JPAProxyTest.javaAPI DocHibernate 3.2.52802Tue Dec 12 16:22:26 GMT 2006org.hibernate.test.jpa.proxy


public class JPAProxyTest extends org.hibernate.test.jpa.AbstractJPATest
Test relation between proxies and get()/load() processing and make sure the interactions match the ejb3 expectations
Steve Ebersole

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
public JPAProxyTest(String name)

		super( name );
Methods Summary
public static junit.framework.Testsuite()

		return new FunctionalTestClassTestSuite( JPAProxyTest.class );
public voidtestEjb3ProxyUsage()

		Session s = openSession();
		Transaction txn = s.beginTransaction();

		Item item = ( Item ) s.load( Item.class, new Long(-1) );
		assertFalse( Hibernate.isInitialized( item ) );
		try {
			Hibernate.initialize( item );
			fail( "proxy access did not fail on non-existent proxy" );
		catch ( EntityNotFoundException e ) {
			// expected behavior
		catch ( Throwable t ) {
			fail( "unexpected exception type on non-existent proxy access : " + t );


		Item item2 = ( Item ) s.load( Item.class, new Long(-1) );
		assertFalse( Hibernate.isInitialized( item2 ) );
		assertFalse( item == item2 );
		try {
			fail( "proxy access did not fail on non-existent proxy" );
		catch ( EntityNotFoundException e ) {
			// expected behavior
		catch ( Throwable t ) {
			fail( "unexpected exception type on non-existent proxy access : " + t );

public voidtestGetSemantics()
The ejb3 find() method maps to the Hibernate get() method

		Long nonExistentId = new Long( -1 );
		Session s = openSession();
		Transaction txn = s.beginTransaction();
		Item item = ( Item ) s.get( Item.class, nonExistentId );
		assertNull( "get() of non-existent entity did not return null", item );

		s = openSession();
		txn = s.beginTransaction();
		// first load() it to generate a proxy...
		item = ( Item ) s.load( Item.class, nonExistentId );
		assertFalse( Hibernate.isInitialized( item ) );
		// then try to get() it to make sure we get an exception
		try {
			s.get( Item.class, nonExistentId );
			fail( "force load did not fail on non-existent entity" );
		catch ( EntityNotFoundException e ) {
			// expected behavior
		catch( AssertionFailedError e ) {
			throw e;
		catch ( Throwable t ) {
			fail( "unexpected exception type on non-existent entity force load : " + t );