CacheManager.javaAPI DocAndroid 1.5 API26745Wed May 06 22:41:56 BST 2009android.webkit


public final class CacheManager extends Object
The class CacheManager provides the persistent cache of content that is received over the network. The component handles parsing of HTTP headers and utilizes the relevant cache headers to determine if the content should be stored and if so, how long it is valid for. Network requests are provided to this component and if they can not be resolved by the cache, the HTTP headers are attached, as appropriate, to the request for revalidation of content. The class also manages the cache size.

Fields Summary
private static final String
static final String
static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static long
private static long
private static boolean
private static int
private static int
private static final int
private static WebViewDatabase
private static File
private static boolean
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
private static voidappendAsHex(int i, java.lang.StringBuffer ret)

        String hex = Integer.toHexString(i);
        switch (hex.length()) {
            case 1:
            case 2:
            case 3:
            case 4:
            case 5:
            case 6:
            case 7:
public static booleancacheDisabled()
get the state of the current cache, enabled or disabled

return if it is disabled

        return mDisabled;
static booleancacheEmpty()
Return true if the cache is empty.

        return mDataBase.hasCache();
private static booleancheckCacheRedirect(int statusCode)

        if (statusCode == 301 || statusCode == 302 || statusCode == 307) {
            // as 303 can't be cached, we do not return true
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;
private static booleancreateCacheDirectory()
Create the cache directory if it does not already exist.

true if the cache directory didn't exist and was created.

        if (!mBaseDir.exists()) {
            if(!mBaseDir.mkdirs()) {
                Log.w(LOGTAG, "Unable to create webviewCache directory");
                return false;
                    -1, -1);
            // If we did create the directory, we need to flush 
            // the cache database. The directory could be recreated
            // because the system flushed all the data/cache directories
            // to free up disk space.
            return true;
        return false;
public static android.webkit.CacheManager$CacheResultcreateCacheFile(java.lang.String url, int statusCode, headers, java.lang.String mimeType, boolean forceCache)
Given a url and its full headers, returns CacheResult if a local cache can be stored. Otherwise returns null. The mimetype is passed in so that the function can use the mimetype that will be passed to WebCore which could be different from the mimetype defined in the headers. forceCache is for out-of-package callers to force creation of a CacheResult, and is used to supply surrogate responses for URL interception.

CacheResult for a given url
- hide createCacheFile since it has a parameter of type headers, which is in a hidden package.

        if (!forceCache && mDisabled) {
            return null;

        // according to the rfc 2616, the 303 response MUST NOT be cached.
        if (statusCode == 303) {
            return null;

        // like the other browsers, do not cache redirects containing a cookie
        // header.
        if (checkCacheRedirect(statusCode) && !headers.getSetCookie().isEmpty()) {
            return null;

        CacheResult ret = parseHeaders(statusCode, headers, mimeType);
        if (ret != null) {
            setupFiles(url, ret);
            try {
                ret.outStream = new FileOutputStream(ret.outFile);
            } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
                // This can happen with the system did a purge and our
                // subdirectory has gone, so lets try to create it again
                if (createCacheDirectory()) {
                    try {
                        ret.outStream = new FileOutputStream(ret.outFile);
                    } catch  (FileNotFoundException e2) {
                        // We failed to create the file again, so there
                        // is something else wrong. Return null.
                        return null;
                } else {
                    // Failed to create cache directory
                    return null;
            ret.mimeType = mimeType;

        return ret;
static booleandisableTransaction()

        if (mRefCount == 0) {
            Log.e(LOGTAG, "disableTransaction is out of sync");
        if (--mRefCount == 0) {
            return true;
        return false;
static booleanenableTransaction()

        if (++mRefCount == 1) {
            return true;
        return false;
public static booleanendCacheTransaction()

        boolean ret = mDataBase.endCacheTransaction();
        if (++mTrimCacheCount >= TRIM_CACHE_INTERVAL) {
            mTrimCacheCount = 0;
        return ret;
public static android.webkit.CacheManager$CacheResultgetCacheFile(java.lang.String url, java.util.Map headers)
Given a url, returns the CacheResult if exists. Otherwise returns null. If headers are provided and a cache needs validation, HEADER_KEY_IFNONEMATCH or HEADER_KEY_IFMODIFIEDSINCE will be set in the cached headers.

the CacheResult for a given url

        if (mDisabled) {
            return null;

        CacheResult result = mDataBase.getCache(url);
        if (result != null) {
            if (result.contentLength == 0) {
                if (!checkCacheRedirect(result.httpStatusCode)) {
                    // this should not happen. If it does, remove it.
                    return null;
            } else {
                File src = new File(mBaseDir, result.localPath);
                try {
                    // open here so that even the file is deleted, the content
                    // is still readable by the caller until close() is called
                    result.inStream = new FileInputStream(src);
                } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
                    // the files in the cache directory can be removed by the
                    // system. If it is gone, clean up the database
                    return null;
        } else {
            return null;

        // null headers request coming from CACHE_MODE_CACHE_ONLY
        // which implies that it needs cache even it is expired.
        // negative expires means time in the far future.
        if (headers != null && result.expires >= 0
                && result.expires <= System.currentTimeMillis()) {
            if (result.lastModified == null && result.etag == null) {
                return null;
            // for requesting validation
            if (result.etag != null) {
                headers.put(HEADER_KEY_IFNONEMATCH, result.etag);
            if (result.lastModified != null) {
                headers.put(HEADER_KEY_IFMODIFIEDSINCE, result.lastModified);

        if (Config.LOGV) {
            Log.v(LOGTAG, "getCacheFile for url " + url);

        return result;
public static
get the base directory of the cache. With localPath of the CacheResult, it identifies the cache file.

File The base directory of the cache.

        return mBaseDir;
static voidinit(android.content.Context context)
initialize the CacheManager. WebView should handle this for each process.

context The application context.

        mDataBase = WebViewDatabase.getInstance(context);
        mBaseDir = new File(context.getCacheDir(), "webviewCache");
        if (createCacheDirectory() && mClearCacheOnInit) {
            mClearCacheOnInit = false;
private static android.webkit.CacheManager$CacheResultparseHeaders(int statusCode, headers, java.lang.String mimeType)

        // TODO: if authenticated or secure, return null
        CacheResult ret = new CacheResult();
        ret.httpStatusCode = statusCode;

        String location = headers.getLocation();
        if (location != null) ret.location = location;

        ret.expires = -1;
        String expires = headers.getExpires();
        if (expires != null) {
            try {
                ret.expires = HttpDateTime.parse(expires);
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
                // Take care of the special "-1" and "0" cases
                if ("-1".equals(expires) || "0".equals(expires)) {
                    // make it expired, but can be used for history navigation
                    ret.expires = 0;
                } else {
                    Log.e(LOGTAG, "illegal expires: " + expires);

        String lastModified = headers.getLastModified();
        if (lastModified != null) ret.lastModified = lastModified;

        String etag = headers.getEtag();
        if (etag != null) ret.etag = etag;

        String cacheControl = headers.getCacheControl();
        if (cacheControl != null) {
            String[] controls = cacheControl.toLowerCase().split("[ ,;]");
            for (int i = 0; i < controls.length; i++) {
                if (NO_STORE.equals(controls[i])) {
                    return null;
                // According to the spec, 'no-cache' means that the content
                // must be re-validated on every load. It does not mean that
                // the content can not be cached. set to expire 0 means it
                // can only be used in CACHE_MODE_CACHE_ONLY case
                if (NO_CACHE.equals(controls[i]) || PRIVATE.equals(controls[i])) {
                    ret.expires = 0;
                } else if (controls[i].startsWith(MAX_AGE)) {
                    int separator = controls[i].indexOf('=");
                    if (separator < 0) {
                        separator = controls[i].indexOf(':");
                    if (separator > 0) {
                        String s = controls[i].substring(separator + 1);
                        try {
                            long sec = Long.parseLong(s);
                            if (sec >= 0) {
                                ret.expires = System.currentTimeMillis() + 1000
                                        * sec;
                        } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
                            if ("1d".equals(s)) {
                                // Take care of the special "1d" case
                                ret.expires = System.currentTimeMillis() + 86400000; // 24*60*60*1000
                            } else {
                                Log.e(LOGTAG, "exception in parseHeaders for "
                                        + "max-age:"
                                        + controls[i].substring(separator + 1));
                                ret.expires = 0;

        // According to RFC 2616 section 14.32:
        // HTTP/1.1 caches SHOULD treat "Pragma: no-cache" as if the
        // client had sent "Cache-Control: no-cache"
        if (NO_CACHE.equals(headers.getPragma())) {
            ret.expires = 0;

        // According to RFC 2616 section 13.2.4, if an expiration has not been
        // explicitly defined a heuristic to set an expiration may be used.
        if (ret.expires == -1) {
            if (ret.httpStatusCode == 301) {
                // If it is a permanent redirect, and it did not have an
                // explicit cache directive, then it never expires
                ret.expires = Long.MAX_VALUE;
            } else if (ret.httpStatusCode == 302 || ret.httpStatusCode == 307) {
                // If it is temporary redirect, expires
                ret.expires = 0;
            } else if (ret.lastModified == null) {
                // When we have no last-modified, then expire the content with
                // in 24hrs as, according to the RFC, longer time requires a
                // warning 113 to be added to the response.

                // Only add the default expiration for non-html markup. Some
                // sites like have no cache directives.
                if (!mimeType.startsWith("text/html")) {
                    ret.expires = System.currentTimeMillis() + 86400000; // 24*60*60*1000
                } else {
                    // Setting a expires as zero will cache the result for
                    // forward/back nav.
                    ret.expires = 0;
            } else {
                // If we have a last-modified value, we could use it to set the
                // expiration. Suggestion from RFC is 10% of time since
                // last-modified. As we are on mobile, loads are expensive,
                // increasing this to 20%.

                // 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
                long lastmod = System.currentTimeMillis() + 86400000;
                try {
                    lastmod = HttpDateTime.parse(ret.lastModified);
                } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
                    Log.e(LOGTAG, "illegal lastModified: " + ret.lastModified);
                long difference = System.currentTimeMillis() - lastmod;
                if (difference > 0) {
                    ret.expires = System.currentTimeMillis() + difference / 5;
                } else {
                    // last modified is in the future, expire the content
                    // on the last modified
                    ret.expires = lastmod;

        return ret;
static booleanremoveAllCacheFiles()
remove all cache files

true if it succeeds

        // Note, this is called before init() when the database is
        // created or upgraded.
        if (mBaseDir == null) {
            // Init() has not been called yet, so just flag that
            // we need to clear the cache when init() is called.
            mClearCacheOnInit = true;
            return true;
        // delete cache in a separate thread to not block UI.
        final Runnable clearCache = new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                // delete all cache files
                try {
                    String[] files = mBaseDir.list();
                    // if mBaseDir doesn't exist, files can be null.
                    if (files != null) {
                        for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
                            new File(mBaseDir, files[i]).delete();
                } catch (SecurityException e) {
                    // Ignore SecurityExceptions.
                // delete database
        new Thread(clearCache).start();
        return true;
public static voidsaveCacheFile(java.lang.String url, android.webkit.CacheManager$CacheResult cacheRet)
Save the info of a cache file for a given url to the CacheMap so that it can be reused later

        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {

        if (!cacheRet.outFile.exists()) {
            // the file in the cache directory can be removed by the system

        cacheRet.contentLength = cacheRet.outFile.length();
        if (checkCacheRedirect(cacheRet.httpStatusCode)) {
            // location is in database, no need to keep the file
            cacheRet.contentLength = 0;
            cacheRet.localPath = new String();
        } else if (cacheRet.contentLength == 0) {

        mDataBase.addCache(url, cacheRet);

        if (Config.LOGV) {
            Log.v(LOGTAG, "saveCacheFile for url " + url);
static voidsetCacheDisabled(boolean disabled)
set the flag to control whether cache is enabled or disabled

disabled true to disable the cache

        if (disabled == mDisabled) {
        mDisabled = disabled;
        if (mDisabled) {
private static voidsetupFiles(java.lang.String url, android.webkit.CacheManager$CacheResult cacheRet)

        if (true) {
            // Note: SHA1 is much stronger hash. But the cost of setupFiles() is
            // 3.2% cpu time for a fresh load of While a simple
            // String.hashCode() is only 0.6%. If adding the collision resolving
            // to String.hashCode(), it makes the cpu time to be 1.6% for a 
            // fresh load, but 5.3% for the worst case where all the files 
            // already exist in the file system, but database is gone. So it
            // needs to resolve collision for every file at least once.
            int hashCode = url.hashCode();
            StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer(8);
            appendAsHex(hashCode, ret);
            String path = ret.toString();
            File file = new File(mBaseDir, path);
            if (true) {
                boolean checkOldPath = true;
                // Check hash collision. If the hash file doesn't exist, just
                // continue. There is a chance that the old cache file is not
                // same as the hash file. As mDataBase.getCache() is more 
                // expansive than "leak" a file until clear cache, don't bother.
                // If the hash file exists, make sure that it is same as the 
                // cache file. If it is not, resolve the collision.
                while (file.exists()) {
                    if (checkOldPath) {
                        // as this is called from http thread through 
                        // createCacheFile, we need endCacheTransaction before 
                        // database access.
                        CacheResult oldResult = mDataBase.getCache(url);
                        if (oldResult != null && oldResult.contentLength > 0) {
                            if (path.equals(oldResult.localPath)) {
                                path = oldResult.localPath;
                            } else {
                                path = oldResult.localPath;
                                file = new File(mBaseDir, path);
                        checkOldPath = false;
                    ret = new StringBuffer(8);
                    appendAsHex(++hashCode, ret);
                    path = ret.toString();
                    file = new File(mBaseDir, path);
            cacheRet.localPath = path;
            cacheRet.outFile = file;
        } else {
            // get hash in byte[]
            Digest digest = new SHA1Digest();
            int digestLen = digest.getDigestSize();
            byte[] hash = new byte[digestLen];
            int urlLen = url.length();
            byte[] data = new byte[urlLen];
            url.getBytes(0, urlLen, data, 0);
            digest.update(data, 0, urlLen);
            digest.doFinal(hash, 0);
            // convert byte[] to hex String
            StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(2 * digestLen);
            for (int i = 0; i < digestLen; i = i + 4) {
                int h = (0x00ff & hash[i]) << 24 | (0x00ff & hash[i + 1]) << 16
                        | (0x00ff & hash[i + 2]) << 8 | (0x00ff & hash[i + 3]);
                appendAsHex(h, result);
            cacheRet.localPath = result.toString();
            cacheRet.outFile = new File(mBaseDir, cacheRet.localPath);
public static booleanstartCacheTransaction()

        return mDataBase.startCacheTransaction();
static voidtrimCacheIfNeeded()

        if (mDataBase.getCacheTotalSize() > CACHE_THRESHOLD) {
            ArrayList<String> pathList = mDataBase.trimCache(CACHE_TRIM_AMOUNT);
            int size = pathList.size();
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                new File(mBaseDir, pathList.get(i)).delete();