A handler that writes log messages to the standard output stream
{@code System.err}.
This handler reads the following properties from the log manager to
initialize itself:
- java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level specifies the logging level,
defaults to {@code Level.INFO} if this property is not found or has an
invalid value.
- java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.filter specifies the name of the filter
class to be associated with this handler, defaults to {@code null} if this
property is not found or has an invalid value.
- java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.formatter specifies the name of the
formatter class to be associated with this handler, defaults to
{@code java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter} if this property is not found or
has an invalid value.
- java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.encoding specifies the encoding this
handler will use to encode log messages, defaults to {@code null} if this
property is not found or has an invalid value.
This class is not thread-safe.