Methods Summary |
protected void | appendByteArray(byte[] bytes, writer)INTERNAL:
If using native SQL then print a byte[] as '0xFF...'
if (usesNativeSQL() && (!usesByteArrayBinding())) {
Helper.writeHexString(bytes, writer);
} else {
super.appendByteArray(bytes, writer);
protected void | appendCalendar(java.util.Calendar calendar, writer)INTERNAL:
Answer a platform correct string representation of a Calendar, suitable for SQL generation.
The date is printed in the ODBC platform independent format {d'YYYY-MM-DD'}.
if (usesNativeSQL()) {
appendSybaseCalendar(calendar, writer);
} else {
super.appendCalendar(calendar, writer);
protected void | appendDate(java.sql.Date date, writer)INTERNAL:
Answer a platform correct string representation of a Date, suitable for SQL generation.
Native format: 'yyyy-mm-dd
if (usesNativeSQL()) {
} else {
super.appendDate(date, writer);
protected void | appendSybaseCalendar(java.util.Calendar calendar, writer)INTERNAL:
Write a timestamp in Sybase specific format (
protected void | appendSybaseTimestamp(java.sql.Timestamp timestamp, writer)INTERNAL:
Write a timestamp in Sybase specific format (
// Must truncate the nanos to three decimal places,
// it is actually a complex algorithm...
String nanoString = Integer.toString(timestamp.getNanos());
int numberOfZeros = 0;
for (int num = Math.min(9 - nanoString.length(), 3); num > 0; num--) {
if ((nanoString.length() + numberOfZeros) > 3) {
nanoString = nanoString.substring(0, (3 - numberOfZeros));
protected void | appendTime(java.sql.Time time, writer)INTERNAL:
Answer a platform correct string representation of a Time, suitable for SQL generation.
The time is printed in the ODBC platform independent format {t'hh:mm:ss'}.
if (usesNativeSQL()) {
} else {
super.appendTime(time, writer);
protected void | appendTimestamp(java.sql.Timestamp timestamp, writer)INTERNAL:
Answer a platform correct string representation of a Timestamp, suitable for SQL generation.
The date is printed in the ODBC platform independent format {d'YYYY-MM-DD'}.
if (usesNativeSQL()) {
appendSybaseTimestamp(timestamp, writer);
} else {
super.appendTimestamp(timestamp, writer);
public oracle.toplink.essentials.expressions.ExpressionOperator | atan2Operator()INTERNAL:
Build operator.
return ExpressionOperator.simpleTwoArgumentFunction(ExpressionOperator.Atan2, "ATN2");
protected java.util.Hashtable | buildFieldTypes()
Hashtable fieldTypeMapping;
fieldTypeMapping = new Hashtable();
fieldTypeMapping.put(Boolean.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("BIT default 0", false, false));
fieldTypeMapping.put(Integer.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("INTEGER", false));
fieldTypeMapping.put(Long.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("NUMERIC", 19));
fieldTypeMapping.put(Float.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("FLOAT(16)", false));
fieldTypeMapping.put(Double.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("FLOAT(32)", false));
fieldTypeMapping.put(Short.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("SMALLINT", false));
fieldTypeMapping.put(Byte.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("SMALLINT", false));
fieldTypeMapping.put(java.math.BigInteger.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("NUMERIC", 38));
fieldTypeMapping.put(java.math.BigDecimal.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("NUMERIC", 38).setLimits(38, -19, 19));
fieldTypeMapping.put(Number.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("NUMERIC", 38).setLimits(38, -19, 19));
fieldTypeMapping.put(String.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("VARCHAR", 255));
fieldTypeMapping.put(Character.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("CHAR", 1));
fieldTypeMapping.put(Byte[].class, new FieldTypeDefinition("IMAGE", false));
fieldTypeMapping.put(Character[].class, new FieldTypeDefinition("TEXT", false));
fieldTypeMapping.put(byte[].class, new FieldTypeDefinition("IMAGE", false));
fieldTypeMapping.put(char[].class, new FieldTypeDefinition("TEXT", false));
fieldTypeMapping.put(java.sql.Blob.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("IMAGE", false));
fieldTypeMapping.put(java.sql.Clob.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("TEXT", false));
fieldTypeMapping.put(java.sql.Date.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("DATETIME", false));
fieldTypeMapping.put(java.sql.Time.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("DATETIME", false));
fieldTypeMapping.put(java.sql.Timestamp.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("DATETIME", false));
return fieldTypeMapping;
public oracle.toplink.essentials.queryframework.ValueReadQuery | buildSelectQueryForNativeSequence()INTERNAL:
Build the identity query for native sequencing.
ValueReadQuery selectQuery = new ValueReadQuery();
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("SELECT @@IDENTITY");
return selectQuery;
public java.lang.Object | executeStoredProcedure(oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseCall dbCall, java.sql.PreparedStatement statement, oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseAccessor accessor, oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)INTERNAL:
Because each platform has different requirements for accessing stored procedures and
the way that we can combine resultsets and output params the stored procedure call
is being executed on the platform. This entire process needs some serious refactoring to eliminate
the chance of bugs.
Object result = null;
ResultSet resultSet = null;
if (!dbCall.getReturnsResultSet()) {
accessor.executeDirectNoSelect(statement, dbCall, session);
result = accessor.buildOutputRow((CallableStatement)statement, dbCall, session);
//ReadAllQuery may be returning just output params, or they may be executing a DataReadQuery, which also
//assumes a vector
if (dbCall.areManyRowsReturned()) {
Vector tempResult = new Vector();
result = tempResult;
} else {
// start the process of procesing the result set and the output params. this is specific to Sybase JConnect 5.5
// as we must process the result set before the output params.
try {
resultSet = statement.executeQuery();
} finally {
dbCall.matchFieldOrder(resultSet, accessor, session);
// cursored result set and output params not supported because of database limitation
if (dbCall.isCursorReturned()) {
return dbCall;
result = processResultSet(resultSet, dbCall, statement, accessor, session);
if (dbCall.shouldBuildOutputRow()) {
AbstractRecord outputRow = accessor.buildOutputRow((CallableStatement)statement, dbCall, session);
dbCall.getQuery().setProperty("output", outputRow);
session.getEventManager().outputParametersDetected(outputRow, dbCall);
return result;
// end special sybase behaviour.
return result;
public java.lang.String | getBatchDelimiterString()INTERNAL:
Used for batch writing and sp defs.
return "";
protected java.lang.String | getCreateTempTableSqlPrefix()INTERNAL:
return "CREATE TABLE ";
public java.lang.String | getCreationInOutputProcedureToken()INTERNAL:
This method is used to print the required output parameter token for the
specific platform. Used when stored procedures are created.
return getInOutputProcedureToken();
public java.lang.String | getCreationOutputProcedureToken()INTERNAL:
This method was added because SQLServer requires the output paramater token
to be set on creation but not on execution.
return getOutputProcedureToken();
public java.lang.String | getInOutputProcedureToken()INTERNAL:
This method is used to print the output parameter token when stored
procedures are called
return "OUT";
public java.lang.String | getJdbcTypeName(int jdbcType)INTERNAL:
Returns the type name corresponding to the jdbc type
return (String)getTypeStrings().get(new Integer(jdbcType));
public int | getMaxFieldNameSize()INTERNAL:
returns the maximum number of characters that can be used in a field
name on this platform.
return 22;
public java.util.Vector | getNativeTableInfo(java.lang.String table, java.lang.String creator, oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)INTERNAL:
Return the catalog information through using the native SQL catalog selects.
This is required because many JDBC driver do not support meta-data.
Willcards can be passed as arguments.
// need to filter only tables / views
String query = "SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE table_type <> 'SYSTEM_TABLE'";
if (table != null) {
if (table.indexOf('%") != -1) {
query = query + " AND table_name LIKE " + table;
} else {
query = query + " AND table_name = " + table;
if (creator != null) {
if (creator.indexOf('%") != -1) {
query = query + " AND table_owner LIKE " + creator;
} else {
query = query + " AND table_owner = " + creator;
return session.executeSelectingCall(new oracle.toplink.essentials.queryframework.SQLCall(query));
public java.lang.String | getOutputProcedureToken()INTERNAL:
This method is used to print the output parameter token when stored
procedures are called
return "OUTPUT";
public java.lang.String | getProcedureArgumentString()INTERNAL:
Used for sp defs.
return "@";
public java.lang.String | getProcedureCallHeader()INTERNAL:
Used for sp calls.
return "EXECUTE ";
public java.lang.String | getStoredProcedureParameterPrefix()INTERNAL:
return "@";
public java.lang.String | getStoredProcedureTerminationToken()INTERNAL:
This method returns the delimiter between stored procedures in multiple stored procedure
return " go";
public oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.DatabaseTable | getTempTableForTable(oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.DatabaseTable table)INTERNAL:
return new DatabaseTable("#" + table.getName(), table.getTableQualifier());
public oracle.toplink.essentials.queryframework.ValueReadQuery | getTimestampQuery()INTERNAL:
This method returns the query to select the timestamp
from the server for Sybase.
if (timestampQuery == null) {
timestampQuery = new ValueReadQuery();
timestampQuery.setSQLString("SELECT GETDATE()");
return timestampQuery;
protected java.util.Hashtable | getTypeStrings()
if (typeStrings == null) {
return typeStrings;
protected void | initializePlatformOperators()INTERNAL:
Initialize any platform-specific operators
addOperator(ExpressionOperator.simpleFunction(ExpressionOperator.Today, "GETDATE"));
// GETDATE returns both date and time. It is not the perfect match for
// ExpressionOperator.currentDate and ExpressionOperator.currentTime
// However, there is no known function on sql server that returns just
// the date or just the time.
addOperator(ExpressionOperator.simpleFunction(ExpressionOperator.CurrentDate, "GETDATE"));
addOperator(ExpressionOperator.simpleFunction(ExpressionOperator.CurrentTime, "GETDATE"));
addOperator(ExpressionOperator.simpleFunction(ExpressionOperator.Length, "CHAR_LENGTH"));
addOperator(ExpressionOperator.simpleThreeArgumentFunction(ExpressionOperator.Substring, "SUBSTRING"));
// bug 3061144
addOperator(ExpressionOperator.simpleTwoArgumentFunction(ExpressionOperator.Nvl, "ISNULL"));
addOperator(ExpressionOperator.simpleFunction(ExpressionOperator.Ceil, "CEILING"));
protected synchronized void | initializeTypeStrings()
if (typeStrings == null) {
typeStrings = new Hashtable(30);
typeStrings.put(new Integer(Types.ARRAY), "ARRAY");
typeStrings.put(new Integer(Types.BIGINT), "BIGINT");
typeStrings.put(new Integer(Types.BINARY), "BINARY");
typeStrings.put(new Integer(Types.BIT), "BIT");
typeStrings.put(new Integer(Types.BLOB), "BLOB");
typeStrings.put(new Integer(Types.CHAR), "CHAR");
typeStrings.put(new Integer(Types.CLOB), "CLOB");
typeStrings.put(new Integer(Types.DATE), "DATE");
typeStrings.put(new Integer(Types.DECIMAL), "DECIMAL");
typeStrings.put(new Integer(Types.DOUBLE), "DOUBLE");
typeStrings.put(new Integer(Types.FLOAT), "FLOAT");
typeStrings.put(new Integer(Types.INTEGER), "INTEGER");
typeStrings.put(new Integer(Types.JAVA_OBJECT), "JAVA_OBJECT");
typeStrings.put(new Integer(Types.LONGVARBINARY), "LONGVARBINARY");
typeStrings.put(new Integer(Types.LONGVARCHAR), "LONGVARCHAR");
typeStrings.put(new Integer(Types.NULL), "NULL");
typeStrings.put(new Integer(Types.NUMERIC), "NUMERIC");
typeStrings.put(new Integer(Types.OTHER), "OTHER");
typeStrings.put(new Integer(Types.REAL), "REAL");
typeStrings.put(new Integer(Types.REF), "REF");
typeStrings.put(new Integer(Types.SMALLINT), "SMALLINT");
typeStrings.put(new Integer(Types.STRUCT), "STRUCT");
typeStrings.put(new Integer(Types.TIME), "TIME");
typeStrings.put(new Integer(Types.TIMESTAMP), "TIMESTAMP");
typeStrings.put(new Integer(Types.TINYINT), "TINYINT");
typeStrings.put(new Integer(Types.VARBINARY), "VARBINARY");
typeStrings.put(new Integer(Types.VARCHAR), "VARCHAR");
public boolean | isSybase()
return true;
public java.util.Hashtable | maximumNumericValues()INTERNAL:
Builds a table of maximum numeric values keyed on java class. This is used for type testing but
might also be useful to end users attempting to sanitize values.
NOTE: BigInteger & BigDecimal maximums are dependent upon their precision & Scale
Hashtable values = new Hashtable();
values.put(Integer.class, new Integer(Integer.MAX_VALUE));
values.put(Long.class, new Long(Long.MAX_VALUE));
values.put(Double.class, new Double((double)Float.MAX_VALUE));
values.put(Short.class, new Short(Short.MAX_VALUE));
values.put(Byte.class, new Byte(Byte.MAX_VALUE));
values.put(Float.class, new Float(Float.MAX_VALUE));
values.put(java.math.BigInteger.class, new java.math.BigInteger("99999999999999999999999999999999999999"));
values.put(java.math.BigDecimal.class, new java.math.BigDecimal("9999999999999999999.9999999999999999999"));
return values;
public java.util.Hashtable | minimumNumericValues()INTERNAL:
Builds a table of minimum numeric values keyed on java class. This is used for type testing but
might also be useful to end users attempting to sanitize values.
NOTE: BigInteger & BigDecimal minimums are dependent upon their precision & Scale
Hashtable values = new Hashtable();
values.put(Integer.class, new Integer(Integer.MIN_VALUE));
values.put(Long.class, new Long(Long.MIN_VALUE));
values.put(Double.class, new Double((double)1.4012984643247149E-44));// The double values are weird. They lose precision at E-45
values.put(Short.class, new Short(Short.MIN_VALUE));
values.put(Byte.class, new Byte(Byte.MIN_VALUE));
values.put(Float.class, new Float(Float.MIN_VALUE));
values.put(java.math.BigInteger.class, new java.math.BigInteger("-99999999999999999999999999999999999999"));
values.put(java.math.BigDecimal.class, new java.math.BigDecimal("-9999999999999999999.9999999999999999999"));
return values;
public oracle.toplink.essentials.expressions.ExpressionOperator | modOperator()INTERNAL:
Override the default MOD operator.
ExpressionOperator result = new ExpressionOperator();
Vector v = new Vector();
v.addElement(" % ");
return result;
protected oracle.toplink.essentials.expressions.ExpressionOperator | operatorOuterJoin()INTERNAL:
Create the outer join operator for this platform
ExpressionOperator result = new ExpressionOperator();
Vector v = new Vector();
v.addElement(" =* ");
return result;
public void | printFieldIdentityClause( writer)INTERNAL:
Append the receiver's field 'identity' constraint clause to a writer.
try {
writer.write(" IDENTITY");
} catch (IOException ioException) {
throw ValidationException.fileError(ioException);
public void | printFieldNullClause( writer)INTERNAL:
Append the receiver's field 'NULL' constraint clause to a writer.
try {
writer.write(" NULL");
} catch (IOException ioException) {
throw ValidationException.fileError(ioException);
public void | registerOutputParameter(java.sql.CallableStatement statement, int index, int jdbcType)INTERNAL:
This method is used to register output parameter on Callable Statements for Stored Procedures
as each database seems to have a different method.
statement.registerOutParameter(index, jdbcType, (String)getTypeStrings().get(new Integer(jdbcType)));
public boolean | requiresProcedureCallBrackets()INTERNAL:
USed for sp calls.
return false;
public boolean | requiresProcedureCallOuputToken()INTERNAL:
Used for sp calls. Sybase must print output after output params.
return true;
public boolean | requiresTypeNameToRegisterOutputParameter()INTERNAL:
Indicates whether the version of CallableStatement.registerOutputParameter method
that takes type name should be used.
return true;
public boolean | shouldNativeSequenceAcquireValueAfterInsert()INTERNAL:
If native sequencing is being used on Sybase then the values must be
retrieved after the insert.
This method is to be used *ONLY* by sequencing classes
return true;
public boolean | shouldPrintInOutputTokenBeforeType()INTERNAL:
This is required in the construction of the stored procedures with
output parameters
return false;
public boolean | shouldPrintOuterJoinInWhereClause()INTERNAL:
Some database require outer joins to be given in the where clause, others require it in the from clause.
return false;
public boolean | shouldPrintOutputTokenBeforeType()INTERNAL:
This is required in the construction of the stored procedures with
output parameters
return false;
public boolean | shouldUseJDBCOuterJoinSyntax()INTERNAL:
JDBC defines and outer join syntax, many drivers do not support this. So we normally avoid it.
return false;
public boolean | supportsLocalTempTables()INTERNAL:
return true;
public boolean | supportsNativeSequenceNumbers()INTERNAL:
Return true if the receiver uses host sequence numbers, generated on the database.
Sybase does through IDENTITY field types.
return true;
public void | writeUpdateOriginalFromTempTableSql( writer, oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.DatabaseTable table, java.util.Collection pkFields, java.util.Collection assignedFields)INTERNAL:
writer.write("UPDATE ");
String tableName = table.getQualifiedName();
String tempTableName = getTempTableForTable(table).getQualifiedName();
writeAutoAssignmentSetClause(writer, null, tempTableName, assignedFields);
writer.write(" FROM ");
writer.write(", ");
writeAutoJoinWhereClause(writer, tableName, tempTableName, pkFields);