SimpleTextConnection.javaAPI DocExample26569Sat Feb 03 11:43:40 GMT 2001jdbc.SimpleText


public class SimpleTextConnection extends SimpleTextObject implements SimpleTextIConnection

Fields Summary
protected SimpleTextIDriver
protected boolean
protected boolean
protected boolean
protected String
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public voidclearWarnings()

        // No-op
public voidclose()

        connectionClosed = true;
public voidcommit()

        // No-op for the SimpleText driver
public java.sql.StatementcreateStatement()

        if (traceOn()) {
            trace("Creating new SimpleTextStatement");

        // Create a new Statement object

        SimpleTextStatement stmt = new SimpleTextStatement();

        // Initialize the statement

        stmt.initialize (this);

        return stmt;
public booleangetAutoCommit()

        // The SimpleText driver is always in auto-commit mode (it does
        // not support transactions)

        return true;
public java.lang.StringgetCatalog()

        return catalog;
public java.util.HashtablegetColumns(java.lang.String dir, java.lang.String table)

        Hashtable list = new Hashtable();

        // Create the full path to the table

        String fullPath = dir + "/" + table + SimpleTextDefine.DATA_FILE_EXT;

        File f = new File (fullPath);

        // If the file does not exist, return null

        if (!f.exists()) {
            if (traceOn()) {
                trace("File does not exist: " + fullPath);
            return null;

        String line = "";

        // Create a random access object and read the first line
        // Create the table

        try {
            RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(f, "r");

            // Read the first line, which is the column definitions

            line = raf.readLine();

        catch (IOException ex) {
            if (traceOn()) {
                trace("Unable to read file: " + fullPath);
            return null;

        // Now, parse the line.  First, check for the branding

        if (!line.startsWith(SimpleTextDefine.DATA_FILE_EXT)) {
            if (traceOn()) {
                trace("Invalid file format: " + fullPath);
            return null;

        line = line.substring(SimpleTextDefine.DATA_FILE_EXT.length());

        // Now we can use the StringTokenizer, since we know that the
        // column names can't contain data within quotes (this is why
        // we can't use the StringTokenizer with SQL statements)

        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line, ",");

        String columnName;
        int columnType;
        int precision;
        SimpleTextColumn column;
        int count = 0;
        boolean searchable;
        int displaySize;
        String typeName;

        // Loop while more tokens exist

        while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
            columnName = (st.nextToken()).trim();

            if (columnName.length() == 0) {

            if (columnName.startsWith(SimpleTextDefine.COL_TYPE_NUMBER)) {
                columnType = Types.INTEGER;
                precision = SimpleTextDefine.MAX_INTEGER_LEN;
                columnName = columnName.substring(
                displaySize = precision;
                typeName = "VARCHAR";
                searchable = true;
            else if (columnName.startsWith(SimpleTextDefine.COL_TYPE_BINARY)) {
                columnType = Types.VARBINARY;
                precision = SimpleTextDefine.MAX_VARBINARY_LEN;
                columnName = columnName.substring(
                displaySize = precision * 2;
                typeName = "BINARY";
                searchable = false;
            } else {
                columnType = Types.VARCHAR;
                precision = SimpleTextDefine.MAX_VARCHAR_LEN;
                searchable = true;
                displaySize = precision;
                typeName = "NUMBER";

            // Create a new column object and add to the Hashtable

            column = new SimpleTextColumn(columnName, columnType, precision);
            column.searchable = searchable;
            column.displaySize = displaySize;
            column.typeName = typeName;

            // The column number will be 1-based


            // Save the absolute column number

            column.colNo = count;

            list.put(new Integer(count), column);

        return list;
public java.lang.StringgetDirectory(java.lang.String directory)

        String dir;

        if (directory == null) {
            dir = catalog;
        else if (directory.length() == 0) {
            dir = catalog;
        else {
            dir = directory;
            if (dir.endsWith("/") ||
                dir.endsWith("\\")) {
                dir = dir.substring(0, dir.length());

        return dir;
public java.sql.DatabaseMetaDatagetMetaData()

        SimpleTextDatabaseMetaData dbmd = new SimpleTextDatabaseMetaData ();


        return dbmd;
public java.util.HashtablegetTables(java.lang.String dir, java.lang.String table)

        Hashtable list = new Hashtable();

        // Create a FilenameFilter object.  This object will only allow
        // files with the .SDF extension to be seen

        FilenameFilter filter = new SimpleTextEndsWith(

        File file = new File(dir);

        if (file.isDirectory()) {

            // List all of the files in the directory with the .SDF extension

            String entries[] = file.list(filter);
            SimpleTextTable tableEntry;

            // Create a SimpleTextTable entry for each, and put in
            // the Hashtable

            for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {

                // A complete driver needs to further filter the table
                // name here

                tableEntry = new SimpleTextTable(dir, entries[i]);
                list.put(new Integer(i), tableEntry);

        return list;
public intgetTransactionIsolation()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support transactions

        return TRANSACTION_NONE;
public java.sql.SQLWarninggetWarnings()

        // No warnings exist for the SimpleText driver.  Always return
        // null

        return null;
public voidinitialize(SimpleTextIDriver driver, java.util.Properties info)

        // Save the owning driver object

        ownerDriver = driver;

        // Get the security manager and see if we can write to a file.
        // If no security manager is present, assume that we are a trusted
        // application and have read/write privileges.

        canWrite = false;

        SecurityManager securityManager = System.getSecurityManager ();

        if (securityManager != null) {
            try {
                // Use some arbitrary file to check for file write privileges

                securityManager.checkWrite ("SimpleText_Foo");

                // Flag is set if no exception is thrown

                canWrite = true;

            // If we can't write, an exception is thrown.  We'll catch
            // it and do nothing

            catch (SecurityException ex) {
        else {
            canWrite = true;

        // Set our initial read-only flag


        // Get the directory.  It will either be supplied with the URL, in
        //  the property list, or we'll use our current default

        String s = ownerDriver.getSubname();
        int slen = 0;

        if (s != null) {
            slen = s.length();

        if (slen == 0) {
            s = info.getProperty("Directory");

        if (s == null) {
            s = System.getProperty("user.dir");

public booleanisClosed()

        return connectionClosed;
public booleanisReadOnly()

        return readOnly;
public java.lang.StringnativeSQL(java.lang.String sql)

        // For the SimpleText driver, simply return the original
        // sql statement.  Other drivers will need to expand escape
        // sequences here.

        return sql;
public java.lang.String[]parseSQL(java.lang.String sql)

        String keywords[] = null;

        // Create a new Hashtable to keep our words in.  This way, we can
        // build the Hashtable as we go, then create a String array
        // once we know how may words are present

        java.util.Hashtable table = new java.util.Hashtable();
        int count = 0;

        // Current offset in the sql string

        int offset = 0;

        // Get the first word from the sql statement

        String word = parseWord(sql.substring(offset));

        // Loop while more words exist in the sql string

        while (word.length() > 0) {

            // Increment the offset pointer

            offset += word.length();

            // Trim all leading and trailing spaces

            word = word.trim();

            if (word.length() > 0) {

                // Put the word in our hashtable

                table.put(new Integer(count), word);

            // Get the next word

            word = parseWord(sql.substring(offset));

        // Create our new String array with the proper number of elements

        keywords = new String[count];

        // Copy the words from the Hashtable to the String array

        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            keywords[i] = (String) table.get(new Integer(i));
        return keywords;
public java.sql.CallableStatementprepareCall(java.lang.String sql)

        if (traceOn()) {
            trace("@prepareCall (sql=" + sql + ")");

        // The SimpleText driver does not support callable statements

        throw new SQLException("Driver does not support this function");
public java.sql.PreparedStatementprepareStatement(java.lang.String sql)

        if (traceOn()) {
            trace("@prepareStatement (sql=" + sql + ")");

        // Create a new PreparedStatement object

        SimpleTextPreparedStatement ps = new SimpleTextPreparedStatement();

        // Initialize the PreparedStatement

        ps.initialize(this, sql);

        return ps;
public voidrollback()

        // No-op for the SimpleText driver
public voidsetAutoCommit(boolean autoCommit)

        if (traceOn()) {
            trace("@setAutoCommit (autoCommit=" + autoCommit + ")");

        // The SimpleText driver is always in auto-commit mode (it does
        // not support transactions).  Throw an exception if an attempt
        // is made to change the mode

        if (autoCommit == false) {
            throw DriverNotCapable();
public voidsetCatalog(java.lang.String catalog)

        if (traceOn()) {
            trace("@setCatalog(" + catalog + ")");

        // If the last character is a separator, remove it

        if (catalog.endsWith("/") ||
            catalog.endsWith("\\")) {
            catalog = catalog.substring(0, catalog.length());

        // Make sure this is a directory

        File dir = new File(catalog);

        if (!dir.isDirectory()) {
            throw new SQLException("Invalid directory: " + catalog);

        this.catalog = catalog;
public voidsetReadOnly(boolean readOnly)

        // If we are trying to set the connection not read only (allowing
        // writes), and this connection does not allow writes, throw
        // an exception

        if ((readOnly == false) &&
            (canWrite == false)) {
            throw DriverNotCapable();

        // Set the readOnly attribute for the SimpleText driver.  If set,
        // the driver will not allow updates or deletes to any text file

        this.readOnly = readOnly;
public voidsetTransactionIsolation(int level)

        if (traceOn()) {
            trace("@setTransactionIsolation (level=" + level + ")");

        // Throw an exception if the transaction isolation is being
        // changed to something different

        if (level != TRANSACTION_NONE) {
            throw DriverNotCapable();