Store.javaAPI DocExample2740Tue Nov 13 16:41:18 GMT 2001None


public class Store extends JPanel
Create and maintain storage for a single integer. Protect access to the store using synchronised put and get methods

Fields Summary
private int
private JLabel
private Log
Constructors Summary
public Store()
Default constructor. Create the visual components of the store display - a scrolling log area and the current contents of the store

      setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
      value = 0;
      displayValue = new JLabel( "[ " + value + " ]", JLabel.CENTER );
      displayValue.setOpaque( true );
      displayValue.setBackground( Color.white );
      displayValue.setForeground( );
      displayValue.setFont( new Font( "SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 22 ) );
      add( displayValue, BorderLayout.SOUTH );
      log = new Log( 30, 20 );
      add( log, BorderLayout.CENTER );
Methods Summary
public synchronized intget()
Get a value from the store. Thread-protected method to retrieve a value from the store The calling thread is made to wait if the store is empty (==0) The name of the thread is used to identify actions to the on-screen log

      log.append( "" + Thread.currentThread().getName() +" to get value" );
      while( value == 0 )
         log.append( " - waiting\n" );
         catch( InterruptedException ie )
         log.append( "" + Thread.currentThread().getName() +" woken up" );
      log.append( "\n" );
      int valueToReturn = value;
      value = 0;
      displayValue.setText( "[ " + value + " ]" );
      return valueToReturn;
public synchronized voidput(int valueToPut)
Put a value into the store. Thread-protected method to put a value into the store The calling thread is made to wait if the store is full (!=0) The name of the thread is used to identify actions to the on-screen log

      log.append( "" + Thread.currentThread().getName() +" to put " + valueToPut );
      while( value != 0 )
         log.append( " - waiting\n" );
         catch( InterruptedException ie )
         log.append( "" + Thread.currentThread().getName() +" woken up" );
      log.append( "\n" );
      value = valueToPut;
      displayValue.setText( "[ " + value + " ]" );