Methods Summary |
public java.lang.String[] | getLookupNames()Get the names of JNDI bindings that should be queried on each host
public java.lang.String | getProviderURLPattern()Get the Context.PROVIDER_URL regular expression.
public void | membershipChanged(java.util.ArrayList deadMembers, java.util.ArrayList newMembers, java.util.ArrayList allMembers, java.lang.String logCategoryName)The TopologyMonitorService trigger callback operation.
public void | setLookupNames(java.lang.String[] names)Set the names of JNDI bindings that should be queried on each host
public void | setProviderURLPattern(java.lang.String regex)Set the expression containing the hostname/IP ${host} reference of
the JNDI provider. This expression is used to build the JNDI
Context.PROVIDER_URL for each node in the cluster. The expression
should contain a "(host)" component that will be replaced with the
cluster node hostname.