TypeInfos.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API27932Tue Jun 05 09:31:58 BST


public final class TypeInfos extends Object
Maps j2eeType to the AMX interface and implementation class for all AMX types.

Fields Summary
private static volatile TypeInfos
private final Map
private final Map
private static final String[]
private static final Set
private static TypeData[]
Data relating a j2eeType to its legal parent type(s).
Constructors Summary
private TypeInfos()

		mTypeToInfoMap		= new HashMap<String,TypeInfo>();

		initMap( );
        mMBeanInfos = new HashMap<Class, MBeanInfo>();
Methods Summary
private voidadd(TypeData typeData)

		final String j2eeType	= typeData.getJ2EEType();
		final TypeInfo	info	= new TypeInfo( typeData );
		mTypeToInfoMap.put( j2eeType, info );
public java.lang.String[]getContaineeByChain(java.lang.String j2eeType)
Get the contained-by chain for the specified j2eeType. Calling this is only legal for j2eeTypes for which Type.isSubType() is false.


		TypeInfo	info	= getInfo( j2eeType );
		if ( info.isSubType() )
			throw new IllegalArgumentException( "j2eeType is a subtype: " + j2eeType );
		final List<String>	list	= new ArrayList<String>();
		String	containedByType	= null;
		while ( (containedByType = info.getContainedByJ2EEType()) != null )
			list.add( containedByType );
			info	= getInfo( containedByType );
		Collections.reverse( list );
		return( ListUtil.toStringArray( list ) );
private static[]getExtraAttributeInfos()
A design decision was to not include certain Attributes or pseuod-Attributes directly in AMX, so these fields are separated out into 'Extra'. However, some of these are real Attributes that do need to be present in the MBeanInfo supplied by each MBean.

        final MBeanAttributeInfo[]	extraInfos	=
            JMXUtil.interfaceToMBeanInfo( Extra.class ).getAttributes();
        // remove items that are client-side constructs; not real Attributes
        final Map<String,MBeanAttributeInfo>	m	= JMXUtil.attributeInfosToMap( extraInfos );
        for( int i = 0; i < EXTRA_REMOVALS.length; ++i )
            m.remove( EXTRA_REMOVALS[ i ] );
        final MBeanAttributeInfo[] result	= new MBeanAttributeInfo[ m.values().size() ];
        m.values().toArray( result );
		return( result );
public TypeInfogetInfo(java.lang.String j2eeType)

		if ( j2eeType == null )
			throw new IllegalArgumentException( "null" );
		final TypeInfo	info	= (TypeInfo)mTypeToInfoMap.get( j2eeType );
		if ( info == null )
			throw new IllegalArgumentException( j2eeType );
		return( info );
public static

        // 'INSTANCE' must be 'volatile' !
        if ( INSTANCE != null )
            return INSTANCE;
        // this is not the problematic "double null check"; 'INSTANCE' is volatile above
        synchronized( TypeInfos.class )
            if ( INSTANCE == null )
                INSTANCE = new TypeInfos();
        return INSTANCE;
public java.lang.String[]getJ2EETypeChain( objectName)
Get the j2eeType chain for the specified ObjectName. The last element is the same as the j2eeType of the ObjectName supplied; preceeding types, if present, are its parent types.

objectName the ObjectName to examine

		final String	j2eeType	= Util.getJ2EEType( objectName );
		if ( j2eeType == null )
			throw new IllegalArgumentException( objectName.toString() );
		TypeInfo	info	= getInfo( j2eeType );
		if ( info == null )
			throw new IllegalArgumentException( "uknown j2eeType: " + j2eeType );
		final List<String>	list	= new ArrayList<String>();
		list.add( j2eeType );
		while ( info.isSubType() )
			final Set<String>	possibleParentTypes	= info.getLegalParentJ2EETypes();
			String	parentJ2EEType	= null;
			if ( possibleParentTypes.size() == 1 )
				parentJ2EEType	= GSetUtil.getSingleton( possibleParentTypes );
				parentJ2EEType	= JMXUtil.findKey( possibleParentTypes, objectName );
			if ( parentJ2EEType == null )
				throw new IllegalArgumentException(
				"MBean: " + objectName +
				" does not have any of the possible parent keys: {" +
				toString( possibleParentTypes ) + "}" );
			list.add( parentJ2EEType );
			info	= getInfo( parentJ2EEType );
		// list is in reverse order; child, parent, parent's parent, etc.  Reverse it
		// so that child is last
		Collections.reverse( list );
		return( ListUtil.toStringArray( list )  );
public java.util.SetgetJ2EETypes()
Return the keys by which all TypeInfos are mapped.

		return( mTypeToInfoMap.keySet( ) );
private static java.util.logging.LoggergetLogger()

		return java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger( com.sun.logging.LogDomains.ADMIN_LOGGER );
public theInterface)

        // does not need to be synchronized
        return mMBeanInfos.get( theInterface );
private voidinitChildAndContaineeTypes()

		final Set<String>   keys		= getJ2EETypes();
		for( final String childJ2EEType : keys )
			final TypeInfo	info	= getInfo( childJ2EEType );
			if ( info.isSubType() )
				initParentsForChildType( info );
			else	// may be contained in something
				final String	containedByJ2EEType	= info.getContainedByJ2EEType();
				if ( containedByJ2EEType != null )
					final TypeInfo	parentInfo	= getInfo( containedByJ2EEType );
					parentInfo.addContaineeJ2EEType( childJ2EEType );
private voidinitData()

		final Object[]	data	= DATA;
		for( int i = 0; i < data.length; ++i )
			final TypeData	typeData	= (TypeData)data[ i ];
			assert( ! mTypeToInfoMap.containsKey( typeData.getJ2EEType() )) :
				"init(): type already exists: " + typeData.getJ2EEType();

                add( typeData );
            catch( final ClassNotFoundException e )
                // this should never occur in a release version, so need need to I18n it; it's
                // for development warning.
                getLogger().warning( "SKIPPING AMX type--missing implementation class for: " +
                    typeData.getJ2EEType() );
private voidinitMap()
Initialize a mapping of j2eeTypes to TypeInfo

private voidinitParentsForChildType(TypeInfo info)

		if ( info.isSubType() )
			final Set		possibleParents	= info.getLegalParentJ2EETypes();
			final Iterator	parentTypeIter	= possibleParents.iterator();
			while ( parentTypeIter.hasNext() )
				final String	parentJ2EEType	= (String);
				final TypeInfo	parentInfo	= getInfo( parentJ2EEType );
				parentInfo.addChildJ2EEType( info.getJ2EEType() );
private voidpopulateMBeanInfos()

        final MBeanAttributeInfo[]  extra   = getExtraAttributeInfos();
        // create the MBeanInfo from the interfaces
        for( final TypeInfo typeInfo: mTypeToInfoMap.values() )
            final Class theInterface = typeInfo.getInterface();
            final MBeanInfo info =
                MBeanInfoConverter.getInstance().convert( theInterface, extra );
            mMBeanInfos.put( theInterface, info );
public java.lang.StringtoString()

		final StringBuffer	buf	= new StringBuffer();
		final Set<String>		keys	= getJ2EETypes();
		for( final String j2eeType : keys )
			final TypeInfo	info			= getInfo( j2eeType );
			buf.append( info.toString() );
			buf.append( "\n" );
		return( buf.toString() );
private java.lang.StringtoString(java.lang.Object o)

		return( SmartStringifier.toString( o ) );