JDOCodeGeneratorpublic class JDOCodeGenerator extends Object implements com.sun.ejb.codegen.CMPGenerator, com.sun.jdo.spi.persistence.utility.database.DatabaseConstants
Fields Summary |
public static final String | SIGNATURESignature with CVS keyword substitution for identifying the generated code | private static final String | MAPPING_EXTENSION | private static final com.sun.jdo.spi.persistence.utility.logging.Logger | loggerThe logger | private static final ResourceBundle | validationBundleThe resource bundle used for validation | private ArrayList | files | private com.sun.ejb.codegen.EjbcContext | ejbcContext | private ClassLoader | loader | private JDOConcreteBeanGenerator | cmp11Generator | private JDOConcreteBeanGenerator | cmp20Generator | private com.sun.enterprise.deployment.EjbBundleDescriptor | bundle | private NameMapper | nameMapper | private com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.Model | model | private com.sun.jdo.spi.persistence.support.ejb.enhancer.meta.EJBMetaDataModelImpl | ejbModel | private static com.sun.enterprise.deployment.interfaces.QueryParser | jdoqlParamDeclParser | private String | inputFilesPath | private String | generatedXmlsPath | private File | classout | private MappingGenerator | mappingGenerator | private static final boolean | ignoreValidationResultsFlag set to true if code generation should proceed
even if model validation fails | private static String | signaturesString representing the signatures of generic code-gen files |
Methods Summary |
private void | addSignatures(JDOConcreteBeanGenerator cmpGenerator)Add required signatures to the generator instance.
// Add the code generation signature of the input files
// Note, this is per bundle, so it needs to be set per
// cmpGenerator instance.
// Add the code generation signature of the S1AS-specific generator classes.
| public java.util.Collection | cleanup()
// Remove the strong references to MappingClassElements
// needed during deployment. The mapping class cache
// can now be cleaned up by the garbage collector.
// It is done by mappingGenerator.
// Reset cmp generators.
cmp11Generator = null;
cmp20Generator = null;
return files;
| private void | createDDLs(org.netbeans.modules.dbschema.SchemaElement schema, java.lang.String dbVendorName, java.sql.Connection conn)Generates DDLs for specified database vendor name.
// Make sure that generatedXmlsPath directory is created
// before writing *.sql files to this location.
File fileDir = new File(generatedXmlsPath);
if (!fileDir.exists()) {
// Can't use schema name as at the time of the event listener
// processing, the name will be recalculated again, and it might
// not match.
String namePrefix = DeploymentHelper.getDDLNamePrefix(bundle);
// sql generation file names.
OutputStream createDDLSql = new FileOutputStream(new File(generatedXmlsPath,
namePrefix + NAME_SEPARATOR + dbVendorName + CREATE_SQL_FILE_SUFFIX));
OutputStream dropDDLSql = new FileOutputStream(new File(generatedXmlsPath,
namePrefix + NAME_SEPARATOR + dbVendorName + DROP_SQL_FILE_SUFFIX));
OutputStream dropDDLTxt = new FileOutputStream(new File(classout,
OutputStream createDDLTxt = new FileOutputStream(new File(classout,
try {
// XXX This code might be used in the future with the create
// and drop flags to be set appropriately.
// If we have a live connection, we'll need to add flags that
// specify if it's necessary to create and drop tables at deploy.
// For now it's never executed so we set those booleans to false.
OutputStream dbStream = null;
boolean createTablesAtDeploy = false;
boolean dropTablesAtDeploy = false;
if ((conn != null) && (createTablesAtDeploy || dropTablesAtDeploy)) {
dbStream = new DatabaseOutputStream(conn);
// XXX This is the end of the code that might be used in the future.
DDLGenerator.generateDDL(schema, dbVendorName, createDDLSql,
dropDDLSql, dropDDLTxt, createDDLTxt, dbStream, dropTablesAtDeploy);
} catch (SQLException ex) {
if (logger.isLoggable(Logger.WARNING))
| public void | generate(com.sun.enterprise.deployment.IASEjbCMPEntityDescriptor ejbcmp, java.io.File srcout, java.io.File classout)
String beanName = ejbcmp.getName();
// StringBuffer to store validation exception messages if there are any.
// If there are no validation exceptions, the reference will be null.
StringBuffer validateex = null;
boolean debug = logger.isLoggable(Logger.FINE);
if (debug)
logger.fine("gen file in " + srcout.getAbsolutePath()); // NOI18N
// We need to create a new ArrayList because model validation
// returns an unmodifiable list. This may be a place to look
// for a performance improvement later for the case of empty
// or singleton collection (extra copies).
Collection c = new ArrayList(validateModel(ejbcmp));
// if the mapping info is not present, throw the exception and
// stop the generation process
GeneratorException mappingMissingEx = getMappingMissingException(c);
if (mappingMissingEx != null)
throw mappingMissingEx;
JDOConcreteBeanGenerator cmpGenerator = getCMPGenerator(ejbcmp);
MethodHelper mh = new MethodHelper(ejbcmp);
c.addAll(cmpGenerator.validate(mh, beanName));
if (!c.isEmpty()) {
// Validation failed the test. We will try to display all the
// exceptions in a concatenated message and a GeneratorException
// is thrown.
validateex = new StringBuffer();
Iterator iter = c.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Exception ex = (Exception)iter.next();
if (debug)
logger.log(Logger.FINE,"validation exception: " , ex); //NOI18N
validateex.append(ex.getMessage()).append('\n"); //NOI18N
if (!ignoreValidationResults)
throw JDOCodeGeneratorHelper.createGeneratorException(
"CMG.ExceptionInValidate", //NOI18N
beanName, bundle, validateex.toString());
try {
Collection newfiles = null;
if (!ejbcmp.isEJB20())
// Concrete impl class generation must happen before generation of
// PC class as cmpGenerator will override cascadeDelete (DeleteAction)
// property if it is set, and generatePC() saves .mapping file.
newfiles = cmpGenerator.generate(mh, beanName, srcout, classout);
newfiles = generatePC(ejbcmp, srcout, classout);
if (validateex != null)
throw JDOCodeGeneratorHelper.createGeneratorException(
"CMG.ExceptionInValidate", //NOI18N
beanName, bundle, validateex.toString());
} catch (JDOUserException e) {
// User error found. Append this exception's message to validation
// messages if there are any.
throw JDOCodeGeneratorHelper.createGeneratorException(
"CMG.ExceptionInGenerate", //NOI18N
beanName, bundle, e, validateex);
} catch (EJBQLException e) {
// EJBQL parsing error found. Append this exception's message to
// validation messages if there are any.
throw JDOCodeGeneratorHelper.createGeneratorException(
"CMG.ExceptionInGenerate", //NOI18N
beanName, bundle, e, validateex);
} catch (IOException e) {
// Problems generating file(s). Append this exception's message to
// validation messages if there are any.
throw JDOCodeGeneratorHelper.createGeneratorException(
"CMG.IOExceptionInGenerate", //NOI18N
beanName, bundle, e, validateex);
| private java.util.Collection | generatePC(com.sun.enterprise.deployment.IASEjbCMPEntityDescriptor ejbcmp, java.io.File srcout, java.io.File classout)Generate PC class for the ConcreteImpl bean.
ArrayList fileList = new ArrayList();
Main gen = new Main(ejbModel, srcout);
String className = nameMapper.getPersistenceClassForEjbName(ejbcmp.getName());
if (className != null) {
// generate PC class
//@olsen, 4653156: the enhancer-generator deals with class names
// in JVM format, i.e., with '/' for '.' as separator
String jvmClassName = className.replace('.", '/");
File file = gen.generate(jvmClassName);
// write mapping file
MappingClassElement mappingClass
= model.getMappingClass(className);
BufferedOutputStream mapOut = null;
try {
String mapPath = className.replace('.", File.separatorChar);
String mappingFile = mapPath + MAPPING_EXTENSION;
mapOut = new BufferedOutputStream(
new FileOutputStream(new File(classout, mappingFile)));
//"touch" need to create the output stream first since the
//classout directory is not in the classpath and
//therefore the standard storeMappingClass can't be used
model.storeMappingClass(mappingClass, mapOut);
} finally {
if (mapOut != null) {
try {
} catch(Exception ex) {
if (logger.isLoggable(Logger.FINE))
return fileList;
| private JDOConcreteBeanGenerator | getCMP11Generator()Returns instance of generator for CMP1.1 beans in this module.
if (cmp11Generator == null) {
cmp11Generator = new JDOConcreteBean11Generator(loader, model,
return cmp11Generator;
| private JDOConcreteBeanGenerator | getCMP20Generator()Returns instance of generator for CMP2.x beans in this module.
if (cmp20Generator == null) {
cmp20Generator = new JDOConcreteBean20Generator(loader, model,
return cmp20Generator;
| private JDOConcreteBeanGenerator | getCMPGenerator(com.sun.enterprise.deployment.IASEjbCMPEntityDescriptor descr)Returns CMP bean classes generator of the appropriate type.
JDOConcreteBeanGenerator cmpGenerator = null;
try {
if (descr.isEJB20()) {
cmpGenerator = getCMP20Generator();
} else {
cmpGenerator = getCMP11Generator();
} catch (IOException e) {
// Problems reading file(s)
throw JDOCodeGeneratorHelper.createGeneratorException(
"CMG.IOExceptionInInit", bundle, e); //NOI18N
return cmpGenerator;
| private java.lang.String | getFileInfoOfInputFile(java.lang.String pathname)Returns a string consisting of the fully path and name of the input file
and its length in bytes.
File inputFile = new File(pathname);
StringBuffer inputFileInfo = new StringBuffer().
append(inputFile.getCanonicalPath().replace('\\", '/")).
append(" bytes");
return inputFileInfo.toString();
| private com.sun.ejb.codegen.GeneratorException | getMappingMissingException(java.util.Collection c)Checks a collection as returned by
{@link #validateModel(IASEjbCMPEntityDescriptor)} to see if
it contains (only) the {@link GeneratorException} used when the
entire mapping definition is missing. In that case, we will
want to skip other checks.
if (c.size() == 1) {
Object firstElement = c.iterator().next();
if (firstElement instanceof GeneratorException)
return (GeneratorException)firstElement;
return null;
| private static synchronized java.lang.String | getS1ASSpecificGeneratorClassesSignature()Returns the signatures of the classes and properties which are
involved in the codegen for S1AS specific part.
if (signatures == null) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer().
// adding signature of JDOCodeGenerator
// adding signature of NameMapper
signatures = sb.toString();
return signatures;
| private java.lang.String | getSignaturesOfInputFiles()Returns the signatures (file length) of the input files for the codegen.
Inputfiles are ejb-jar.xml, sun-ejb-jar.xml, sun-cmp-mappings.xml.
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer().
append(getFileInfoOfInputFile(inputFilesPath +
File.separator + DescriptorConstants.EJB_JAR_ENTRY)).
append(getFileInfoOfInputFile(inputFilesPath +
File.separator + DescriptorConstants.S1AS_EJB_JAR_ENTRY)).
append(getFileInfoOfInputFile(inputFilesPath +
File.separator + DescriptorConstants.S1AS_CMP_MAPPING_JAR_ENTRY));
return sb.toString();
| public void | init(com.sun.enterprise.deployment.EjbBundleDescriptor bundle, com.sun.ejb.codegen.EjbcContext ejbcContext, java.lang.String bundlePathName, java.lang.String generatedXmlsPathName)
if (logger.isLoggable(Logger.FINE))
logger.fine("cmp gen init"); // NOI18N
this.ejbcContext = ejbcContext;
this.generatedXmlsPath = generatedXmlsPathName;
this.inputFilesPath = bundlePathName;
this.classout = ejbcContext.getStubsDir();
init(bundle, ejbcContext.getDescriptor().getClassLoader(),
bundlePathName, false);
| public void | init(com.sun.enterprise.deployment.EjbBundleDescriptor bundle, java.lang.ClassLoader loader, java.lang.String bundlePathName)
init(bundle, loader, bundlePathName, false);
| public void | init(com.sun.enterprise.deployment.EjbBundleDescriptor bundle, java.lang.ClassLoader loader, java.lang.String bundlePathName, boolean ignoreSunDeploymentDescriptors)Called by static verifier to bypass mapping validation or
internally by other init() methods.
Will force java2db generation if ignoreSunDeploymentDescriptors
is true .
if (logger.isLoggable(Logger.FINE))
logger.fine("cmp gen init"); // NOI18N
this.bundle = bundle;
this.loader = loader;
inputFilesPath = bundlePathName;
try {
nameMapper = new NameMapper(bundle);
model = new DeploymentDescriptorModel(nameMapper, loader);
mappingGenerator = new MappingGenerator(bundle, model, nameMapper, loader);
ejbModel = new EJBMetaDataModelImpl(model);
} catch (IOException e) {
// Problems storing properties file(s)
throw JDOCodeGeneratorHelper.createGeneratorException(
"CMG.IOExceptionInInit", bundle, e); //NOI18N
| private void | loadOrCreateMappingClasses(boolean ignoreSunDeploymentDescriptors)It will load mapping classes if there is sun-cmp-mappings.xml,
otherwise it will call database generation backend to create
mapping classes and schema.
Generates *.dbschema and sun-cmp-mappings.xml in application dir if it is
in creating mapping classes mode
try {
SchemaElement schema = mappingGenerator.generateMapping(
ejbcContext, inputFilesPath, generatedXmlsPath, classout,
// If this is from verify, do not create DDL.
if (ejbcContext != null
&& mappingGenerator.isJavaToDatabase()) {
createDDLs(schema, mappingGenerator.getDatabaseVendorName(), null);
} catch (SQLException ex) {
// Problems talking to the database.
throw JDOCodeGeneratorHelper.createGeneratorException(
"CMG.SQLException", bundle, ex);
} catch (DBException ex) {
// Problems reading or creating DBModel.
throw JDOCodeGeneratorHelper.createGeneratorException(
"CMG.DBException", bundle, ex); //NOI18N
} catch (ModelException ex) {
// Problems reading or creating model.
throw JDOCodeGeneratorHelper.createGeneratorException(
"CMG.ModelException", bundle, ex); //NOI18N
} catch (Schema2BeansException ex) {
// Problems reading or creating sun-cmp-mapping.xml
throw JDOCodeGeneratorHelper.createGeneratorException(
"CMG.Schema2BeansException", bundle, ex); //NOI18N
} catch (ConversionException ex) {
// Problems converting between sun-cmp-mappings and mapping model
throw JDOCodeGeneratorHelper.createGeneratorException(
"CMG.MappingConversionException", bundle, ex); //NOI18N
| public java.util.Collection | validate(com.sun.enterprise.deployment.IASEjbCMPEntityDescriptor descr)
Collection c = new ArrayList();
// only do EJBQL validation if the mapping info is present
if (getMappingMissingException(c) == null)
if (logger.isLoggable(Logger.FINE)) {
for (Iterator i = c.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
logger.log(Logger.FINE, "validation exception: ", //NOI18N
return c;
| private java.util.Collection | validateEJB(com.sun.enterprise.deployment.IASEjbCMPEntityDescriptor descr)Validate the bean. For now, validate EJBQL for all finders and
selectors of this bean.
Collection c = null;
try {
JDOConcreteBeanGenerator cmpGenerator = getCMPGenerator(descr);
c = cmpGenerator.validate(new MethodHelper(descr), descr.getName());
} catch (GeneratorException e) {
c = new ArrayList();
return c;
| private java.util.Collection | validateModel(com.sun.enterprise.deployment.IASEjbCMPEntityDescriptor descr)Validate the mapping file for the given class. First check if
the mapping for the class exists in the sun-cmp-mappings. If so,
continue to validate using {@link Model#validate(String, ClassLoader,
ResourceBundle)}. If the resulting collection returned is not empty,
it means it failed the test.
The user should edit the mapping information, either in the
IDE or the deploytool, or directly update
the sun-cmp-mapping file.
String beanName = descr.getName();
String className = nameMapper.getPersistenceClassForEjbName(beanName);
if (model.getPersistenceClass(className) == null) {
return Collections.singletonList(
"CMG.MissingBeanMapping", beanName, bundle)); //NOI18N
return model.validate(className, loader, validationBundle);
| private java.util.Collection | validateSupported(com.sun.enterprise.deployment.IASEjbCMPEntityDescriptor descr)Validate if this bean is of a supported type.
Collection rc = new ArrayList();
* XXX Add validation of read-only configuration?
return rc;