GOMDateConstruct is a base interface for several concrete DateConstruct
implementations like {@link org.apache.lucene.gdata.gom.GOMUpdated} or
{@link org.apache.lucene.gdata.gom.GOMPublished}
A Date construct is an element whose content MUST conform to the "date-time"
production in [RFC3339]. In addition, an uppercase "T" character MUST be used
to separate date and time, and an uppercase "Z" character MUST be present in
the absence of a numeric time zone offset.
atomDateConstruct = atomCommonAttributes, xsd:dateTime
Such date values happen to be compatible with the following specifications:
[ISO.8601.1988], [W3C.NOTE-datetime-19980827], and
Example Date constructs:
Date values SHOULD be as accurate as possible. For example, it would be
generally inappropriate for a publishing system to apply the same timestamp
to several entries that were published during the course of a single day.