrcl()Get the brcl field for the PAP record.
return field_11_brcl;
public byte | getBrcp()Get the brcp field for the PAP record.
return field_10_brcp;
public org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.DropCapSpecifier | getDcs()Get the dcs field for the PAP record.
return field_57_dcs;
public org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.DateAndTime | getDttmPropRMark()Get the dttmPropRMark field for the PAP record.
return field_63_dttmPropRMark;
public int | getDxaAbs()Get the dxaAbs field for the PAP record.
return field_43_dxaAbs;
public int | getDxaFromText()Get the dxaFromText field for the PAP record.
return field_52_dxaFromText;
public int | getDxaLeft()Get the dxaLeft field for the PAP record.
return field_19_dxaLeft;
public int | getDxaLeft1()Get the dxaLeft1 field for the PAP record.
return field_20_dxaLeft1;
public int | getDxaRight()Get the dxaRight field for the PAP record.
return field_18_dxaRight;
public int | getDxaWidth()Get the dxaWidth field for the PAP record.
return field_45_dxaWidth;
public int | getDyaAbs()Get the dyaAbs field for the PAP record.
return field_44_dyaAbs;
public int | getDyaAfter()Get the dyaAfter field for the PAP record.
return field_23_dyaAfter;
public int | getDyaBefore()Get the dyaBefore field for the PAP record.
return field_22_dyaBefore;
public int | getDyaFromText()Get the dyaFromText field for the PAP record.
return field_53_dyaFromText;
public int | getDyaHeight()Get the dyaHeight field for the PAP record.
return field_54_dyaHeight;
public byte | getEmbeddedCellMark()Get the embeddedCellMark field for the PAP record.
return field_70_embeddedCellMark;
public byte | getFAdjustRight()Get the fAdjustRight field for the PAP record.
return field_27_fAdjustRight;
public byte | getFAutoSpaceDE()Get the fAutoSpaceDE field for the PAP record.
return field_32_fAutoSpaceDE;
public byte | getFAutoSpaceDN()Get the fAutoSpaceDN field for the PAP record.
return field_33_fAutoSpaceDN;
public byte | getFBackward()Get the fBackward field for the PAP record.
return field_36_fBackward;
public byte | getFBrLnAbove()Get the fBrLnAbove field for the PAP record.
return field_6_fBrLnAbove;
public byte | getFBrLnBelow()Get the fBrLnBelow field for the PAP record.
return field_7_fBrLnBelow;
public byte | getFCrLf()Get the fCrLf field for the PAP record.
return field_25_fCrLf;
public byte | getFInTable()Get the fInTable field for the PAP record.
return field_38_fInTable;
public byte | getFKeep()Get the fKeep field for the PAP record.
return field_3_fKeep;
public byte | getFKeepFollow()Get the fKeepFollow field for the PAP record.
return field_4_fKeepFollow;
public byte | getFKinsoku()Get the fKinsoku field for the PAP record.
return field_28_fKinsoku;
public byte | getFLocked()Get the fLocked field for the PAP record.
return field_41_fLocked;
public byte | getFMinHeight()Get the fMinHeight field for the PAP record.
return field_55_fMinHeight;
public byte | getFNoAutoHyph()Get the fNoAutoHyph field for the PAP record.
return field_16_fNoAutoHyph;
public byte | getFNoLnn()Get the fNoLnn field for the PAP record.
return field_13_fNoLnn;
public byte | getFNumRMIns()Get the fNumRMIns field for the PAP record.
return field_59_fNumRMIns;
public byte | getFOverflowPunct()Get the fOverflowPunct field for the PAP record.
return field_30_fOverflowPunct;
public byte | getFPageBreakBefore()Get the fPageBreakBefore field for the PAP record.
return field_5_fPageBreakBefore;
public int | getFPropRMark()Get the fPropRMark field for the PAP record.
return field_61_fPropRMark;
public byte | getFRotateFont()Get the fRotateFont field for the PAP record.
return field_37_fRotateFont;
public byte | getFSideBySide()Get the fSideBySide field for the PAP record.
return field_15_fSideBySide;
public byte | getFTopLinePunct()Get the fTopLinePunct field for the PAP record.
return field_31_fTopLinePunct;
public byte | getFTtp()Get the fTtp field for the PAP record.
return field_39_fTtp;
public byte | getFTtpEmbedded()Get the fTtpEmbedded field for the PAP record.
return field_69_fTtpEmbedded;
public byte | getFUsePgsuSettings()Get the fUsePgsuSettings field for the PAP record.
return field_26_fUsePgsuSettings;
public byte | getFWidowControl()Get the fWidowControl field for the PAP record.
return field_17_fWidowControl;
public byte | getFWordWrap()Get the fWordWrap field for the PAP record.
return field_29_fWordWrap;
public short | getFontAlign()Get the fontAlign field for the PAP record.
return field_35_fontAlign;
public int | getIbstPropRMark()Get the ibstPropRMark field for the PAP record.
return field_62_ibstPropRMark;
public int | getIlfo()Get the ilfo field for the PAP record.
return field_14_ilfo;
public byte | getIlvl()Get the ilvl field for the PAP record.
return field_12_ilvl;
public int | getIstd()Get the istd field for the PAP record.
return field_1_istd;
public int | getItbdMac()Get the itbdMac field for the PAP record.
return field_65_itbdMac;
public byte | getJc()Get the jc field for the PAP record.
return field_2_jc;
public org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.LineSpacingDescriptor | getLspd()Get the lspd field for the PAP record.
return field_21_lspd;
public byte | getLvl()Get the lvl field for the PAP record.
return field_58_lvl;
public byte[] | getNumrm()Get the numrm field for the PAP record.
return field_64_numrm;
public byte | getPcHorz()Get the pcHorz field for the PAP record.
return field_9_pcHorz;
public byte | getPcVert()Get the pcVert field for the PAP record.
return field_8_pcVert;
public byte[] | getPhe()Get the phe field for the PAP record.
return field_24_phe;
public byte[] | getPtap()Get the ptap field for the PAP record.
return field_42_ptap;
public int[] | getRgdxaTab()Get the rgdxaTab field for the PAP record.
return field_66_rgdxaTab;
public byte[] | getRgtbd()Get the rgtbd field for the PAP record.
return field_67_rgtbd;
public org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.ShadingDescriptor | getShd()Get the shd field for the PAP record.
return field_56_shd;
public int | getSize()Size of record (exluding 4 byte header)
return 4 + + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 12 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 84 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 128 + 2 + 128 + 128 + 1 + 1 + 1;
public byte | getTableLevel()Get the tableLevel field for the PAP record.
return field_68_tableLevel;
public int | getWAlignFont()Get the wAlignFont field for the PAP record.
return field_34_wAlignFont;
public byte | getWr()Get the wr field for the PAP record.
return field_40_wr;
public boolean | isFBackward()
return fBackward.isSet(field_35_fontAlign);
public boolean | isFRotateFont()
return fRotateFont.isSet(field_35_fontAlign);
public boolean | isFVertical()
return fVertical.isSet(field_35_fontAlign);
public void | setAnld(byte[] field_60_anld)Set the anld field for the PAP record.
this.field_60_anld = field_60_anld;
public void | setBrcBar(org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.BorderCode field_51_brcBar)Set the brcBar field for the PAP record.
this.field_51_brcBar = field_51_brcBar;
public void | setBrcBetween(org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.BorderCode field_50_brcBetween)Set the brcBetween field for the PAP record.
this.field_50_brcBetween = field_50_brcBetween;
public void | setBrcBottom(org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.BorderCode field_48_brcBottom)Set the brcBottom field for the PAP record.
this.field_48_brcBottom = field_48_brcBottom;
public void | setBrcLeft(org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.BorderCode field_47_brcLeft)Set the brcLeft field for the PAP record.
this.field_47_brcLeft = field_47_brcLeft;
public void | setBrcRight(org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.BorderCode field_49_brcRight)Set the brcRight field for the PAP record.
this.field_49_brcRight = field_49_brcRight;
public void | setBrcTop(org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.BorderCode field_46_brcTop)Set the brcTop field for the PAP record.
this.field_46_brcTop = field_46_brcTop;
public void | setBrcl(byte field_11_brcl)Set the brcl field for the PAP record.
this.field_11_brcl = field_11_brcl;
public void | setBrcp(byte field_10_brcp)Set the brcp field for the PAP record.
this.field_10_brcp = field_10_brcp;
public void | setDcs(org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.DropCapSpecifier field_57_dcs)Set the dcs field for the PAP record.
this.field_57_dcs = field_57_dcs;
public void | setDttmPropRMark(org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.DateAndTime field_63_dttmPropRMark)Set the dttmPropRMark field for the PAP record.
this.field_63_dttmPropRMark = field_63_dttmPropRMark;
public void | setDxaAbs(int field_43_dxaAbs)Set the dxaAbs field for the PAP record.
this.field_43_dxaAbs = field_43_dxaAbs;
public void | setDxaFromText(int field_52_dxaFromText)Set the dxaFromText field for the PAP record.
this.field_52_dxaFromText = field_52_dxaFromText;
public void | setDxaLeft(int field_19_dxaLeft)Set the dxaLeft field for the PAP record.
this.field_19_dxaLeft = field_19_dxaLeft;
public void | setDxaLeft1(int field_20_dxaLeft1)Set the dxaLeft1 field for the PAP record.
this.field_20_dxaLeft1 = field_20_dxaLeft1;
public void | setDxaRight(int field_18_dxaRight)Set the dxaRight field for the PAP record.
this.field_18_dxaRight = field_18_dxaRight;
public void | setDxaWidth(int field_45_dxaWidth)Set the dxaWidth field for the PAP record.
this.field_45_dxaWidth = field_45_dxaWidth;
public void | setDyaAbs(int field_44_dyaAbs)Set the dyaAbs field for the PAP record.
this.field_44_dyaAbs = field_44_dyaAbs;
public void | setDyaAfter(int field_23_dyaAfter)Set the dyaAfter field for the PAP record.
this.field_23_dyaAfter = field_23_dyaAfter;
public void | setDyaBefore(int field_22_dyaBefore)Set the dyaBefore field for the PAP record.
this.field_22_dyaBefore = field_22_dyaBefore;
public void | setDyaFromText(int field_53_dyaFromText)Set the dyaFromText field for the PAP record.
this.field_53_dyaFromText = field_53_dyaFromText;
public void | setDyaHeight(int field_54_dyaHeight)Set the dyaHeight field for the PAP record.
this.field_54_dyaHeight = field_54_dyaHeight;
public void | setEmbeddedCellMark(byte field_70_embeddedCellMark)Set the embeddedCellMark field for the PAP record.
this.field_70_embeddedCellMark = field_70_embeddedCellMark;
public void | setFAdjustRight(byte field_27_fAdjustRight)Set the fAdjustRight field for the PAP record.
this.field_27_fAdjustRight = field_27_fAdjustRight;
public void | setFAutoSpaceDE(byte field_32_fAutoSpaceDE)Set the fAutoSpaceDE field for the PAP record.
this.field_32_fAutoSpaceDE = field_32_fAutoSpaceDE;
public void | setFAutoSpaceDN(byte field_33_fAutoSpaceDN)Set the fAutoSpaceDN field for the PAP record.
this.field_33_fAutoSpaceDN = field_33_fAutoSpaceDN;
public void | setFBackward(boolean value)Sets the fBackward field value.
field_35_fontAlign = (short)fBackward.setBoolean(field_35_fontAlign, value);
public void | setFBackward(byte field_36_fBackward)Set the fBackward field for the PAP record.
this.field_36_fBackward = field_36_fBackward;
public void | setFBrLnAbove(byte field_6_fBrLnAbove)Set the fBrLnAbove field for the PAP record.
this.field_6_fBrLnAbove = field_6_fBrLnAbove;
public void | setFBrLnBelow(byte field_7_fBrLnBelow)Set the fBrLnBelow field for the PAP record.
this.field_7_fBrLnBelow = field_7_fBrLnBelow;
public void | setFCrLf(byte field_25_fCrLf)Set the fCrLf field for the PAP record.
this.field_25_fCrLf = field_25_fCrLf;
public void | setFInTable(byte field_38_fInTable)Set the fInTable field for the PAP record.
this.field_38_fInTable = field_38_fInTable;
public void | setFKeep(byte field_3_fKeep)Set the fKeep field for the PAP record.
this.field_3_fKeep = field_3_fKeep;
public void | setFKeepFollow(byte field_4_fKeepFollow)Set the fKeepFollow field for the PAP record.
this.field_4_fKeepFollow = field_4_fKeepFollow;
public void | setFKinsoku(byte field_28_fKinsoku)Set the fKinsoku field for the PAP record.
this.field_28_fKinsoku = field_28_fKinsoku;
public void | setFLocked(byte field_41_fLocked)Set the fLocked field for the PAP record.
this.field_41_fLocked = field_41_fLocked;
public void | setFMinHeight(byte field_55_fMinHeight)Set the fMinHeight field for the PAP record.
this.field_55_fMinHeight = field_55_fMinHeight;
public void | setFNoAutoHyph(byte field_16_fNoAutoHyph)Set the fNoAutoHyph field for the PAP record.
this.field_16_fNoAutoHyph = field_16_fNoAutoHyph;
public void | setFNoLnn(byte field_13_fNoLnn)Set the fNoLnn field for the PAP record.
this.field_13_fNoLnn = field_13_fNoLnn;
public void | setFNumRMIns(byte field_59_fNumRMIns)Set the fNumRMIns field for the PAP record.
this.field_59_fNumRMIns = field_59_fNumRMIns;
public void | setFOverflowPunct(byte field_30_fOverflowPunct)Set the fOverflowPunct field for the PAP record.
this.field_30_fOverflowPunct = field_30_fOverflowPunct;
public void | setFPageBreakBefore(byte field_5_fPageBreakBefore)Set the fPageBreakBefore field for the PAP record.
this.field_5_fPageBreakBefore = field_5_fPageBreakBefore;
public void | setFPropRMark(int field_61_fPropRMark)Set the fPropRMark field for the PAP record.
this.field_61_fPropRMark = field_61_fPropRMark;
public void | setFRotateFont(boolean value)Sets the fRotateFont field value.
field_35_fontAlign = (short)fRotateFont.setBoolean(field_35_fontAlign, value);
public void | setFRotateFont(byte field_37_fRotateFont)Set the fRotateFont field for the PAP record.
this.field_37_fRotateFont = field_37_fRotateFont;
public void | setFSideBySide(byte field_15_fSideBySide)Set the fSideBySide field for the PAP record.
this.field_15_fSideBySide = field_15_fSideBySide;
public void | setFTopLinePunct(byte field_31_fTopLinePunct)Set the fTopLinePunct field for the PAP record.
this.field_31_fTopLinePunct = field_31_fTopLinePunct;
public void | setFTtp(byte field_39_fTtp)Set the fTtp field for the PAP record.
this.field_39_fTtp = field_39_fTtp;
public void | setFTtpEmbedded(byte field_69_fTtpEmbedded)Set the fTtpEmbedded field for the PAP record.
this.field_69_fTtpEmbedded = field_69_fTtpEmbedded;
public void | setFUsePgsuSettings(byte field_26_fUsePgsuSettings)Set the fUsePgsuSettings field for the PAP record.
this.field_26_fUsePgsuSettings = field_26_fUsePgsuSettings;
public void | setFVertical(boolean value)Sets the fVertical field value.
field_35_fontAlign = (short)fVertical.setBoolean(field_35_fontAlign, value);
public void | setFWidowControl(byte field_17_fWidowControl)Set the fWidowControl field for the PAP record.
this.field_17_fWidowControl = field_17_fWidowControl;
public void | setFWordWrap(byte field_29_fWordWrap)Set the fWordWrap field for the PAP record.
this.field_29_fWordWrap = field_29_fWordWrap;
public void | setFontAlign(short field_35_fontAlign)Set the fontAlign field for the PAP record.
this.field_35_fontAlign = field_35_fontAlign;
public void | setIbstPropRMark(int field_62_ibstPropRMark)Set the ibstPropRMark field for the PAP record.
this.field_62_ibstPropRMark = field_62_ibstPropRMark;
public void | setIlfo(int field_14_ilfo)Set the ilfo field for the PAP record.
this.field_14_ilfo = field_14_ilfo;
public void | setIlvl(byte field_12_ilvl)Set the ilvl field for the PAP record.
this.field_12_ilvl = field_12_ilvl;
public void | setIstd(int field_1_istd)Set the istd field for the PAP record.
this.field_1_istd = field_1_istd;
public void | setItbdMac(int field_65_itbdMac)Set the itbdMac field for the PAP record.
this.field_65_itbdMac = field_65_itbdMac;
public void | setJc(byte field_2_jc)Set the jc field for the PAP record.
this.field_2_jc = field_2_jc;
public void | setLspd(org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.LineSpacingDescriptor field_21_lspd)Set the lspd field for the PAP record.
this.field_21_lspd = field_21_lspd;
public void | setLvl(byte field_58_lvl)Set the lvl field for the PAP record.
this.field_58_lvl = field_58_lvl;
public void | setNumrm(byte[] field_64_numrm)Set the numrm field for the PAP record.
this.field_64_numrm = field_64_numrm;
public void | setPcHorz(byte field_9_pcHorz)Set the pcHorz field for the PAP record.
this.field_9_pcHorz = field_9_pcHorz;
public void | setPcVert(byte field_8_pcVert)Set the pcVert field for the PAP record.
this.field_8_pcVert = field_8_pcVert;
public void | setPhe(byte[] field_24_phe)Set the phe field for the PAP record.
this.field_24_phe = field_24_phe;
public void | setPtap(byte[] field_42_ptap)Set the ptap field for the PAP record.
this.field_42_ptap = field_42_ptap;
public void | setRgdxaTab(int[] field_66_rgdxaTab)Set the rgdxaTab field for the PAP record.
this.field_66_rgdxaTab = field_66_rgdxaTab;
public void | setRgtbd(byte[] field_67_rgtbd)Set the rgtbd field for the PAP record.
this.field_67_rgtbd = field_67_rgtbd;
public void | setShd(org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.ShadingDescriptor field_56_shd)Set the shd field for the PAP record.
this.field_56_shd = field_56_shd;
public void | setTableLevel(byte field_68_tableLevel)Set the tableLevel field for the PAP record.
this.field_68_tableLevel = field_68_tableLevel;
public void | setWAlignFont(int field_34_wAlignFont)Set the wAlignFont field for the PAP record.
this.field_34_wAlignFont = field_34_wAlignFont;
public void | setWr(byte field_40_wr)Set the wr field for the PAP record.
this.field_40_wr = field_40_wr;