TabControl.javaAPI DocJMF 2.1.1e26905Mon May 12 12:20:52 BST


public class TabControl extends Panel implements ComponentListener, MouseListener, KeyListener, FocusListener

Fields Summary
public static final int
public static final int
private Panel
private CardLayout
private int
private Button
private boolean
private int
private int
private int
private String
private Cursor
private Cursor
private Vector
private int
private int
private int
Constructors Summary
public TabControl()

        this ( ALIGN_TOP );
public TabControl(int nAlignment)

        super ();

        this.nAlignment = nAlignment;
        try {
        catch (Exception e) {
Methods Summary
public intaddPage(java.awt.Panel panelPage, java.lang.String strTitle)

        int    nIndex;

        nIndex = addPage ( panelPage, strTitle, null );
        return ( nIndex );
public intaddPage(java.awt.Panel panelPage, java.lang.String strTitle, java.awt.Image image)

        int          nIndex;
        Dimension    dim;
        TabField     tabField;

        nIndex = vectorTabs.size ();
        tabField = new TabField ( this, panelPage, strTitle, image  );
        vectorTabs.addElement ( tabField );

        panelPageContainer.add ( panelPage, strTitle );
        if ( nIndex == 0 ) {
            nCurrentPage = 0;
   ( panelPageContainer, strTitle );

        tabField.calculateTabDimension ( getFontMetrics(getFont()) );
        nTabHeightMax = Math.max ( tabField.dim.height, nTabHeightMax );
        nTabWidthMax = Math.max ( tabField.dim.width, nTabWidthMax );

        recalculateTabs ();
        repaint ();

        return ( nIndex );
public voidcomponentHidden(java.awt.event.ComponentEvent event)

public voidcomponentMoved(java.awt.event.ComponentEvent event)

public voidcomponentResized(java.awt.event.ComponentEvent event)

        recalculateTabs ();
        this.doLayout ();
        panelPageContainer.validate ();
public voidcomponentShown(java.awt.event.ComponentEvent event)

private voiddrawDot(java.awt.Graphics graphics, int nX, int nY)

    	if ( (nX + nY) % 2 == 0 )
            graphics.drawLine ( nX, nY, nX, nY );
private voiddrawDottedLine(java.awt.Graphics graphics, int nX1, int nY1, int nX2, int nY2)

	int	nX, nY;
	double	dDiv;

	if ( nX1 == nX2  &&  nY1 == nY2 ) {
	    drawDot ( graphics, nX1, nY1 );
	if ( nX1 > nX2 ) {
	    nX = nX1;
	    nX1 = nX2;
	    nX2 = nX;
	if ( nY1 > nY2 ) {
	    nY = nY1;
	    nY1 = nY2;
	    nY2 = nY;
	if ( nX2 - nX1 > nY2 - nY1 ) {
	    dDiv = (double)(nY2 - nY1) / (nX2 - nX1);
	    for ( nX = nX1;   nX <= nX2;   nX++ ) {
	    	nY = (int)Math.rint ( nY1 + (nX - nX1) * dDiv );
	    	drawDot ( graphics, nX, nY );
	else {
	    dDiv = (nX2 - nX1) / (nY2 - nY1);
	    for ( nY = nY1;   nY <= nY2;   nY++ ) {
	    	nX = (int)Math.rint ( nX1 + (nY - nY1) * dDiv );
	    	drawDot ( graphics, nX, nY );
private voiddrawDottedRectangle(java.awt.Graphics graphics, int nX, int nY, int nWidth, int nHeight)

	drawDottedLine ( graphics, nX, nY, nX + nWidth - 1, nY );
	drawDottedLine ( graphics, nX + nWidth - 1, nY, nX + nWidth - 1, nY + nHeight - 1 );
	drawDottedLine ( graphics, nX + nWidth - 1, nY + nHeight - 1, nX, nY + nHeight - 1 );
	drawDottedLine ( graphics, nX, nY + nHeight - 1, nX, nY );
private intfindPage(java.awt.Panel panelPage)

        int          i;
        TabField     tabField;

        i = vectorTabs.size() - 1;
        while ( i >= 0 ) {
            tabField = (TabField) vectorTabs.elementAt ( i );
            if ( tabField.panelPage == panelPage )
        return ( i );
public voidfocusGained(java.awt.event.FocusEvent event)

        if ( boolFocus == true )
        boolFocus = true;
        repaint ();
public voidfocusLost(java.awt.event.FocusEvent event)

        if ( boolFocus == false )
        boolFocus = false;
        repaint ();
public java.awt.InsetsgetInsets()

        Insets    insets;

        insets = super.getInsets ();
        if ( nAlignment == ALIGN_LEFT )
            insets = new Insets ( + MARGIN_PAGE_VERT,
                                  insets.left + nRowCount * nTabWidthMax - 2 + MARGIN_PAGE_HORZ,
                                  insets.bottom + MARGIN_PAGE_VERT,
                                  insets.right + MARGIN_PAGE_HORZ );
        else // if ( nAlignment == ALIGN_TOP )
            insets = new Insets ( + nRowCount * nTabHeightMax - 2 + MARGIN_PAGE_VERT,
                                  insets.left + MARGIN_PAGE_HORZ,
                                  insets.bottom + MARGIN_PAGE_VERT,
                                  insets.right + MARGIN_PAGE_HORZ );
        return ( insets );
public java.awt.DimensiongetPreferredSize()

        int          i;
        TabField     tabField;
        Dimension    dim;
        int          nRowWidth;

        dim = super.getPreferredSize ();

        if ( nAlignment == ALIGN_LEFT )
            dim.height = Math.max ( dim.height, nTabHeightMax * vectorTabs.size() + 1 );
        else { // if ( nAlignment == ALIGN_TOP )
            nRowWidth = 0;
            for ( i = 0;  i < vectorTabs.size();  i++ ) {
                tabField = (TabField) vectorTabs.elementAt ( i );
                nRowWidth += tabField.dim.width;
            dim.width = Math.max ( dim.width, nRowWidth + 1 );
        return ( dim );
private voidinit()

        Panel    panel;
        Font     font;
        Font     fontOld;

        this.setLayout ( new BorderLayout() );
        this.addComponentListener ( this );
        this.addMouseListener ( this );

        buttonFocus = new Button ( "Focus" );
        this.add ( buttonFocus );
        buttonFocus.addKeyListener ( this );
        buttonFocus.addFocusListener ( this );

        panelPageContainer = new Panel ( layoutCard );
        this.add ( panelPageContainer, BorderLayout.CENTER );

        fontOld = panelPageContainer.getFont ();
        if ( fontOld == null ) {
            fontOld = new Font ( "Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12 );
        font = new Font ( "Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12 );
        this.setFont ( font );
        panelPageContainer.setFont ( fontOld );

        this.setBackground ( TabField.COLOR_BG );
        panelPageContainer.setBackground ( TabField.COLOR_BG );
public voidkeyPressed(java.awt.event.KeyEvent event)

        int          nKeyCode;
        int          nIndex;
        TabField     tabField;

        nIndex = nCurrentPage;
        nKeyCode = event.getKeyCode ();
        if ( nKeyCode == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN  ||  nKeyCode == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT ) {
        else if ( nKeyCode == KeyEvent.VK_UP  ||  nKeyCode == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT ) {

        if ( nIndex >= vectorTabs.size() )
            nIndex = vectorTabs.size() - 1;
        if ( nIndex < 0 )
            nIndex = 0;

        if ( nCurrentPage != nIndex ) {
            nCurrentPage = nIndex;
            tabField = (TabField) vectorTabs.elementAt ( nIndex );
            strPageToShowAfterPaint = tabField.strTitle;
            this.setCursor ( cursorWait );
            repaint ();
public voidkeyReleased(java.awt.event.KeyEvent event)

public voidkeyTyped(java.awt.event.KeyEvent event)

public voidmouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent event)

public voidmouseEntered(java.awt.event.MouseEvent event)

public voidmouseExited(java.awt.event.MouseEvent event)

public voidmousePressed(java.awt.event.MouseEvent event)

        int          i;
        int          nTabCount;
        TabField     tabField;
        int          x, y;

        x = event.getX ();
        y = event.getY ();

        nTabCount = vectorTabs.size ();
        for ( i = 0;  i < nTabCount;  i++ ) {
            tabField = (TabField) vectorTabs.elementAt ( i );
            if ( tabField.rect.contains (x,y) ) {
                buttonFocus.requestFocus ();
                nCurrentPage = i;
                strPageToShowAfterPaint = tabField.strTitle;
                this.setCursor ( cursorWait );
                repaint ();

public voidmouseReleased(java.awt.event.MouseEvent event)

public voidpaint(java.awt.Graphics graphics)

	int		i;
	int		nSize;
	Rectangle       rect;
        TabField        tabField;
	Rectangle       rectClient;
	Rectangle       rectString;
	String		stringTabName;
        Font            fontNormal;
        Font            fontBold;
	FontMetrics	fontMetrics;
	int		nX, nY;
	int		nWidth, nHeight;

        super.paint ( graphics );

	rectClient = this.getBounds ();
        rectClient.x = 0;
        rectClient.y = 0;

	rect = new Rectangle ( rectClient );
        if ( nAlignment == ALIGN_LEFT ) {
            rect.x += nTabWidthMax * nRowCount - 2;
            rect.width -= nTabWidthMax * nRowCount - 2;
        else { // if ( nAlignment == ALIGN_TOP )
            rect.y += nTabHeightMax * nRowCount - 2;
            rect.height -= nTabHeightMax * nRowCount - 2;

	graphics.setColor ( TabField.COLOR_SHADOW_BOTTOM );
	graphics.drawRect ( rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height );
	graphics.setColor ( TabField.COLOR_SHADOW_TOP );
	graphics.drawLine ( rect.x + 1, rect.y + 1, rect.x + 1, rect.y + rect.height - 2 );
	graphics.drawLine ( rect.x + 1, rect.y + 1, rect.x + rect.width - 2, rect.y + 1 );

        fontNormal = this.getFont ();
//        fontBold = new Font ( fontNormal.getName(), Font.BOLD, fontNormal.getSize() );
        fontBold = fontNormal;
	nSize = vectorTabs.size ();
	for ( i = nSize - 1;   i >= 0;   i-- ) {
            tabField = (TabField) vectorTabs.elementAt ( i );
            if ( i == nCurrentPage ) {
                if ( nAlignment == ALIGN_LEFT )
                    tabField.drawCurrentTabLeft ( graphics );
                else // if ( nAlignment == ALIGN_TOP )
                    tabField.drawCurrentTabTop ( graphics );
            else {
                if ( nAlignment == ALIGN_LEFT )
                    tabField.drawTabLeft ( graphics );
                else // if ( nAlignment == ALIGN_TOP )
                    tabField.drawTabTop ( graphics );

            graphics.setColor ( this.getForeground() );
	    rectString = new Rectangle ( tabField.rect );
            if ( nAlignment == ALIGN_LEFT )
                rectString.width = nTabWidthMax;
            else // if ( nAlignment == ALIGN_TOP )
                rectString.height = nTabHeightMax;

            if ( tabField.image != null ) {
                nWidth = tabField.image.getWidth ( this );
                rectString.x += nWidth + tabField.MARGIN_TAB_HORZ;
                rectString.width -= nWidth + tabField.MARGIN_TAB_HORZ;
	    if ( i == nCurrentPage ) {
	    	graphics.setFont ( fontBold );
	    	fontMetrics = graphics.getFontMetrics ( fontBold );
	    	if ( boolFocus == true ) {
	    	    nWidth = fontMetrics.stringWidth ( tabField.strTitle ) + 6;
	    	    nHeight = fontMetrics.getHeight () + 1;
	    	    nX = rectString.x + (rectString.width - nWidth) / 2;
	    	    nY = rectString.y + (nTabHeightMax - 2 - nHeight) / 2 + 1;
	    	    drawDottedRectangle ( graphics, nX, nY, nWidth, nHeight );
	    else {
	    	graphics.setFont ( fontNormal );
	    	fontMetrics = graphics.getFontMetrics ( fontNormal );
	    nX = rectString.x + (rectString.width - fontMetrics.stringWidth(tabField.strTitle)) / 2;
	    nY = rectString.y + rectString.height - (rectString.height - fontMetrics.getHeight()) / 2 - fontMetrics.getMaxDescent ();
	    if ( i != nCurrentPage ) {
	    graphics.drawString ( tabField.strTitle, nX, nY );

            if ( tabField.image != null ) {
                nHeight = tabField.image.getHeight ( this );
                nX = tabField.rect.x + tabField.MARGIN_TAB_HORZ;
                nY = tabField.rect.y + (nTabHeightMax - nHeight) / 2;
                if ( i != nCurrentPage ) {
                graphics.drawImage ( tabField.image, nX, nY, this );


        if ( strPageToShowAfterPaint != null ) {
   ( panelPageContainer, strPageToShowAfterPaint );
            strPageToShowAfterPaint = null;
            this.setCursor ( cursorNormal );
private voidrecalculateTabs()

        int          i, j;
        int          nTabCount;
        int          nRowSize = 1;
        int          nRowIndex;
        Rectangle    rectClient;
        int          nOffsetX;
        int          nOffsetY;
        int          nRowWidth;
        TabField     tabField;

        rectClient = this.getBounds ();
        rectClient.x = 0;
        rectClient.y = 0;
        if ( rectClient.width < 1  ||  rectClient.height < 1 )

        nTabCount = vectorTabs.size ();
        if ( nAlignment == ALIGN_LEFT ) {
            nRowSize = rectClient.height / nTabHeightMax;
            nRowCount = (nTabCount + nRowSize - 1) / nRowSize;
            nOffsetX = nRowCount * nTabWidthMax;
            nOffsetY = 0;
            for ( i = 0;  i < nTabCount;  i++ ) {
                if ( (i % nRowSize) == 0 ) {
                    nOffsetX -= nTabWidthMax;
                    nOffsetY = 0;
                tabField = (TabField) vectorTabs.elementAt ( i );
                tabField.rect.x = nOffsetX;
                tabField.rect.y = nOffsetY;
                tabField.rect.width = nTabWidthMax * (i / nRowSize + 1);
                tabField.rect.height = nTabHeightMax;
                tabField.nRowIndex = i / nRowSize;
                if ( tabField.nRowIndex > 0 )
                    tabField.rect.width -= 2;

                nOffsetY += nTabHeightMax;
        else { // if ( nAlignment == ALIGN_TOP )
            nRowCount = 1;
            nRowWidth = 0;
            for ( i = 0;  i < nTabCount;  i++ ) {
                tabField = (TabField) vectorTabs.elementAt ( i );
                if ( nRowWidth + tabField.dim.width > rectClient.width ) {
                    nRowWidth = 0;
                nRowWidth += tabField.dim.width;
            nOffsetX = 0;
            nOffsetY = nRowCount * nTabHeightMax;
            nRowIndex = 0;
            j = 0;
            for ( i = 0;  i < nTabCount;  i++ ) {
                if ( i == j ) { // start of the row
                    nOffsetX = 0;
                    nOffsetY -= nTabHeightMax;
                    nRowWidth = 0;
                    for ( j = i;  j < nTabCount;  j++ ) {
                        tabField = (TabField) vectorTabs.elementAt ( j );
                        if ( j > i  &&  nRowWidth + tabField.dim.width > rectClient.width )

                        nRowWidth += tabField.dim.width;
                        tabField.nRowIndex = nRowIndex;
                    nRowSize = j - i;

                tabField = (TabField) vectorTabs.elementAt ( i );
                tabField.rect.x = nOffsetX;
                tabField.rect.y = nOffsetY;
                tabField.rect.width = tabField.dim.width;
                if ( nRowCount > 1  &&  nRowIndex < nRowCount ) {
                    tabField.rect.width += (rectClient.width - nRowWidth - 1) / nRowSize;
                    tabField.rect.width += (j - i > (rectClient.width - nRowWidth - 1) % nRowSize) ? 0 : 1;
                tabField.rect.height = nTabHeightMax * nRowIndex;
                if ( tabField.nRowIndex > 0 )
                    tabField.rect.height -= 2;
                nOffsetX += tabField.rect.width;
public intsetPageImage(java.awt.Panel panelPage, java.awt.Image imageTab)

        int          i;
        int          nCount;
        TabField     tabField;
        int          nIndex;
        Dimension    dim;

        nIndex = findPage ( panelPage );
        if ( nIndex < 0  ||  nIndex >= vectorTabs.size() )
            return ( nIndex );

        tabField = (TabField) vectorTabs.elementAt ( nIndex );
        if ( tabField.image == imageTab )
            return ( nIndex );
        tabField.image = imageTab;

        nTabHeightMax = 1;
        nTabWidthMax = 1;
        nCount = vectorTabs.size ();
        for ( i = 0;  i < nCount;  i++ ) {
            tabField = (TabField) vectorTabs.elementAt ( i );
            tabField.calculateTabDimension ( getFontMetrics(getFont()) );
            nTabHeightMax = Math.max ( tabField.dim.height, nTabHeightMax );
            nTabWidthMax = Math.max ( tabField.dim.width, nTabWidthMax );

        recalculateTabs ();
        repaint ();
        return ( nIndex );
public voidupdate(java.awt.Graphics g)

	Rectangle       rectClient;
        Image           image;
        Graphics        graphics;

	rectClient = this.getBounds ();
	// Safeguard to prevent an exception on 8-bit displays
	if (rectClient.width < 1 || rectClient.height < 1)
        image = createImage ( rectClient.width, rectClient.height );
        if ( image != null )
            graphics = image.getGraphics ();
            graphics = g;

        paint ( graphics );

        if ( image != null )
            g.drawImage ( image, 0, 0, this );